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中考英语 考纲词汇 M






machine[mə'ʃiːn]n. 机器

Just press the button and the machine will start. 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。

He can't make this machine run properly. 他无法使这台机器正常运转。

mad[mæd]adj. 发疯的;生气的

I was mad at missing the train. 我为没赶上火车而恼火。

The young man had gone mad. 那个年轻人已经发疯了。

magazine[ˌmægə'ziːn]n. 杂志

I was reading a magazine. 我正在看一本杂志。

I threw down the magazine and turned on the TV. 我扔下杂志,打开了电视。

magic['mæʤɪk]n. 魔术;魔法

The paper turned red as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了红色。

I am going to perform magic at the party. 我将在晚会上表演魔术。

mail[meɪl]n.[美]邮件;邮递 vt. 邮寄

She has a large amount of mails. 她有大量的信件。

He went to the post office to mail the letters. 他去邮局寄信。

main[meɪn]adj. 主要的

He grasped the main point of the speech. 他领会了这篇演讲的要点。

A heavy snowfall blocked the main road. 一场大雪阻塞了主要公路。

mainly['meɪnli]adv. 主要地

People in this store are mainly tourists. 这个商店里的人们大都是游客。

My money comes mainly from salary. 我的钱主要来自工资。

make[meɪk](made, made) vt. 制造;做;使得

I had to make a quick change at Changsha. 我不得不在长沙匆忙换车。

The cloth is made in a cotton mill. 这些布是由棉纺厂生产的。

male[meɪl]adj. 男(性)的;雄的 n. 男性

He had to do something with the male goats. 他不得不对雄山羊加以处理。

The male is physically stronger than the female. 男性在身体上要比女性强壮。

mal [mɔːl]n. 大型商场

The mall is one mile away from here. 购物中心离这儿有一英里远。

There is a shopping mall here. 这里有个大型的购物中心。

man[mæn](复 men) n. 成年男人;人;人类

The man has the quality for leading the people. 那个人有领导民众的才能。

Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人过马路是一种有爱心的举动。

manage['mænɪʤ]vt. & vi. 管理;经营;处理;设法对付

She knows how to manage him when he is angry. 她知道在他生气时怎么对付他。

He is able to manage a department store. 他有能力经营一家百货商店。

manager['mænɪʤə(r)]n. 经理

The manager wanted to pay a visit to our company. 这个经理想到我们公司参观一下。

Can I see the manager? 我可以见见经理吗?

manner(s)['mænə(r)z]n. 方式;态度;举止

The new teacher is a man gentle in manner. 新老师是一个举止文雅的人。

He has a very rude manner. 他态度粗野。

many['meni](比较级 more,最高级 most) adj. 许多的 pron.许多人(或物)

Do you keep many books and papers? 你收藏了许多书籍和报纸吗?

Many people have taken up arms. 许多人拿起了武器。

map[mæp]n. 地图

There is a map of the world on the desk. 桌子上有张世界地图。

I bought a map yesterday. 昨天我买了一张地图。

March[mɑːtʃ]n. 三月

This term will begin on March 1st. 这个学期3月1日开始。

I expected to finish the work by March. 我预期三月份完成这项工作。

mark[mɑːk]n. 标记;记号;符号;(考试等)分数 vt. 标明;做标记;给……打分数

She did well to get such a good mark. 她表现不错,得了这么高的分数。

This would mark a big change. 这标志着一个重大的转变。

market['mɑːkɪt]n. 市场;集市

My father went with me to the market. 我父亲和我一起去了市场。

She bought a new coat in the market. 她在市场上买了一件新外套。

marry['mæri]vt. & vi. (使)成婚;结婚

It is very wise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很明智的。

I am going to marry Jane in May. 我打算五月和简结婚。

match[mætʃ]n. 比赛;竞赛;火柴 vt. & vi. 与……匹配

She lost the tennis match. 她输了网球赛。

This jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件夹克和那条短裤很相配。

material[mə'tɪəriəl]n. 材料;原料

Jane is going to get material for a new book. 简正打算为一部新书准备材料。

He's collecting material for an article. 他正在为一篇文章搜集材料。

maths[mæθs] (=mathematics [ˌmæθə'mætɪks]) n. (通常作单数用)数学

The teacher will test them in maths. 老师将测验他们数学。

I failed the maths examination. 我数学考试没及格。

matter['mætə(r)]n. 要紧事;麻烦事;事情;问题;物质 vi. (用于否定句和疑问句)要紧,有关系

This is now a matter for the police. 这件事现在由警方处理。

The food goes on the floor but that doesn't matter. 食物掉在地板上,不过也没什么关系。

May[meɪ]n. 五月

May comes between April and June. 五月在四月与六月之间。

They met in May and became lovers. 他们在五月份相遇,成为情侣。

may[meɪ](might)aux. 可以;也许;可能

I may be back next month. 我可能下个月回来。

May I help you? 我可以帮你吗?

maybe['meɪbi]adv. 可能;大概;也许

Maybe you'll have better luck next time. 也许下次你的运气会好一点。

Maybe you could take a rest. 也许您可以休息一下。

meal[miːl]n. 一餐(饭)

We ate our meal in the classroom. 我们是在教室里吃的饭。

Let me treat you to a meal. 我来请你吃顿饭。

mean[miːn](meant,meant) vi. 意思是;意味着

I have no idea what you mean. 我不明白你的意思。

We do not know what the words mean. 我们不知道这些单词的意思是什么。

meat[miːt]n. 肉

The doctor told me to cut out meat. 医生叫我停止吃肉。

There's not much meat on this bone. 这块骨头上没多少肉。

medical['medɪkl]adj. 医学的;医疗的

I was engaged in medical research. 我从事医学的研究。

She is a leading member of the medical profession. 她是医疗界首屈一指的医生。

medicine['medsn, 'medɪsn]n. 药

I took my medicine just now. 我刚才吃了药。

The medicine has lost its strength. 这药已经失效了。

medium['miːdiəm]adj. 中间的;中等的

He likes his chicken medium well-done. 他喜欢吃适中偏熟的鸡肉。

Did you want a large size or a medium size? 你要大号的还是中号的?

meet[miːt](met,met) vt. & vi. 遇见;见到;会见;满足 n. 集会

They usually meet at six o'clock in the afternoon. 他们通常下午六点钟会面。

Many records fell during the sports meet. 运动会上多项纪录被打破。

meeting['miːtɪŋ]n. 集会;会见

The meeting will deal with this problem. 本次会议将处理这个问题。

Our meeting in Shanghai was later than I expected. 我们在上海的会面比我们预想的要晚。

member['membə(r)]n. 成员;会员

I'm proud of being a member of this group. 我为自己是这个团队的一员而感到骄傲。

Come and meet every member of my family. 来见见我家里的每一位成员。

memory['meməri]n. 回忆;记忆

Mother's words still ring in my memory. 母亲的话仍印在我的记忆中。

He had happy memories of his teacher. 他对老师有着愉快的记忆。

menu['menjuː]n. 菜单

Let's look at the menu first. 我们先看看菜单吧。

What's on the menu today? 今天的菜单是什么?

message['mesɪʤ]n. 消息;音信

Will you please take a message? 你能带个信吗?

There is an important message for you. 有个重要的消息要告诉你。

metal['metl]n. 金属

There isn't much metal in the new car. 这辆新车没用多少金属材料。

This metal is harder than that one. 这种金属比那种硬。

method['meθəd]n. 方法;办法

He has a simple method. 他有个简单的方法。

The new method costs less money. 这个新办法花钱少。

metre['miːtə(r)]([美]meter) n. 米(公制长度单位)

This rope is five metres longer than that one. 这根绳子比那根长5米。

The hole is half a metre deep. 洞有半米深。

middle['mɪdl]n. 中间;当中;中部

I am studying at a junior middle school. 我正在上初中。

She is standing in the middle of the classroom. 她正站在教室中间。

mile[maɪl]n. 英里

It's not less than a mile to the hospital. 到医院至少有一英里路。

The doctor ordered me to walk a mile every day. 医生规定我每天走一英里。

milk[mɪlk]n. 牛奶

He could smell that the milk was not fresh. 他闻得出牛奶不新鲜了。

The boy drank up that bottle of milk. 这男孩喝完了那瓶牛奶。

mind[maɪnd]n. 思想;想法 vt. & vi. 介意;关心

She has nothing but money on her mind. 她的脑子里除了钱以外没有别的。

I don't mind where we eat. 我不在意我们在哪里吃饭。

minus['maɪnəs]prep. & adj. 负的;减去的

Two minus two leaves nothing. 二减二等于零。

The temperature is now minus 10 degrees. 现在气温为零下10度。

minute['mɪnɪt]n. 分钟;一会儿;瞬间

He can't stand this job a minute longer. 这工作他一分钟也干不下去了。

Please wait a minute. 请等一会儿。

mirror['mɪrə(r)]n. 镜子

The best mirror is an old friend. 老友是明镜。

He saw the police car in his mirror. 他从镜子中看到了警车。

miss[mɪs]v. 失去;错过;缺;惦记

If I miss this bus I'll catch the next one. 如果我错过了这班公交车,就赶下一班。

I know how you miss your father. 我知道你多么地想念你的父亲。

Miss[mɪs]n. 小姐;女士(称呼未婚妇女)

Miss Smith went to town every third day. 史密斯小姐每隔两天上街一次。

Miss Alice is a popular teacher. 艾丽斯小姐是位很受欢迎的教师。

mistake[mɪ'steɪk]n. 错误 vt. & vi. 弄错;误解

You have made a mistake. 你弄错了。

Don't mistake me. 别误解我的意思。

mix[mɪks]vt. & vi. 混合;搅拌

I mixed flour and water to make bread. 我把面粉和水混合在一起做面包。

Don't mix business with pleasure. 不要把工作和娱乐搅和在一起。

mixture['mɪkstʃə(r)]n. 混合物

This drink is a mixture of four different sorts. 这种饮料是由4个品种混合而成的。

We can produce a mixture. 我们可以制造一种混合物。

model['mɒdl]n. 模型;范例;模范;模特

Standing by her was a model worker. 站在她旁边的是一位劳动模范。

I showed them a model of the new office building. 我给他们看了新办公楼的模型。

modern['mɒdn]adj. 现代的

What did you think of modern art? 你对现代艺术有何看法?

The city was turned into a modern industrial base. 这个城市已经变成了现代化的工业基地。

moment['məʊmənt]n. 片刻;瞬间

I'd like to speak to him for a moment. 我想和他谈一会儿。

The teacher came a moment ago. 老师刚刚到。

Monday['mʌndeɪ]n. 星期一

Christmas Day falls on a Monday. 今年的圣诞节是星期一。

He always does the shopping on a Monday. 他总是在星期一买东西。

money['mʌni]n. 钱;货币

He has a lot of money. 他有一大笔钱。

She has earned a lot of money this month. 这个月她已经赚了好多钱。

monitor['mɒnɪtə(r)]n. 班长;监视器

The monitor is the top student in our class. 班长是全班学习成绩最好的(学生)。

That patient was connected to the monitor. 那个病人被接上了监测器。

monkey['mʌŋki]n. 猴子

He knows this is a story about the Monkey King. 他知道这是一个关于猴王的故事。

Her favorite animal is the monkey. 她最喜欢的动物是猴子。

month[mʌnθ]n. 月;月份

I carried through the work in a month. 这工作我一个月就完成了。

The school sports will be held next week. 校运动会将于下月举行。

moon[muːn]n. 月球;月亮

It is possible to put a man on the moon. 把人送到月球上是可能的。

The moon is over the roof of the house. 月亮在屋顶的正上方。

more[mɔː(r)](many 或 much 的比较级) adj. 较多的;更大的;更多的 adv. 再;更 n. 更多的量

Her illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 她的病比医生原来以为的更严重。

You must get hold of some more paper. 你必须再找一些纸。

morning['mɔːnɪŋ]n. 早晨;上午

He hoped to get away early in the morning. 他希望一早就动身离开。

The girl did not come to school this morning. 今天早晨那个女孩没有来上学。

most[məʊst](many 或 much 的最高级) adj. 最大的;最多的;大多数的;大部分的 adv. 最 n. 大部分;大多数

Swimming occupies most of my free time. 游泳占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。

He is the most important person in the town. 他是这个镇里最重要的人物。

mother['mʌðə(r)]n. 母亲

I helped my mother do the washing. 我帮妈妈做清洗的工作。

His mother was out that day. 他母亲那天出去了。

motor['məʊtə(r)]n. 发动机;引擎

The motor turned over. 马达发动起来。

He knew how to start the motor. 他知道怎么开动引擎。

motorcycle['məʊtəsaɪkl]n. 摩托车

Who is the owner of this motorcycle? 谁是这辆摩托车的主人?

I rode a motorcycle to the station. 我骑摩托车去车站了。

mountain['maʊntən]n. 山;山脉

I can see the mountain from the distance. 我从远处可以看到那座山。

We came to a mountain village. 我们到了一个山村。

mouse[maʊs](复 mice) n. 老鼠;[计算机]鼠标

I thought the mouse was dead. 我以为那只老鼠死了。

I held the mouse in the palm of my hand. 我把鼠标放在手心上。

mouth[maʊθ]n. 嘴;口

The news spread from mouth to mouth. 这个消息广为流传。

Don't talk with your mouth full. 嘴里有东西时不要说话。

move[muːv]vt. & vi. 移动;搬动

I need a little help to move the desk. 我需要人帮忙来搬这张桌子。

Move up and let me sit down, please. 请挪开一点儿,让我坐一下。

movie['muːvi]n. 电影

Did you like to see a movie with me? 你想和我去看电影吗?

She never misses a chance to see a movie. 她从不错过看电影的机会。

Mr.['mɪstə(r)]n. 先生

Mr. John goes out for a walk in the street every day. 约翰先生每天去街上散步。

Mr. Miller is a teacher! 米勒先生是一位老师。

Mrs.['mɪsɪz]n. 夫人;太太

Mrs. Albert has checked out this morning. 艾伯特夫人今天上午已经结账走了。

What's the matter, Mrs. Hyde? 海德夫人,你怎么了?

much[mʌtʃ](比较级0more,最高级most) adj. (修饰不可数名词)大量的;许多的 n. (表示不可数名词)大量;许多 adv.


He reads much less now than he did at school. 他现在看书远比他上学时少。

He laughs too much. 他笑得太多了。

mum[mʌm]n. 〈口〉妈妈

This is the bag that mum has made. 这是妈妈做的包。

Mum has bought a new television for us. 妈妈给我们买了一台新电视。

museum[mju'ziːəm]n. 博物馆里

I spent part of the time in the museum. 我花了一部分时间在博物馆里。

The teacher took us to the museum last Friday. 上周五老师带我们去了博物馆。

mushroom['mʌʃrʊm]n. 蘑菇

Some mushroom is good to eat. 有些蘑菇可以食用。

I planed to look for the mushroom. 我打算去找蘑菇。

music['mjuːzɪk]n. 音乐;乐曲

Music is going to be taught by Miss Wang. 音乐课将由王小姐来教。

The city has a music festival every summer. 本市每年举行一次夏季音乐节。

must[mʌst]aux. & vt. & vi. 必须;需要;应当;必定是;一定

I must settle on a place to meet. 我得把见面的地点定下来。

The work must be finished on time. 这件事必须准时完成。


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