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2018-07-07双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第26章 : 泰迪在这,我也在这。

Chapter 26Baymax and Hiro dodged debris as they flew through the swirling portal at high speed.... [查看全文]

2018-07-06双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第25章 : 她还活着?

Chapter 25Hiro flailed his arms and grabbed onto the end of a metal pipe. Holding the pipe, Hi... [查看全文]

2018-07-06双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第24章 : 我想要我女儿回来!

Chapter 24When they arrived, Alistair Krei was addressing his employees at a company-wide meeting... [查看全文]

2018-07-05双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第23章 : 我被研制出来是为了救死扶伤

Chapter 23Back at his garage, Hiro burst in with Baymax behind him. He sat down at his compute... [查看全文]

2018-07-05双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第22章 : 我违反了护理协议

Chapter 22Professor Callaghan! Hiro said, confused. The team was starting to recover and was now... [查看全文]

2018-07-04双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第21章 : 一切都结束了,格利!

Chapter 21Hiro and the team watched the video as the flight pod’s engines fired up. The p... [查看全文]

2018-07-04双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第20章 : 这就是我们的新项目:‘无声雀’

Chapter 20Sticking close together, the team crept down the stairwell.Fred chose that time to begi... [查看全文]

2018-07-03双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第19章 : 超能陆战队第一次着陆

Chapter 19In order to optimize Baymax’s scan range, he and Hiro flew up to the top of a... [查看全文]

2018-07-03双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第18章 : 请允许我向大家介绍……大白2.0

Chapter 18Hiro and the group gathered up the projects they had made at SFIT and brought them t... [查看全文]

2018-07-02双语读电影 《超能陆战队》第17章 : 我只需要升级大白的探测装置

Chapter 17Inside the car, the friends struggled to escape. They were losing air quickly. But jus... [查看全文]