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2018-09-21四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-20.药膳

20. 药膳Medicated diet enjoys a long history in China and has large variety. Each of them has special function,... [查看全文]

2018-09-21四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-19.姓名文化

19. 姓名文化In China the family name is usually in front of the given name. It isn't unusual for a man to int... [查看全文]

2018-09-20四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-18.孝道

18. 孝道According to Chinese tradition, filial piety is the most important virtue to be cherished throughout one's... [查看全文]

2018-09-20四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-17.饺子

17. 饺子As a traditional food, dumpling is one of the most important foods during the Spring Festival and necess... [查看全文]

2018-09-19四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-16.北京烤鸭

16. 北京烤鸭There is a Chinese saying that no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall o... [查看全文]

2018-09-19四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-15.七夕节

15. 七夕节The Double Seventh Festival has been called Chinese Valentine's Day since the late 1990s. The festival ... [查看全文]

2018-09-18四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-14.腊八节

14. 腊八节Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month, marking the beginning of celebr... [查看全文]

2018-09-18四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-13.乒乓球

13. 乒乓球Table tennis is a sport which gains much popularity and praise in China. For a long time, it has rea... [查看全文]

2018-09-17四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-12.筷子

12. 筷子Chopsticks originated in ancient China and have been an important part of Chinese food culture. Our ances... [查看全文]

2018-09-17四级翻译特训 | 文化篇-11.饮酒文化

11. 饮酒文化Drinking white spirit has been taking an important role in Chinese people's life from emperors to ord... [查看全文]