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Pete Seeger, a Folk Revivalist Who Used His Voice to Bring Out a Nation’s皮特·西格,抗议的歌声从未停Pete Seeg... [查看全文]

2014-02-08LADY GAGA新专《ARTPOP》将中国发行

Lady Gaga has celebrated the upcoming release of her latest album in China.Lady Gaga庆祝新专辑得以在中国发行。The si... [查看全文]

2014-02-08伍迪•艾伦否认性侵 律师称其很受伤

Woody Allen's attorney insisted that Mia Farrow is to blame for Dylan Farrow's renewed accusations of the... [查看全文]


The White House says it will be responding to a petition calling for the deportation of troubled Canadian-born p... [查看全文]


The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the wor... [查看全文]


Many Downton Abbey fans still angry about Dan Stevens' gruesome exit from the PBS miniseries have accused him... [查看全文]


The 25-year-old Australian actress’ The CW show The Originals returns from its winter hiatus TONIGHT! In our... [查看全文]

2014-01-14henry ford

  henry ford  亨利·福特(HenryFord,1863年7月30日—1947年4月8日),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。他也是世界上... [查看全文]

2014-01-142014奥斯卡发布官方海报 艾伦任主持人

Everybody loves Ellen -- especially the Oscars!人人都爱艾伦—尤其是奥斯卡!The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scie... [查看全文]


   英文原声电影  《北京遇上西雅图》英文插曲汇总:遇上对的人  《悲惨世界》电影原声:柯赛特 Castle On A Cloud  《悲惨世... [查看全文]