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38.Persuasion 说服 ;
2.Make him listen. 3.Don't try to talk me out of it. ;2.去说服他. 3.别想说动我. 别想说服我.
4.He went all out to convince her. 5.Talk me into it. ;4.他费尽心力想说服她. 5.想办法说服我吧.
6.It won't cost you anything. 7.Don't make it too difficult. ;6.这不用花你半分钱. 7.不要化简为繁.
8.Jump on the band wagon. 9.Follow the flow. ;8.顺应时潮吧. 9.跟随着大伙依样画葫芦 吧.
10.Don't fight it. ;10.不要和潮流唱反调. 不要抵挡它.
11.You're tempting me. ;11.你快说动我了. 你在引诱我.
12.That salesperson is a smooth talker. 13.Bill is easily oversold. ;12.那名推销员能言善道. 13.比尔很容易被人说服.
14.He is easily dominated. ;14.他容易被人支使.
15.She's too easily swayed by other's opinions. ;15.她太容易被人左右.
16.He's easily bullied 17.Can't you see he's trying to brainwash you? ;16.他很容易被人恫吓. 17.难道你看不出来,他想 洗你的脑吗?
39.Unpersuaded 没被说服 ;
1.Save your breath! 2.Don't bother telling me. ;1.你省点儿力气吧! 别白费力气! 2.用不着说给我听.
3.Don't try to sweet-talk me. ;3.别想用甜言蜜语来哄我
4.You are trying to score with me,but you're not succeeding. ;4.你想获得我青睐, 却没得逞.
5.It's like putting perfume on a pig. ;5.这就像往猪猡身上洒 香水.
6.It's like putting pearls before swine. ;6.这等于是对牛弹琴. 这如同把珍珠呈现给 猪猡一样白搭.
7.You're just grasping at straws. ;7.你饥不择食. 你就像犯重病, 乱投药石.
8.Might makes right. 9.If reason fails, use force. ;8.强权即是公理. 9.如果有理说不清, 不妨用武力解决.
10.His words carry no weight. 11.His words have no value. ;10.他的话没分量. 11.他说的话起不了作用.
40.Stubborn 顽固 ;
1.She's very headstrong. ;1.她很死脑筋.
2.Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. ;2.跟他说话就如对牛弹琴
3.He always thinks he's right. ;3.他一向自以为是.
4.He still won't let go. 5.You're a hopeless case. ;4.他还不死心. 5.你无药可救.
6.How obstinate you are! 7.He's very dogmatic. ;6.你好玩固! 7.他太死心眼了.
8.Doggone it,are you still at it? 9.Be open to new ideas ;8.该死,你还在做那种 糗事吗? 9.要接纳新观念.
10.Open your eyes. 11.You're too shortsighted. 12.Open your mind. ;10.睁大你的眼睛. 11.你的眼光太浅短了. 12.敞开心扉,接纳忠言.
13.I wish he could broaden his mind. 14.Get with the times. ;13.我希望他能放宽心胸. 14.要赶上潮流.
15.Some people are so opinionated. ;15.有些人坚持已见.
16.It'll be a cold day in July when he admits he's done anything wrong. ;16.除非太阳从西边出来, 否则他不会认错.
41.Tradition 传统 ;
1.It's a longstanding tradition. 2.Do what is customary ;1.这是流传已久的习俗. 2.言行要合乎习俗.
3.When in Rome, do as Romans do. 4.I come from the old school. ;3.入境随俗. 4.我比较保守.
5.This is what's eroding our society. ;5.这是腐蚀社会的原因.
42.General Questions 一般问题 ;
1.A:What's the matter? B:Nothing's the matter. ;1.A:怎么回事了? B:没什么大不了的.
2.A:What's wrong? B:It's nothing. Hardly worth mentioning. ;2.A:哪儿不对劲了? B:没什么, 不值得一提的小事.
3.What's going on here 4.How come? 5.Why bother? ;3.这儿出了什么事? 4.怎么会呢? 5.何必多此一举?
6.What for? 7.What on earth was that? ;6.何必呢? 目的何在呢? 7.那到底是什么玩意儿?
8.What the heck is this? 9.What's the combination? ;8.这是什么鬼东西呀? 9.这个对号锁的密码是 什么?
10.What do you call this? ;10.这东西你怎么称呼的? 你这算什么?
11.What did you say? I didn't hear you. ;11.你刚才说什么呢? 我没听清楚.
12.A:May I ask you something? ;12.A:可以请教你一点 儿事吗?
B:Go ahead. B:Shoot! ;B:请说. B:你说吧!
13.Mind if I ask you something personal? ;13.你介意我问一点儿 私事吗?
14.It never hurts to ask. ;14.开口请教别人, 绝对没有坏处.
15.I don't have a crystal ball. 16.Are you quizzing me ;15.我又不会预言. 16.你在考我吗?
17.Don't ask me. I'm not 411. ;17.不要问我, 我不是询问台.
18.No comment. ;18.无可奉告. 我不愿作任何评论.
19.You're not the prosecutor and I'm not the accused. ;19.你不是检控官, 而我也非被告.
20.One question at a time,please. 21.It's a mundane question. ;20.每次只由一位发问. 21.这是老生常谈.
22.It was a loaded question. 23.That's a tricky question. ;22.这是牵涉很广的问题. 23.那是个难以回答的 问题.
43.To Puzzled 使困惑 ;
1.Beats me! 2.Search me. 3.Who the hell knows? ;1.问倒我了. 2.这教我无从作答. 3.鬼才晓得.
4.This problem is not within my grasp. 5.Got me. ;4.这难题非我能力所及. 5.难倒我了.
6.I wonder myself. 7.I honestly don't know. ;6.我自己也想不通. 7.说实在的,我不知道.
8.It's a mystery to me 9.How perplexing! ;8.这对我来说, 是神秘难解之事. 9.多么教人困惑啊!
10.I still don't get it. 11.I'm at the end of my rope. ;10.我仍然不懂. 11.我已无能为力.
12.I'm at a loss over what to do next. 13.I lost myself for a while. ;12.我茫无头绪,不知下一 着棋该怎么走. 13.我愣了好一阵子.
14.I'm delirious. Is this a dream? ;14.我迷糊了,这是梦吗?
15.I don't know what hit me. ;15.不晓得我撞了哪门子 邪.
16.I don't know what got into me. 17.I don't know what came over me. ;16.不晓得我被什么给 迷住了. 17.不知道什么迷惑了我.
18.I can't think straight. ;18.我的思路杂乱. 我无法正确地思考.
19.He's all balled up. ;19.他的起居作息已乱无 章法. 他的生活已乱成一团.
20.You gotta be hallucinating. 21.You must be dreaming. ;20.你准是在幻想. 21.你一定是在做梦.
22.You lose people in conversation. 23.I'm sorry. You lost me. ;22.你说的话常使人 大惑不解. 23.抱歉,我被你弄迷糊了
24.I'm totally lost. 25.That concept is foreign to me. ;24.我全然困惑了. 25.我觉得那种观念突兀.
44.Please Clarify 请澄清 ;
1.Give me a breakdown. 2.Can you be more specific. ;1.你逐项解说给我听. 2.你能说得更具体些吗?
3.Talk plainly. 4.Talk English! It's all Greek to me ;3.用浅近的话说吧. 4.把话说清楚!我完全听 不懂你在说什么.
5.I don't want any mumbo jumbo. 6.Don't be so graphic. ;5.我不愿听含糊不清的话 6.不要把色情的细节渲染 得太清楚.
45.Figure It out 弄通 ;
1.A penny for your thoughts. 2.Give it some thought 3.Use your head! ;1.你在想什么呢? 2.多考虑一下吧. 3.动动你的脑筋!
4.I'll leave you to think. 5.Let's brainstorm for solutions. ;4.你自己去思考一下吧. 5.咱们集中脑力来想出 解决之方.
6.Everything we speculate has some flaw. ;6.我们的每一样推测都有 些缺陷.
7.No point is foolproof. ;7.没哪一项是十全十美的
8.A:I've decided to resign. B:So I gathered. ;8.A:我已决定辞职了. B:我也认为你会这么做
46.Easily Understood 易懂 ;
1.I think I'm talking English. 2.It's self-explanatory. ;1.我认为我在说白话. 2.这道理显而易见.
3.Nothing could be simpler. 4.Didn't I make myself clear? ;3.再没比这更简单的了. 4.我还没把自己的意思 说清楚吗?
5.It's that easy! 6.Are you deaf or are you just playing dumb? ;5.就是那么容易! 6.你聋了,还是故意在 装傻?
7.Don't you get it? 8.Do I have to carve it in stone? ;7.你想不通吗? 8.还要我刻在石头上你才 能明白吗?
9.Do I have to draw a picture? ;9.非得我绘图说明你才 明白吗?
47.Let Me Explain 容我解释 ;
1.Ask whatever comes to mind. 2.Let me give you the gist of it. ;1.想到什么就问什么. 2.我把重点扼要地跟你 提一下.
3.Let me put it differently. 4.Don't muddy things up. ;3.我换了个方式来解释. 4.不要搞乱了事情.
5.Don't get bogged down in details. 6.I'll translate that for you. ;5.不要钻牛角尖. 6.我来跟你解说一下.
7.I think you get the picture. ;7.我想你已明白我的 意思了.
48.Difficult To Explain 难以解释 ;
1.This question is too broad. ;1.这个问题牵涉太广. 这问题问得不着边际.
2.It's kind of hard to say offhand. ;2.我无法脱口而出.
49.Raising Examples 举例 ;
1.Like what? 2.For one thing, he's too short. ;1.比方像什么呢? 2.有关他的一点是, 他的个子太矮了.
3.On the contrary, I like you a lot. ;3.恰恰相反,我很喜欢你.
4.On one hand,a good job is important. ;4.从某方面来说,有一份 好差事很重要.
5.On the other hand, you have to do what makes you happy. ;5.从另一方面来说,你 必须做使你快乐的事.
6.Either way you look at it,you lose something. ;6.横竖看来, 你都有所损失.
7.Let me put it this way,you only have one choice. ;7.我不妨这么说,你只有 一个选择的余地.
8.One thing's for sure he's not my type. ;8.可以确定的一点是, 我不欣赏他这种人.
9.Look at it this way, what's good for me is good for you. ;9.你要采取这种观点, 利于我必益于你.
10.The point I'm making is,why argue over something so petty. ;10.我想说的是,犯不着 为如此琐事而争吵.
11.What I mean to say is,this won't work. ;11.我的意思是,这行不通
12.All I'm trying to say is,try to renegotiate. ;12.我想说的只是,试着去 重新谈判.
13.I'm merely stating the fact that nothing is for free ;13.我要指出的事实只不 过是,天下没有白吃 的午餐.
14.What I'm suggesting is,give him a chance. ;14.我想建议的是 给他一个机会.
15.It be more accurate to say you are both equally to blame. ;15.更正确的说法是, 要怪应该怪你们俩.
16.Metaphorically speaking we're all wheels in a big machine. ;16.打个比方说吧,我们 都是一部大机器里的 小齿轮.
50.Problems 麻烦 ;
1.That's the whole problem. 2.That's the rub. ;1.症结点就在这儿. 2.那正是关键点.
3.A:What's up? B:I think I'm in big trouble. ;3.A:怎么回事啦? B:我想我惹上大麻烦了
4.Problems are beginning to surface 5.Now everything is in turmoil. ;4.问题开始明朗化了. 5.现在整个事态乱无章法
6.This thing is getting out of hand. 7.It's getting to be a bit of a hassle. ;6.这件事已逐渐失掉控制 7.这渐渐变得令人心烦.
8.Problems are starting to crop up. ;8.毛病开始显露出来了.
9.We're up against a brick wall in this matter. ;9.这件事我们开始碰壁了
10.It has begun to spiral out of control. ;10.这像飞机失控, 开始在空中打转.
11.I've got a flat and no jack. ;11.倒楣的事接二连三.
12.I've reached an impasse. ;12.我已走到尽头.
13.Somebody help me untangle this mess, please! ;13.你们谁来帮我收拾 一下这烂摊子.
14.Your troubles are just beginning. 15.You're not out of the woods yet. ;14.你的麻烦才刚开始呢! 15.你的麻烦还没完呢.
16.This is just the calm before the storm. ;16.这只是暴风雨前的 宁静.
17.Our economy faces a long winding road. 18.He's skating on thin ice! ;17.我们的经济面临长期 艰难的路程. 18.他在自找麻烦.
19.It's been one thing after another with Michael. ;19.麦可的麻烦如屋漏偏 逢连夜雨.麦可的麻烦 一波未平,另波又起.
20.I'm in a bind. 21.I'm in a dilemma. 22.It's a thorny question. ;20.我左右为难. 21.我进退两难. 22.这是个很头痛的问题.
23.This is a very ticklish problem. 24.What a struggle! ;23.这是个非常敏感的 问题. 24.多么煞费周章!
25.You put me in a very difficult spot ;25.你把我的处境弄得 很尴尬.
26.I feel like I'm swimming upstream. ;26.我觉得好像在逆水 行舟.
27.How can we increase revenue without increasing taxes? It's a Cathc-22! ;27.怎能不增税而充裕 财源呢?多么矛盾!
28.It's a very sticky situation. Handle with care. ;28.这是很棘手的状况, 要小心处理.
29.They really cooked my goose this time. 30.He dug himself into a hole. ;29.他们这次弄得我 焦头烂额. 30.他自掘坟墓.
31.Days like this are disastrous. ;31.这种日子真像是 遭灾遇劫.
32.It's like the shit hit the fan. ;32.这就像粪便打到电扇.
33.I get the feeling of impending doom. ;33.我觉得好像世界末日 到了.
34.Join the club. ;34.你的处境与我们相同. 欢迎你来跟我们一起 受罪.
35.We're all in the same boat. ;35.我们共生死、同沉浮.
36.If I could,I'd sprout wings and fly away. ;36.如果可能的话,我情愿 长翅飞走.
37.Don't compound the problem! ;37.不要把问题复杂化!
51.Problem Solving 解决难题 ;
1.This case stinks. 2.This case is a tough nut to crack. ;1.这件事很棘手. 2.这是难解之题.
3.How can I get off the hook? ;3.我该如何脱困呢?
4.You gotta remember fleas come with the dog. ;4.你要记得,凡事有利必 有弊.
5.We have to find a way out. 6.I'm sure there's a solution. ;5.我们必须找条出路. 6.我确信必定有解决之方
7.Why waste time wrestling with that riddle? ;7.何必浪费时间去破解 那个谜题呢?
8.This knot won't come undone. ;8.这是个打不开的结.
9.You can't relive yesterday. 10.He threw his hands up in despair. ;9.你无法使时光倒流. 10.他在绝望中竖起白旗.
11.You've gotta take the bull by the horns. ;11.你必须放手一搏.
12.It's not going to go away by itself. ;12.这种事不会主动消失.
13.We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. ;13.船到桥头自然直.
14.Let's fix the problem,not mask it ;14.我们应该正视难题, 而非蒙蔽了事.
15.He's a troublemaker ;15.他是制造麻烦的人.
16.If you ask her what happened you'll be opening up a can of worms. ;16.如果你去问她发生了 什么事,等于是捅马 蜂窝.
17.Don't look for trouble. ;17.不要自寻苦恼.
18.The sensation is akin to jumping off a cliff. ;18.那是种跳崖的感觉.
19.There's no easy answer. ;19.没什么轻松的解决 方法.别无良策.
20.It's a quick fix. ;20.这是个速战速决的 方法.
21.I've spotted one of your problems. ;21.我已经找到一个症结 点了.
22.You see?It works. 23.He's over the hump. ;22.你瞧,这不就成了吗? 23.他已渡过了难关.
52.Easy Or Hard 难易 ;
1.This is simple. 2.That's common sense. 3.That's elementary. ;1.这好办. 2.那是常识. 3.那是最起码的知识.
4.It's a snap. 5.No sweat! ;4.这轻而易举. 5.没什么大不了的事儿!
6.Nothing to it,really 7.This is as simple as ABC. ;6.这真是易如反掌. 7.这再简单不过.
8.It's a cinch. 9.The final was a breeze. ;8.这十拿九稳. 9.这场期末不难.
10.It's as easy as one two,three. 11.And you said it was impossible. ;10.这就像数一、二、三 那么简单. 11.你还说这办不成呢.
12.It's not that simple. 13.Now comes the hard part. ;12.这没那么简单. 13.现在碰到困难的部分 了.
14.It's a tall order. 15.This job is too heavy for a lady. ;14.这个要求难以完成. 15.这种工作对女人家 太粗重.
16.That's a big job for such a rookie. 17.Consider it as a challenge. ;16.那种工作对生手未免 太重了些. 17.把它当成一项挑战吧.
18.It's a monumental task. 19.It took some doing. ;18.这是一项艰巨的任务. 19.花了一番心血才做成.
20.The day of the easy break is over. 21.What a struggle! ;20.轻松的日子已不再有. 21.多费劲儿!
53.Effective Or Ineffective 有效、无效 ;
1.This might help. 2.Taste will tell. ;1.这也许会派上用场. 2.效果如何,一试便知.
3.It will do just as well. 4.It's very handy. 5.It never fails. ;3.这可全然代用. 4.这很管用. 5.这百试百灵!
6.Darn,it still doesn't work. 7.This stuff really works. ;6.糟糕,还是不管用. 7.这玩意儿挺有效的.
8.This shortcut saves lots of time. ;8.抄这条捷径,省了不少 时间.
9.It's no use. Why bother? ;9.这不管用. 何必白费心机呢?
10.Killing him isn't going to help. 11.It's under repair. 12.It's busted. ;10.宰了他也无济于事. 11.他正在修理中. 12.这个已报废.
54.Overcoming Difficulties 克服困难 ;
1.How are you coping? 2.How is he taking it? ;1.你能克服吗? 2.他的反应如何?
3.He took it without blinking. 4.He took it all in stride. ;3.他眼都不眨一下就 接受了. 4.他照单全收.
5.He didn't even blink 6.I take things as they come. ;5.他连眼皮都没眨一下! 6.我对任何事都逆来顺受
7.I go with the flow. 8.You are taking it well. 9.One day at a time. ;7.我顺应潮流. 8.你很撑得住. 9.过一天算一天.
10.I do things one step at a time. 11.I roll with the punches. ;10.我做事稳扎稳打. 11.我随机应变. 我兵来将挡,水来土掩
12.Hope I can get over it. 13.I guess we'll just have to go without. ;12.希望我能熬得过. 13.我想我们只好将就 一下.
55.Endurance 容忍 ;
1.Hang in there,okay? ;1.再撑一下好吗?
2.Hold it in. ;2.忍一下. 把气吞下去,不要发作. 打断牙齿和血吞.
3.You have to live with it. 4.It's inevitable. ;3.这种事你只有忍耐的 份儿. 4.这无可避免.
5.There's no escaping it. 6.There's no getting around it. ;5.这一关躲不过. 6.没其他变通的办法.
7.Just grin and bear it. 8.I'll stick it out till the last moment. ;7.笑着忍下来吧. 8.我会支持到最后 一分钟.
9.A good general demonstrates grace under fire. ;9.大敌当前, 良将仍气定神闲.
10.When you're living in a powder magazine, ;10.住在弹药库时,
it's better to curse the darkness than strike a match. ;与其划根火柴照亮,不如 忍受黑暗而发牢骚.
11.If you can't take the heat,get out of the kitchen. ;11.如果你熬不住热, 就离开厨房.
12.When the going gets tough,the tough get going. ;12.时机艰难时, 惟有强者才能存活.
13.Pressure is what turns coal into diamond. ;13.时势造英雄.
14.We tolerate each other. 15.Live and let live. ;14.我们彼此容忍. 15.自己活也让别人活.
56.To Lack Tolerance 缺乏耐力 ;
1.I'm fed up! 2.I can't stand much pain. 3.That does it! ;1.我受够了! 2.我无法忍受剧痛. 3.住嘴!我听够了!
4.I've had enough ! 5.I'm through taking shit from men. ;4.我受够了! 5.我不愿再受男人的气.
6.I can't go on like this. 7.That's enough, thank you. ;6.我没办法老是这样下去 7.够了,谢谢你.
8.I said enough is enough! 9.I can only take so much. ;8.我说够了就是够了! 9.我只能忍受到这种程度
10.There's no room in the family for wimps. ;10.我们家里容不下懦夫.
11.I just can't swallow another one of your excuses ;11.我实在咽不下你的 另一个借口.
12.You did it once too often. ;12.这种事你已做了太多, 这回我已忍无可忍.
13.You're trying my patience. 14.My patience is wearing thin. ;13.你在惹我生气. 14.我的耐性已快磨光了.
57.Adjusting To The Environment 适应环境 ;
1.I feel like a fish out of water. ;1.我在这里有若离水之鱼 手足无措.
2.This becomes routine after a while. ;2.过不了多久,这会变成 家常便饭.
3.You're getting the hang of it. ;3.你已渐渐懂得诀窍.
58.Suitable Or Unsuitable 适与不适 ;
1.You've got what it takes. 2.You were born for the part. ;1.你具有成功的条件. 2.你天生就适合吃这一 行饭.
3.I finally carved out a niche for myself. 4.Maybe you're not cut out to be a pianist. ;3.我终于找到了安歇之所 4.也许你生来就不是钢琴 家的料子.
5.They are not up to the job. 6.I'm like a square peg in a round hole. ;5.他们无法胜任这项职务 6.我在这里格格不入.
7.You don't belong here. 8.This will never fit the bill. ;7.你不适合待在这里. 8.这东西绝对不合用.
59.Disasters 祸患 ;
1.The bridge was sabotaged. 2.Somebody put the fire out,quick! ;1.这座桥梁被破坏了. 2.你们谁来把火扑灭.
3.The fire stayed unchecked. 4.The fire was set by an arsonist. ;3.火一直持续着无法被 扑灭. 4.这场火系纵火犯所为.
5.During the earthquake, everything was in mass chaos. ;5.地震发生时,事事乱成 一团.
6.We're in deep shit. ;6.这下子我们灾情惨重了
7.There's nothing like a crisis to bring a family together. ;7.再没比灾难更能使家人 相聚在一起的.
60.Emergency,Rescue 危急,急救 ;
1.This is an emergency 2.Emergency. All personnel must evacuate immediately ;1.这是紧急事件! 2.状况危急! 所有的人立刻疏散.
3.Quick!Call an ambulance! 4.It's a matter of life and death. ;3.赶快!叫救护车来! 4.这是生死攸关的问题.
5.Saved by the bell. 6.He came to my rescue ;5.幸亏下课铃响替我解 了围. 6.他来救我脱险.
7.He is administering CPR. ;7.他正在做心肺复苏术的 急救.
8.He gave her mouth to mouth resuscitation. ;8.他给她做口对口之呼吸 急救法.
61.Danger, Out Of Danger 危险,脱险 ;
1.He's a thrill-seeker 2.You're treading on dangerous ground. ;1.他是个刺激的追逐者. 2.你正走入险境.
3.We're walking a tightrope. 4.We're treading on thin ice. ;3.我们步步惊险. 4.我们如临深渊、 如履薄冰.
5.The situation looks bad. 6.Run for it! ;5.情况不妙. 6.快逃命!
7.I can't take that risk,I have but one life. ;7.我只有老命一条, 不能冒那种险.
8.Somebody's gotta take the risk. 9.I thought I'd never see daylight again. ;8.总得有人去冒这个险. 9.我本以为无法重见天日
10.That knife missed you by a hair. 11.That was a close call! ;10.那把刀子差点儿刺中 了你. 11.好险!
12.I had a narrow escape. 13.I had a close call. 14.That was risky. ;12.我刚从死里逃生. 13.我差点儿一命呜呼. 14.那下子真险.
62.Talkative 多言 ;
1.She sure has a forked tongue. 2.She's talking a mile a minute. ;1.她那一张利嘴实在厉害 2.她的话多且急.
3.He doesn't say much. 4.Boy,that guy can talk. ;3.他沉默寡言. 4.老天,那个人可真会 说话.
5.He was talking a blue streak. 6.She sure is talkative. ;5.他没必要地说了一堆话 6.她真是健谈.
7.You've said a mouthful. 8.She has a loose tongue. ;7.你已说的够多了. 8.她的嘴不牢.
9.He's always shooting his mouth off. 10.His alcohol is doing the talking. ;9.他老是信口开河, 胡说八道. 10.他在说酒话.
11.He gets carried away sometimes. ;11.他谈论话题时, 偶尔会激动些.
63.To Be Quiet 安静 ;
1.Settel down, boys and girls. 2.Stop howling! ;1.孩子们,静下来! 2.不要吼!
3.Don't scream in my ear! 4.Turn down your voice a notch. ;3.不要冲着我的耳朵叫! 4.说话小声些.
5.You don't need to raise your voice. I'm not deaf. ;5.你犯不着提高你的嗓门 儿,我不是聋子.
6.Stop that blabbering and listen to me! ;6.不要罗嗦个不停, 静下来听我说.
7.Hey,quiet in there! 8.I need a little R & R. ;7.嘿,里头儿安静点儿! 8.我需要休息和松弛.
9.Pipe down. 10.Shut up! 11.Stop that racket! ;9.安静. 10.闭嘴! 11.停止那个嘈杂声!
12.(You)bite your tongue! 13.Put a sock in it. 14.Knock off that talk ;12.闭上你的嘴! 13.别再说了. 14.少提那种话.
15.Can it! 16.Drop it! 17.That does it! ;15.住口! 16.你少说两句! 17.我受够了!
18.Enough is enough. 19.Is there no end of it? ;18.我没办法再听下去. 19.你有完没完?
20.I don't want to take any crap. 21.Not a word until I explain. ;20.我不想听你信口雌黄. 21.在我解释之前,你先 别作声.
22.Have you lost your tongue?Speak up! 23.Cat got your tongue? ;22.你丢了舌头吗? 你说话呀! 23.舌头被猫咬走了吗?
64.Concentration 专心 ;
1.Quit bothering me. 2.Stop nagging me. ;1.停止骚扰我. 2.不要再对我罗嗦.
3.I wish she'd get off my back. 4.Don't bother her. ;3.我希望她不要老盯在 我背后. 4.别去烦她.
5.Don't disturb her. 6.Leave me alone! ;5.不要打扰她. 6.别烦我!
7.He's meditating. 8.You distracted me. 9.You put me off course. ;7.他在默想. 8.你使我分心. 9.你使我步入歧途.
10.Thanks to you, now I'm off track. 11.Don't disturb him. He's deep in thought ;10.都是你,使我乱无章法 11.别吵他,他正在沉思中
12.You can't cut two trees at once with one saw. ;12.你无法一心二用.
13.I was so busy I lost track of time. ;13.我忙得忘了时间.
14.I have a really short attention span. ;14.我的注意力很短暂.
15.A:Are you listening B:I'm all ears! ;15.A:你在听我说话吗? B:我正洗耳恭听着呢!
16.Don't get sidetracked. 17.Attention,please! ;16.不要分散你的注意力. 17.请注意!
18.Are you still with me? ;18.你在注意听我说话吗?
65.To Listen 倾听 ;
1.I want to be heard. 2.You listen very closely. ;1.我要人们知道我的心声 2.你给我好好地听着.
3.Hear me out. 4.Hear the lady out. ;3.请听我说. 4.听听这位女士想说什么

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