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College Basketball Players Running to the NBA

Speaking of Sports, I’m Bill Savanson from Chicago. There is an exodus(1) of college basketball players leaving their respective(2)colleges early going off to the NBA. Why is this happening? Because the kids wanna get some cash. If the NCAA in Indianapolis isn’t looking at the last couple of days and seeing all these kids basically just running to the NBA, then they’re blind. These players are tired of working for free. And I don’t want to hear the college education thing... Alright, these college coaches will stay out of school for a year like Buzz Peterson at Tulsa and go take that multi-million dollar deal at Tennessee. Meanwhile the guys who helped them get that job at Tulsa are sitting there not even able to have a paycheck (3). I think we have a major problem here. And I don’t have a problem with the players going off early to the NBA. We don’t know their particular family situations or the facts that they could help their family pay their bills. And even if it’t not in the NBA, it could be in another minor league or overseas someplace. But when these players watch these coaches leave and get big cash or stay and get a multi-million dollar extension and they’re not getting anything. How can that coach walk into that locker room or that practice or that weight room and look those players straight in the eye, “oh, thanks for making me a multimillionaire, hey we are going to cut practice short, because me and the kids are going out to the country club.” Meanwhile that kid will roll back to his cafeteria(4) and enjoy some great college dining room food. NCAA you’d better come up with something quick otherwise you’re going to lose kids left and right. This is one of the biggest exoduses we’ve ever seen.

When we’re looking for heroes in sports, how about Napoleon Coffman formerly of the Oakland raiders? He was set to make 2.5 million dollars this year and he walked away from his contract. He has retired to become a minister【牧师】. Now I’m not going to get religious on this commentary(5), but it is great to see someone follow their heart instead of following their paycheck.

Speaking of sports, I’m Bill Savanson from Chicago.


1.exodus []n.成群外出
2.respective []adj.各自的
3.paycheck []n.支付薪金的支票
4.cafeteria []n.小餐厅;食堂
5.commentary []n.评论


go off 离开;流失
be tired of 疲倦于
locker room 更衣室;衣物间
roll back 滚回;回到…
come up with 提出
left and right 到处
set to 准备;着手


Have a problem with...

It is great to see someone follow their heart instead of following their paycheck.


体育评论,我是芝加哥的比尔•山文森。一些大学篮球球员过早地离开他们各自的学校到NBA打球。为什么会有这样的事情发生呢?因为这些孩子想赚钱。在印地安纳波里,如果全国大学生体育协会在这些天里没有注意到孩子们纷纷涌向NBA的话,那他们就是瞎了眼。这些球员已经厌倦了无偿打球。我也不想听像大学教育等诸如此类的话。这些大学教练会像塔尔萨的布兹•彼特森一样在学校外面呆上一年,然后又跑到田纳西州签定百万美圆的协议。而那些让他们在塔尔萨得到这份美差的孩子们却坐在那儿没有一份报酬。我认为这里有一个主要的问题。我不认为这些过早去NBA打球的孩子们有什么错。我们不知道他们的家庭条件,或者他们是否可以为家里减轻负担。而且就算没有去NBA,他们也会离开去一些小联盟或海外的某个地方。 你想想当这些球员看着他们的教练手揣巨额离开或签定百万美圆延期协议而留下,而他们却一无所有时心里是什么滋味。 那些教练竟然走进更衣室或练习场或举重室然后直视他们的双眼说道:“谢谢你们让我成为了百万富翁,嗨,我们必须缩短练习时间,因为我就要同孩子们去乡村俱乐部(打高尔夫了)。”然后,那个球员只好乖乖地回到他们的自助餐厅,享受大学食堂里的美味食物!全国大学生体育协会,你们得赶快采取措施否则你们将到处失去你们的球员。这次是我所见过的最大的球员流失事件之一。




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