每日学英语:A run for the money 尽力而为

1970-01-01 08:00:00  每日学英语
a run for the money这个习惯用语广泛应用在竞选,体育比赛和商贸事务上,用来说在竞争中自己尽力而为,使得对方也拼命以取得尽可能好的,令人满意的结果。

That other team is tough - after all they were the champions last year. But our guys are ready, and I tell you,win or lose we’ll give those guys a real run for their money.
对方是个强队 - 他们毕竟是去年的冠军队。但是我们的队员们作好了准备。告诉你们吧,不论胜败,我们都会全力以赴,非让对方尽力而为才行。

I'm determined to give him a run for his money next time. He's going to be surprised by how competitive I am.
