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2020-05-13商务写作实用短句14. 做比较Comparison

14. 做比较Comparison同样Edward speaks Japanese just as well as Freda./爱德华的日语说得和弗雷达一样好。I earn the same ... [查看全文]

2020-05-12商务写作实用短句13. 强调重要性Importance

13. 强调重要性ImportanceBe sure to put down the address of the receiver clearly./注意要把收件人的地址写清楚。It's beca... [查看全文]

2020-05-12商务写作实用短句12. 表达可能性Possibility

12. 表达可能性PossibilityHe can be wrong to say so./他这么说可能错了。It could be weeks before we get a reply./我们... [查看全文]

2020-05-12商务写作实用短句11. 表达必要性Obligation

11. 表达必要性ObligationConstruction should be finished by the end of April./工程应该在4月底完成。We definitely need t... [查看全文]

2020-05-11商务写作实用短句10. 表示惊讶Surprise

10. 表示惊讶SurpriseHis sudden resignation came as a complete shock to us./他突然辞职对我们来说如同晴天霹雳。I was ast... [查看全文]

2020-05-11商务写作实用短句9. 表达喜欢和兴趣Preference and Interest

9. 表达喜欢和兴趣Preference and InterestI dislike my new job and plan to find another one as soon as possible./我... [查看全文]

2020-05-11商务写作实用短句8. 提出请求Request

8. 提出请求Request Please return the entire order to us./请将整单订货退给我们。Can you deliver them tomorrow?/你们可... [查看全文]

2020-05-10商务写作实用短句7. 征求许可Permission

7. 征求许可PermissionCan I change it to an earlier flight?/我可不可以改订早一点的航班?Can I use this card to get ... [查看全文]

2020-05-10商务写作实用短句6. 建议和劝告Suggestion and Advice

6. 建议和劝告Suggestion and Advice征求意见和建议Can I ask your advice about something?/您能帮我出出主意吗?Can we prov... [查看全文]

2020-05-10商务写作实用短句5. 赞同和不赞同Agreement and Disagreement

5. 赞同和不赞同Agreement and Disagreement 强烈赞同Absolutely!/赞成!I agree with you 100 percent./我百分之百赞同。I cou... [查看全文]