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2015-01-12年轻人沦为“迷惘的一代” 东西坏了不会修

Young people in Britain have become a lost generation who can no longer mend gadgets and appliances because they... [查看全文]


The disappearance of an Indonesia AirAsia jetliner with 162 people on board caps a torrid year for the aviation... [查看全文]


世界如此寂静而漠然,我们却要获取深爱。爱真的是件很奇妙的事物,它能让所有颓败都焕发光芒,能让不相信奇迹的人抱有奢望;无论是身处哪个... [查看全文]


HBO’s hit drama Game Of Thrones continues to be the most popular among illegal downloaders, with the series... [查看全文]

2015-01-11苹果商店两周内可退货 仅限欧盟

Next time you buy an app that you realize you don’t like, or you're not a fan of a book you've ... [查看全文]

2015-01-11西班牙面包店推出“金粉面包” 售价高达150美元

Whole wheat flour, spelt and water are the usual ingredients used to make bread, but add a touch of edible gol... [查看全文]


Teenagers have fewer friends than 20 years ago, research has shown - despite the increasing popularity of social... [查看全文]


The act of wearing a hoodie in public could soon be illegal in Oklahoma under a bill proposed by Don Barringto... [查看全文]


Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg vows he will read a book every two weeks, and he's invited people ... [查看全文]


Most types of cancer can be put down to bad luck rather than risk factors such as smoking, a study has sugges... [查看全文]