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2014-11-26CNN News:美国白人警察枪杀黑人免起诉

The verdict from a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri: 28-year old police officer Darren Wilson will not be charge... [查看全文]

2014-11-25CNN News:日本发生6.2级地震 纽约布法罗大雪之后恐遭水灾威胁

Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. This is the first of two shows we are producing this week bef... [查看全文]

2014-11-24CNN News:奥巴马全力出击修改移民政策

Fridays are awesome! I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS. Ten minutes of current events, zero... [查看全文]

2014-11-21CNN News:美国大部分地区受“大湖效应”影响降大雪 参议院未通过Keystone XL管道提议

I`m Carl Azuz. And welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. First up this Thursday, November 20th.我是Car... [查看全文]

2014-11-20CNN News:两名巴勒斯坦人袭击耶路撒冷四名犹太信徒死亡

A terrorist attack in the city of Jerusalem. That`s where we start this midweek addition of... [查看全文]

2014-11-19CNN News:伊斯兰恐怖分子又杀害一美国人质 国家调查人员试图找出MH17坠毁幕后真凶

Hi. I`m Carl Azuz. This Tuesday on commercial free CNN STUDENT NEWS we are starting in the... [查看全文]

2014-11-18CNN News:G20峰会成功落下帷幕 墨西哥人民继续就格雷罗失踪43名学生与政府对抗

Hope you had a great weekend. And thank you for starting a new week with CNN STUDENT NEWS.... [查看全文]

2014-11-17CNN News:受寒流影响美国多地创最低温度记录 夏威夷火山岩浆停止流动

Whether you are watching this first thing in the morning or it`s ten minutes before the bel... [查看全文]

2014-11-14CNN News:中美双方就减少温室气体排放达成协议

Time for the "Shoutout."又到了大声喊话环节了。Skillful negotiation with other people is best desc... [查看全文]

2014-11-13CNN News:人类探测器历时十年登陆彗星

At 48 miles long and 37 miles wide, Rhode Island is the smallest U.S. state. But it has t... [查看全文]