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威廉王子皇室婚礼流程安排: 8.15am - 9.45am: The general congregation will arrive at the Great North Door of Westminster Abbey. 教堂会众抵达威斯敏斯特教堂北门。 From 9.50am: Governors-general and prime ministers of realm countries, the diplomatic corps and other distinguished guests a [查看全文]


Guess who're coming to royal wedding of Prince William Kate in UK? 猜猜谁会参加威廉王子和凯特的皇室婚礼? 导读:威廉王子和凯特的婚礼将于2011年4月29日举行,如此备受瞩目的婚礼都会有哪些人来参加呢?下面就让我们来猜猜婚礼嘉宾名单吧! Britain's Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip smile as they arrive for the Grand Launch the Royal Insti [查看全文]


The wedding will be broadcast live on YouTube as part of an operation to make it the most accessible royal event in history. Live updates and unique material will also be released on the official royal wedding website, through the British Monarchys pictur [查看全文]

2011-04-22凯特大婚前释放 享受"单身购物时光"

With the sun on her back and the wind in her hair, Kate Middleton had a spring in her step on the King's Road in London today. And why shouldn't she? The happiest day of her life is just nine days away, when she will finally marry the man o [查看全文]

2011-04-20王室成员美女榜 凯特挤走戴安娜排第三

Kate Middleton's marriage to Prince William will see her become the third most beautiful royal in history, pushing Diana, the late Princess of Wales, into fourth place, according to a poll。 Miss Middleton, who will become part of the Roya [查看全文]


Actor Neil Patrick Harris spent some down time at home with his family this weekend, Tweeting this pic of his partner David Burtka and their beautiful babies Harper and Gideon, 6 months. 上周,Neil Patrick Harris在家中度过了一个愉 [查看全文]


导读: 英伦美女凯拉奈特莉去年年底和谈了近五年的男友Rupert Friend分手。最近她被爆出和Klaxons的键盘手James Righton相恋。 Keira Knightley has moved on after her breakup from beau Rupert Friend - and no [查看全文]


莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥 (Leonardo DiCaprio) 在位于巴黎第8区的圣-奥古斯丁教堂附近为中国手机品牌OPPO拍摄了一则电视广告。为了广告拍摄需要,剧组还请来消防车在圣-奥古斯丁教堂附近 [查看全文]

2011-04-06施瓦辛格回归娱乐圈 化身超级英雄"州长侠"

施瓦辛格回归娱乐圈 化身超级英雄州长侠 He's back! Arnie returns as cartoon Governator Three months after standing down as California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger is to return as a cartoon superhero version of himself, Th [查看全文]

2011-03-28希尔顿与男友球场激吻 裙底春光频露

The couple that plays together stays together and this appears to be true for Paris Hilton and her boyfriend Cy Waits. The loved up couple enjoyed and afternoon tennis game yesterday at courts near their Beverly Hills home. The 30-year-old [查看全文]