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Johnny Depp on China: 'I Could Live Here Easily'约翰尼·德普:可能会来中国生活In his first trip to China, ac... [查看全文]


Maisie Williams has already made it clear that she thinks Arya Stark is going down a very, very dark -- potent... [查看全文]

2014-04-01《绯闻女孩》Queen S爱情事业双丰收

He has been visiting his wife on the set of her new movie, conveniently filmed in his hometown of Vancouver, C... [查看全文]


  2009年5月,杰克逊宣布将在伦敦举行系列音乐会;6月25日,他因为急性丙泊酚和苯二氮平类药物中毒导致心脏骤停逝世。洛杉矶法医裁定这是... [查看全文]


ABC is done playing Mind Games.这个《心理游戏》ABC电视台决定不玩了。Following five disappointing episodes, the network ... [查看全文]

2014-04-01贝嫂携儿女现身洛杉矶 小七长发亮相

They are the children of superstars David and Victoria Beckham.他们是超级巨星大卫和维多利亚·贝克汉姆的孩子。But Brookly... [查看全文]

2014-03-29碧昂斯一家吃大餐 潮孩抢镜左顾右盼

  At two years of age, Blue Ivy Carter is one of the most well-travelled children in the world.  虽然只有2岁... [查看全文]


  Her new blockbuster movie has already generated criticism, some two weeks before its official release – ... [查看全文]


  26 MARCH 2014 British actor Benedict Cumberbatch joined sporting legends such as Sebastian Vettel and Rafael N... [查看全文]


  Anne Hathaway stunned passerby in an elegant orange-and-purple dress with an exotic twist while at the Rio 2... [查看全文]