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LECTURE 183 基本介词 FOR 1





LECTURE 183 基本介词 FOR 1


1. for all sth. ** 尽管,虽然

解 习语;词义溯源:代替[所有的东西(all sth.)]

例 When Thomas and Anne Henderson won the California State Lottery jackpot of $124 million three years ago, they looked forward to a care-free life. Since then they've learned that for all their money, their life is still full of the same kind of cares any average person deals with on a daily basis.

2. for all the world ** 无论如何

解 习语;词义溯源:代替[全世界(all the world)]

例 Huge three-dimensional murals covering the wall have caused many a tourist to do a double take . Right in the heart of this bustling city of stone and steel structures, the murals for all the world look like a jungle oasis. “Yeah, the tourists always think it's a real jungle with real animals,” confirmed the tour guide.

3. for chicken feed / for peanuts ** 挣得少;为了不值一提的事情,为了小钱

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:为了[鸡饲料(chicken feed)]或[花生(peanuts)]

例 Your Honor, my client worked for Mr. Bailey for ten years for peanuts because Mr. Bailey promised him that if they found the sunken treasure ship, he would get 30% of it. Two days after the discovery, Mr. Bailey went back on his word and refused to hold up his end of the bargain .

4. for good ** 永远,永久

解 习语;词义溯源:持续[充分(good)]长的时间

例 I'm afraid the Skate Town Skating Rink is closed for good this time. The owner declared bankruptcy last week and the bank is taking over the building.

5. for keeps ** 永远,永久

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:为了现在[拥有的东西(keeps)];参照play for keeps和for good

例 As soon as I can build up a large enough savings, I'm going to quit this job and become a farmer for keeps. I was crazy to leave my farm and come to this hectic, crowded city. I was happy as a farmer—poor, but happy.


(A) for all

(B) for all the world

(C) for chicken feed

(D) for good

(E) for keeps

1. A: See those farm workers over there? They're all from Mexico. They do their job ______—a dollar an hour. B: Why do they work for so little? A: A dollar is not much money to us, but for them it's high pay.

2. A: There's nothing I would accept in exchange for this old sofa. I wouldn't sell it ______. Nothing could convince me to sell it. B: You wouldn't sell it for anything?Come on, I don't believe that. If somebody offered you a million dollars for it, you wouldn't sell it?

3. A: Hey, Bob!Where are the CDs I lent you? I didn't say you could have them ______!It's been a couple of months now. B: Sorry, I keep forgetting them. Don't worry, I know I can't use them for ever.

4. A: Is your father living there temporarily while he and your mother are at odds with each other, or is he there ______? B: I'm afraid it's the latter. He's living there permanently. Mother told him to never return home. She wants a divorce.

5. A: You know, ______ the bad weather we have here in Seattle, it's still a great place to live. Don't you think so? B: Yeah, despite the nasty overcast skies and countless rainy days, I like it here. This city is so alive. There's so much happening here.


1. (C)

2. (B)

3. (E)

4. (D)

5. (A)


I. 1. 三年前,托马斯和安妮·亨德森赢得1.24亿美元加州彩票大奖时,他们期望过上无忧无虑的生活。自那之后,他们认识到,虽然有钱,但是生活中仍然充满了普通人每天需要面对的担忧。

2. 墙上的三维立体巨画让很多游客惊讶而忍不住多看两眼。在这个钢筋混凝土构成的繁华城市的中心,无论如何,这些壁画都像一片丛林绿洲。“是的,游客通常认为这是一片有动物生活其中的真正的丛林”,导游肯定地说。

3. 阁下,我的委托人给贝利先生打了十年工,收入微薄,因为贝利先生向他保证如果他们能找到沉没的宝藏船,他就能分到30%的金银财宝。在发现沉船两天后,贝利先生违背了诺言,拒绝兑现之前的承诺。

4. 恐怕滑冰镇滑冰场这次要永远关门了。它的老板上周宣布破产,银行正在接管这栋楼。

5. 我只要存到足够多的钱,就会辞掉这份工作,永远做农民。我当初真是疯了才离开我的农场,来到这个繁忙、拥挤的城市。我非常乐意做农民,虽然穷,但很幸福。

II. 1. A:看到那边的农场工人了吗? 他们都来自墨西哥。他们赚得很少—— 一小时一美元。 B:他们为什么从事工资这么低的工作呢? A:一美元对我们来说不多,但对他们来说,也算是高薪了。

2. A:我不同意用任何东西来交换这个旧沙发。无论如何,我都不会卖掉它。什么都说服不了我。 B:你不会为了任何东西卖掉它?得了吧,我不信。如果有人花100万美元买它,你也不卖吗?

3. A:嘿,鲍勃!我借给你的CD哪去了?我可没有说让你永远拿着它们!都过了几个月了。 B:对不起,我总是忘记。别担心,我知道我不能永远拿着它们。

4. A:你父母闹矛盾了,你父亲是暂时住在那里,还是永远不回去了? B:恐怕是后者。他会永远住在那里。我母亲让他永远不要回家了。她想离婚。

5. A:你知道,尽管西雅图的天气很糟糕,但这里仍然是一个宜居地。你不这样认为吗? B:是的,尽管空气污浊、经常下雨,但我还是喜欢这里。这个城市非常有活力。每天都发生很多事情。


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