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Fans who really wanted "How I Met Your Mother" to end a different way will get their wish on the show's s... [查看全文]

2014-04-10英跳水王子汤姆•戴利出柜人气高 恋人之间关系好

Contrary to his coming out video last year where he said he still fancied girls, Tom Daley has admitted that h... [查看全文]

2014-04-10只因有卷福照片 免费杂志竞拍价30元英镑

He is known for having a horde of die-hard fans.本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇有一群死忠粉人尽皆知。But followers of TV actor ... [查看全文]


Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting isn't exactly a shy person. The "Big Bang Theory" star has made that clear again in an... [查看全文]


  Taylor Swift must be in high demand in China, as the country pop star’s latest concert has broken the... [查看全文]


Bad news, "Glee" fans ... you'll be getting a little less music and drama this season.给喜欢《欢乐合唱团》的粉... [查看全文]

2014-04-08英国小王子“尿布外交” 出访首秀表情呆萌

At just eight months old Prince George is already stealing the limelight away from his parents as he gets his ... [查看全文]


  最近,文章和马伊琍的婚姻危机被炒得沸沸扬扬,纵观近几年的世界娱乐圈,那些曾被传为佳话的姐弟恋婚姻都一段一段地走到了尽头,为什么... [查看全文]


  四月,一个春意盎然的季节,让我们和英剧一起约会!CCTV《风云剧场》海外剧风版块4月份特推出8部英剧,每晚22:00,三集连播。经典英剧的... [查看全文]


One is used to wearing rather drab and dirty attire, playing Ayra Stark, while the other wears fussy gowns as ... [查看全文]