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2016-03-25剪刀石头布 怎么才能赢?

Many people formulate a strategy for the gamerock, paper, scissors, which they believe is sure tobeat the competi... [查看全文]


Drinking Wine Before Bed Could Help You LoseWeight睡前喝葡萄酒可以减肥Looking to shed a few pounds? According to sc... [查看全文]


Not long ago, YouTube star Michelle Phan wowed thebeauty products market when she succeeded insetting up a person... [查看全文]

2016-03-24关于失败的10条名言 激励你走向成功

Fear of failure is one of the main factors stoppingpeople getting what they want. We can be so scaredof failure... [查看全文]


作为口碑与票房齐飞的迪士尼动画大作,《疯狂动物城》(Zootopia)吸引了足够的关注,无论是撩妹狂魔狐狸尼克还是傻白甜兔子朱迪,圈粉丝的功... [查看全文]


别人讲了笑话,你却get不到笑点,这种情况真是囧到家了有木有? 个别幽默只有少数人懂,还有些joke不可当玩笑领会。这些让你笑不出的joke,... [查看全文]


Success is not just wealth, but health, peace and happiness.成功不只是财富,而是健康,祥和,幸福。1. Change your sched... [查看全文]


If you find yourself piling on the pounds, try buying a new set of crockery.如果你发现自己长肉了,不妨买套新餐具。Fo... [查看全文]


1. Do not stare at screens or monitors不要盯着手机电脑屏。A lot of people like to watch their favorite TV show a... [查看全文]

2016-03-22 你越来越不可爱了,可是你却还没意识到

  Everyone strives to be a great person, kind, caring, and compassionate. But for some people, thats not always... [查看全文]