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《最后的决战》 第四章 夜里发生了什么






THE King was so dizzy from being knocked down that he hardly knew what was happening until the Calormenes untied his wrists and put his arms straight down by his sides and set him with his back against an ash tree. Then they bound ropes round his ankles and his knees and his waist and his chest and left him there. What worried him worst at the moment-for it is often little things that are hardest to stand-was that his lip was bleeding where they had hit him and he couldn’t wipe the little trickle of blood away although it tickled him.
From where he was he could still see the little stable on the top of the hill and the Ape sitting in front of it. He could just hear the Ape’s voice still going on and,every now and then,some answer from the crowd,but he could not make out the words.
“I wonder what they’ve done to Jewel,”thought the King.
Presently the crowd of beasts broke up and began going away in different directions. Some passed close to Tirian. They looked at him as if they were both frightened and sorry to see him tied up but none of them spoke. Soon they had all gone and there was silence in the wood. Then hours and hours went past and Tirian became first very thirsty and then very hungry; and as the afternoon dragged on and turned into evening,he became cold too. His back was very sore. The sun went down and it began to be twilight.
When it was almost dark Tirian heard a light pitter-patter of feet and saw some small creatures coming towards him. The three on the left were Mice,and there was a Rabbit in the middle: on the right were two Moles. Both these were carrying little bags on their backs which gave them a curious look in the dark so that at first he wondered what kind of beasts they were. Then,in a moment,they were all standing up on their hind legs,laying their cool paws on his knees and giving his knees snuffly animal kisses. (They could reach his knees because Narnian Talking Beasts of that sort are bigger than the dumb beasts of the same kind in England.)
“Lord King! dear Lord King,”said their shrill voices,“we are so sorry for you. We daren’t untie you because Aslan might be angry with us. But we’ve brought you your supper.”
At once the first Mouse climbed nimbly up till he was perched on the rope that bound Tirian’s chest and was wrinkling his blunt nose in front of Tirian’s face. Then the second Mouse climbed up and hung on just below the first Mouse. The other beasts stood on the ground and began handing things up.
“Drink,Sire,and then you’ll find you are able to eat,”said the topmost Mouse,and Tirian found that a little wooden cup was being held to his lips. It was only the size of an egg cup so that he had hardly tasted the wine in it before it was empty. But then the Mouse passed it down and the others re-filled it and it was passed up again and Tirian emptied it a second time. In this way they went on till he had quite a good drink,which was all the better for coming in little doses,for that is more thirst-quenching than one long draught.
“Here is cheese,Sire,”said the first Mouse,“but not very much,for fear it would make you too thirsty.”And after the cheese they fed him with oat-cakes and fresh butter,and then with some more wine.
“Now hand up the water,”said the first Mouse,“and I’ll wash the King’s face. There is blood on it.”
Then Tirian felt something like a tiny sponge dabbing his face,and it was most refreshing.
“Little friends,”said Tirian,“how can I thank you for all this ?”
“You needn’t,you needn’t,”said the little voices.“What else could we do ? We don’t want any other King. We’re your people. If it was only the Ape and the Calormenes who were against you we would have fought till we were cut into pieces before we’d let them tie you up. We would,we would indeed. But we can’t go against Aslan.”
“Do you think it really is Aslan ?”asked the King.
“Oh yes,yes,”said the Rabbit.“He came out of the stable last night. We all saw him.”
“What was he like ?”said the King.
“Like a terrible,great Lion,to be sure,”said one of the Mice .
“And you think it is really Aslan who is killing the Wood- Nymphs and making you all slaves to the King of Calormen ?”
“Ah,that’s bad,isn’t it ?”said the second Mouse.“It would have been better if we’d died before all this began. But there’s no doubt about it. Everyone says it is Aslan’s orders. And we’ve seen him. We didn’t think Aslan would be like that. Why,we-we wanted him to come back to Narnia.”
“He seems to have come back very angry this time,”said the first Mouse.“We must all have done something dreadfully wrong without knowing it. He must be punishing us for something. But I do think we might be told what it was!”
“I suppose what we’re doing now may be wrong,”said the Rabbit.
“I don’t care if it is,”said one of the Moles.“I’d do it again.”
But the others said,“Oh hush,”and“Do be careful,”and then they all said,“We’re sorry,dear King,but we must go back now. It would never do for us to be caught here.”
“Leave me at once,dear Beasts,”said Tirian.“I would not for all Narnia bring any of you into danger.”
“Goodnight,goodnight,”said the Beasts,rubbing their noses against his knees.“We will come back-if we can.”Then they all pattered away and the wood seemed darker and colder and lonelier than it had been before they came.
The stars came out and time went slowly on-imagine how slowly-while that last King of Narnia stood stiff and sore and upright against the tree in his bonds. But at last something happened.
Far away there appeared a red light. Then it disappeared for a moment and came back again,bigger and stronger. Then he could see dark shapes going to and fro on this side of the light and carrying bundles and throwing them down. He knew now what he was looking at. It was a bonfire,newly lit,and people were throwing bundles of brushwood on to it. Presently it blazed up and Tirian could see that it was on the very top of the hill. He could see quite clearly the stable behind it,all lit up in the red glow,and a great crowd of Beasts and Men between the fire and himself. A small figure,hunched up beside the fire,must be the Ape. It was saying something to the crowd,but he could not hear what. Then it went and bowed three times to the ground in front of the door of the stable. Then it got up and opened the door. And something on four legs-something that walked rather stiffly-came out of the stable and stood facing the crowd.
A great wailing or howling went up,so loud that Tirian could hear some of the words.
“Aslan! Aslan! Aslan!”cried the Beasts.“Speak to us. Comfort us. Be angry with us no more.”
From where Tirian was he could not make out very clearly what the thing was; but he could see that it was yellow and hairy. He had never seen the Great Lion. He had never seen a common lion. He couldn’t be sure that what he saw was not the real Aslan. He had not expected Aslan to look like that stiff thing which stood and said nothing. But how could one be sure ? For a moment horrible thoughts went through his mind:then he remembered the nonsense about Tash and Aslan being the same and knew that the whole thing must be a cheat.
The Ape put his head close up to the yellow thing’s head as if he were listening to something it was whispering to him. Then he turned and spoke to the crowd,and the crowd wailed again. Then the yellow thing turned clumsily round and walked-you might almost say,waddled-back into the stable and the Ape shut the door behind it. After that the fire must have been put out for the light vanished quite suddenly,and Tirian was once more alone with the cold and the darkness.
He thought of other Kings who had lived and died in Narnia in old times and it seemed to him that none of them had ever been so unlucky as himself. He thought of his great-grandfather’s great-grandfather King Rilian who had been stolen away by a Witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves beneath the land of the Northern Giants. But then it had all come; right in the end,for two mysterious children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the world’s end and had rescued him so that he came home to Narnia and had a long and prosperous reign.“It’s not like that with me,”said Tirian to himself. Then he went further back and:thought about Rilian’s father,Caspian the Seafarer,whose wicked uncle King Miraz had tried to murder him and how Caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the Dwarfs. But that story too had all come right in the end:for Caspian also had been helped by children-only there were four of them that time-who came from somewhere beyond the world and fought a great battle and set him on his father’s throne.“But it was all long ago,”said Tirian to himself.“That sort of thing doesn’t happen now.”And then he remembered (for he had always been good at history when he was a boy) how those same four children who had helped Caspian had been in Narnia over a thousand years before; and it was then that they had done the most remarkable thing of all. For then they had defeated the terrible White Witch and ended the Hundred Years of Winter,and after that they had reigned (all four of them together) at Cair Paravel,till they were no longer children but great Kings and lovely Queens,and their reign had been the golden age of Narnia. And Aslan had come into that story a lot. He had come into all the other stories too,as Tirian now remembered.“Aslan-and children from another world,”thought Tirian.“They have always come in when things were at their worst. Oh,if only they could now.”
And he called out“Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! Come and help us now.”
But the darkness and the cold and the quietness went on just the same.
“Let me be killed,”cried the King.“I ask nothing for myself. But come and save all Narnia.”
And still there was no change in the night or the wood, but there began to be a kind of change inside Tirian. Without knowing why,he began to feel a faint hope. And he felt somehow stronger.“Oh Aslan,Aslan,”he whispered.“If you will not come yourself,at least send me the helpers from beyond the world. Or let me call them. Let my voice carry beyond the world.”Then,hardly knowing that he was doing it,he suddenly cried out in a great voice:
“Children! Children! Friends of Narnia! Quick. Come to me. Across the worlds I call you; I Tirian,King of Narnia,Lord of Cair Paravel,and Emperor of the Lone Islands!”
And immediately he was plunged into a dream (if it was a dream) more vivid than any he had had in his life.
He seemed to be standing in a lighted room where seven people sat round a table. It looked as if they had just finished their meal. Two of those people were very old,an old man with a white beard and an old woman with wise,merry,twinkling eyes. He who sat at the right hand of the old man was hardly full grown,certainly younger than Tirian himself,but his face had already the look of a king and a warrior. And you could almost say the same of the other youth who sat at the right hand of the old woman. Facing Tirian across the table sat a fair-haired girl younger than either of these, and on either side of her a boy and girl who were younger still. They were all dressed in what seemed to Tirian the oddest kind of clothes.
But he had no time to think about details like that,for instantly the younger boy and both the girls started to their feet,and one of them gave a little scream. The old woman started and drew in her breath sharply. The old man must have made some sudden movement too for the wine glass which stood at his right hand was swept off the table:Tirian could hear the tinkling noise as it broke on the floor.
Then Tirian realized that these people could see him; they were staring at him as if they saw a ghost. But he noticed that the king-like one who sat at the old man’s right never moved (though he turned pale) except that he clenched his hand very tight. Then he said:
“Speak,if you’re not a phantom or a dream. You have a Narnian look about you and we are the seven friends of Narnia.”
Tirian was longing to speak,and he tried to cry out aloud that he was Tirian of Narnia,in great need of help. But he found (as I have sometimes found in dreams too) that his voice made no noise at all.
The one who had already spoken to him rose to his feet.“Shadow or spirit or whatever you are,”he said,fixing his eyes full upon Tirian.“If you are from Narnia,I charge you in the name of Aslan,speak to me. I am Peter the High King.”
The room began to swim before Tirian’s eyes. He heard the voices of those seven people all speaking at once,and all getting fainter every second,and they were saying things like,“Look! It’s fading.”“It’s melting away.”“It’s vanishing.”Next moment he was wide awake,still tied to the tree,colder and stiffer than ever. The wood was full of the pale,dreary light that comes before sunrise,and he was soaking wet with dew; it was nearly morning.
That waking was about the worst moment he had ever had in his life.

第四章 夜里发生了什么

国王晕头转向地倒在了地上,完全搞不清状况,直到卡乐门人绑住了他手腕,让他的两只手臂垂在两侧,紧紧把他绑在一颗岑树上。接着他们用绳索绑住他的脚踝、膝部、腰和胸膛,然后就把他扔在那里。此时最令他难受的是,被那些卡乐门人弄破唇边流淌出来的鲜血, 痒痒的又不能擦——越是小事,越让人难受。
没多久,野兽散往不同的方向。从蒂里安身边经过时,他们担心地看着他,既害怕又难过,但是谁也没敢说话。很快,它们都走了, 树林里恢复寂静。时间一点点过去,蒂里安觉得有些渴,后来觉得饿, 到了傍晚,他又很冷,脊背生疼。最后太阳终于落下,渐入黄昏。
天色快要完全暗下来时,突然响起一阵窸窸窣窣的脚步声,蒂里安看到一些小动物正在靠近。三只老鼠在左,两只鼹鼠在右,还有一只野兔在正中间。每个动物的背上都背着一只小布袋,让他们的样子看起来有点怪异。乍一看,还以为是什么怪物呢。过了一会儿, 它们用后腿支撑着站起来,冰凉的脚爪搭在国王的膝盖上,一边抽噎一边行亲吻礼。纳尼亚这些会说话的动物比我们这里的要高大得多, 所以他们才能够得着国王的膝盖。
“国王陛下!亲爱的国王陛下,”它们尖细着声音说道,“我们真为你难过。很抱歉,因为害怕阿斯兰生气,我们不敢给您松绑, 但是我们给您一点吃的。”
“不用谢,不用谢,”小小的声音说道,“除此之外,我们也做不了什么。我们是您的子民,我们不认其他任何人。假如反对你的只是那只可恶的无尾猿和卡乐门人,我们一定会起来战斗,除非他们把我们剁成肉酱,才能把你这么绑起来。我们会,真的会。但是, 我们不能反抗阿斯兰啊。”
其他小家伙提醒说:“别出声。”“要小心。”接着大家都说, “真抱歉,亲爱的国王,我们得走了,要是被人逮住就不好了。”
“亲爱的小伙伴,赶快走吧,”蒂里安回答,“为了纳尼亚, 我不愿连累你们当中的任何一个。”
繁星升空,时间一点一点过去……想象一下这该多么难熬…… 纳尼亚王国的最后一位国王被绑在树上,四肢僵硬,全身酸痛。然而又有一件事发生了。
不久,篝火完全燃起,看得出它就在那个山顶上。从火光中, 蒂里安还清楚地看到后面的马厩和一大群动物还有人。篝火旁有个隆起的小物体,估计就是那只无尾猿。它正在和大家说着什么,不过国王一点也没听清。他只看到无尾猿走到马厩门前,深深地鞠了三个躬。才起身打开马厩的大门。接着一头四条腿走路不很灵活的动物从里面走了出来,面对着众人。
“阿斯兰!阿斯兰!阿斯兰!”动物们大喊,“对我们说点什么, 安慰一下我们,别再生我们的气了。”
从蒂里安的位置望去,他没法看清那是个什么东西,只知道是个黄黄的、长满毛发的动物。他从没见过伟大的狮王,甚至连一头普通的狮子都没见过。他不敢肯定自己看到的是不是真的阿斯兰。而且他从没想过阿斯兰竟然是只干站着不说话、呆板生硬的野兽。然而, 怎样才能确定呢?不一会儿,一个可怕的想法爬上了他的心头:他想起了塔什和阿斯兰是同一个神的蠢话,随即觉得这整件事情一定是个骗局。
可惜无论是黑夜还是树林,没有发生任何变化。在蒂里安的内心, 倒是有了莫名的转变,不知道为什么,他感到内心充满了力量,心中升起一种隐约的希望。“啊,阿斯兰,阿斯兰,”他低声自语,“假如你不愿亲自来,就请从外面世界派些助手来吧。啊,我真想呼唤他们,请把我的声音传到外面世界去。”接着,他忽然大声叫喊起来, 尽管他自己也不知道为什么:“孩子们!孩子们!纳尼亚的朋友们! 快,到我这里来。我在远方呼唤你们,我是蒂里安,纳尼亚的国王, 凯尔帕拉维尔的君主,也是这孤岛的帝王!”
他正站在一个灯火通明的房间内,七个人围坐在一张桌子旁, 看起来他们似乎刚吃完饭。这些人当中,其中一个是白胡子老汉、一个老妇,两人的眼睛闪闪发亮,充满欢喜。老汉右边坐着一个年轻人, 他肯定比蒂里安本人还要年轻,不过从他脸上已经看得出国王和战士的坚毅神情了。老妇右边的那个少年,看起来跟他差不多。还有一个金发姑娘,看起来比两个少年还要年轻些,正在桌子那边面向蒂里安坐着。她身边的一男一女,比她还要小些,所有的人都穿着万分奇特的衣服。
蒂里安这才意识到这些人能看到他,此时他们正像见了鬼一样的,瞪着他看哪。同时他也注意到了老汉身旁的那个国王模样的人, 他一动不动(尽管他的脸色发白),两手攥得紧紧的。接着他说道:“请讲,如果您不是一个幻影,但是我们看得出来你有纳尼亚人的神态, 我们七个是纳尼亚王国的朋友。”
和他说话的那人起身,“不管你是影子还是鬼魂,不管你是谁,” 他盯着蒂里安,“如果你属于纳尼亚,我就将以阿斯兰的名义下令, 有什么就告诉我吧,我就是至尊王彼得。”
突然,蒂里安眼前的房间开始摇晃。他听到七个人在说些什么, 音量逐渐减弱,他们似乎在说“看,他在褪色。”“融化了。”“他消失了。”没过多久,他便从梦里彻底醒来。发现自己仍然被绑在树上,而且感觉更加寒冷、僵硬了。晨曦中,苍白灰暗的光芒布满树林, 他已经被露水浸透,又是一天早晨。


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