
2022-05-13 17:17:08  每日学英语

Million Dollar Bag of Cash Goes Missing at Airport



Airline staff at Hong Kong airport lost a bag of cash with an approximate value of one million dollars.香港机场的航空公司工作人员丢失了一袋价值约一百万美元的现金。

Thirteen bags of cash containing approximately $13.5 million dollars were being transported from Auckland to a bank in China on a Cathay Pacific flight. The one that went missing is reportedly worth $897,000.乘坐国泰航空的航班将 13 袋现金从奥克兰运往中国的一家银行,其中包含约 1,350 万美元的现金。据报道,丢失的那袋现金价值897,000美元。




Surveillance showed that three of the bags mistakenly fell off the baggage trailer as it turned a corner after not being securely fastened. The airline was able to find two of the three bags on the tarmac, but the third containing nearly $1 million has yet to be located.监控显示,其中三件行李在未系牢后拐弯时误从行李拖车上掉了下来。该航空公司能够在停机坪上找到三个行李中的两个,但尚未找到装有近 100 万美元的第三个行李。

Police have scoured the area and the missing bag is now reported to be a theft. The airline will go through the procedures laid out in its terms and conditions, but it is too early to say whether or not they will accept liability for the incident.警方已对该地区进行了搜查,据报道丢失的袋子是盗窃案。该航空公司将按照其条款和条件中规定的程序进行处理,但现在说他们是否会对该事件承担责任还为时过早。
