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澳大利亚中学英语B Unit 1-2




[00:00.00]Unit 1 Join a club

[00:21.39]1.Listen,read and practice in pairs.

[00:27.64]Where do you go if you want to play soccer?

[00:31.71]Have you ever heard of a soccer club,

[00:35.37]especially one for primary and high school students?

[00:40.05]Let's see waht Daniel is saying.

[00:43.89]Daniel:You look bored,Li Meng.I've got some sports magazines.

[00:50.05]Do you want to read some?

[00:53.00]Li Meng:Thanks,but I don't feel like reading anything right now.

[00:58.46]I'm thinking of doing something outdoors.

[01:02.54]Daniel:Speaking of the great outdoors,are you interested in joining a soccer club?

[01:08.39]Li Meng:Well,I'd love to play more soccer but I don't know anything about a club.

[01:14.84]Daniel:It's like this,you see.

[01:18.08]I belong to a soccer club called The Olympic Junior Soccer Club.

[01:23.51]We meet twice a week after school and practice together.

[01:28.35]Then on Saturday morning our team plays against a team from another soccer club.

[01:34.88]Li Meng:That sounds good.Can I join the club?

[01:39.34]Daniel:Of course.

[01:42.09]The club has more than two hundred players and eighteen teams in all.

[01:47.96]Li Meng:It's pretty big.How can I sign up for it?

[01:52.64]Daniel:I suppose you can give the club a call

[01:56.58]and ask them to send you a membership appication form.

[02:01.76]Li Meng:Right.I'll do that.Thanks for the advice.

[02:06.72]Daniel:Sure.Now,do you feel like a glass of coke?

[02:11.87]Li Meng:Yeah.Thank.That's just what I need.Let me get the glasses for us.

[02:18.03]6.Listen and read.

[02:22.99]Have you got a talent?

[02:26.16]Some people are better singers,while some are better soccer players.

[02:32.40]In schools,some strdents are good at maths while some are good at history.

[02:38.96]Why?People are different.

[02:43.63]We are different for a few reasons but mainly because we have different parents,

[02:50.08]we live in different environments

[02:53.74]and some people put more effort into improving themselves.

[02:59.02]We therefore have different strengths and weaknesses.

[03:04.19]The difference in our strenghts and weaknesses means

[03:08.55]that even if people make the same efforts,

[03:13.41]their achievements will probably be different.

[03:17.96]If a child is gifted in art,

[03:21.93]he or she should devote more time and other resources

[03:26.97]to learning art by attending more art training programs,

[03:32.61]visiting more art galleries and learning from better artists.

[03:38.46]In this way,

[03:41.34]he or she can further develop himself or herself and finally become an expert.

[03:48.60]Not everybody is talented.But everybody can achieve something.

[03:55.15]Achievements come from hard work and constant learning.

[04:00.40]If we set our minds on doing a particular thing,I'm sure that we can do it well.

[04:07.64]An example may be,learning to spell a new word.

[04:13.07]If we study the word carefully and associate the word with our daily life,

[04:18.82]this word can be easily learned by heart.Other things are also the same.

[04:25.77]Playing tennis,

[04:28.70]taking a course and learning to use a computer all need time,

[04:34.36]practice and dedication.

[04:38.31]With hard work,ordinary people can become talented people.

[04:44.26]Without hard work,talented people may become dull and lethargic.

[04:51.24]14.Listen and write.

[04:56.20]Listen to the following telephone numbers and write them down.

[05:35.46]Unit 2 My portfolio

[05:40.43]1.Listen and read.

[05:44.82]Have you heard of something called a"portfotio"? What is it?

[05:50.56]Why do so many students in other countries talk about their portfolios?

[05:56.73]Read this diatogue and find out.

[06:00.59]Li Meng:Daniel,have you got a portfolio?

[06:04.64]Daniel:Yes,I've got several.Which course are you talking about?

[06:09.92]Li Meng:English.But can I take a look at all your portfolios?

[06:15.48]What do they look like?

[06:18.36]Daniel:Let's see.They should be on the bookshelf back in our room.

[06:23.71]Shall we go up?Why do you ask me about them?

[06:28.36]Li Meng:Sure.You see,in our English class today,

[06:33.43]our teacher showed us a few portfolios she collected last year

[06:38.99]and asked us to make one of our own.

[06:42.94]Daniel:I see.It's good for evaluating your work and your ability.

[06:49.21]Your teacher will ask to see it in the middle of the term.

[06:54.17]Li Meng:That's what we were told...Oh,your portfolios look great,

[07:00.13]but which courses have you prepared them for?

[07:04.18]Daniel:This big one is for my art class and this for history

[07:09.82]and this portfolio is also for the English course...See?

[07:15.57]The best assignments I've done.

[07:19.43]Li Meny:You mean you didn't put all your assignments in?

[07:23.79]Daniel:No.Our teacher asked us to put in four assinments we thought we did well.

[07:30.04]Li Meng:Your folder looks so good and all the assignments are so neat.

[07:35.60]Daniel:That;s what we're supposed to do:present the best we have.

[07:40.88]Li Meng:Thanks for the tip.I think I'll go to a shop and choose a folder first.

[07:46.83]What is a portfolio?

[07:50.18]A portfolio is a set of pictures(drawings or photos)and

[07:56.53]or some writing either bound in book form or loose in a folder.

[08:02.87]The portfolio described here is a folder

[08:07.92]which is used to collect students'assignments.

[08:12.77]4.Listen,read and act.

[08:17.92]Did you know that you need to put a"self-assessment"

[08:22.67]in your portfolio to say how you finished an assignment;

[08:28.32]how well you think you've done and the changes you'd like to make to improve it?

[08:34.66]Let's see what Li Meng is doing.

[08:38.50]Xiaohong:What are you writing there,Li Meng?

[08:42.58]Li Meng:I'm working on my self-assessment.

[08:46.55]Xiaohong:Self what?

[08:49.29]Li Meng:Self-assessment.It means I'm judging how well I've done.

[08:54.94]Remember I wrote about my soccer match once?

[08:59.59]Xiaohong:Yeah,I remember you writing and re-writing it again and again.

[09:04.94]Li Meng:Now,I'm writing down how I got my ideas,

[09:09.98]how I wrote it and how I can improve it.

[09:14.55]Xiaohong:Oh,I know.It's like being your own teacher.

[09:19.52]Li Meng:Yeah.That's what's so nice about self-assessment:it makes you think.

[09:25.86]7.Listen,read and answer.

[09:32.03]Learning is like a journey

[09:35.69]There are times in our lives when we remember.

[09:41.43]Remembering the good things about the past is a most precious time;

[09:47.91]these memories are always in the corner of my mind.

[09:53.06]When I was four years old,I used to go to a kindergarten.

[09:58.31]I had many toys and friends that made me laugh and cry.

[10:03.77]The teachers were kind and patient.

[10:07.92]They taught us many interesting songs and games.

[10:12.47]We played all day long.Big wooden blocks,paper puppets,

[10:19.00]balls and crayons were our best companions.

[10:24.07]Although we did not know what learning was at that time,

[10:29.32]we were learning every day.When I was seven years old,I started primary school.

[10:37.07]I was very excited because I became a school pupil

[10:42.53]and began to learn school subjects.

[10:47.21]Nearly every subject caught my attention.However,my favourite subject was science.

[10:54.97]I remembered the first day that our science teacher told

[11:00.11]us the sun was like a big fire ball which was very,very far away.

[11:07.19]Nobody could stay close to that"ball".

[11:11.56]We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open.

[11:17.33]We began to wonder at the size of the universe.

[11:22.19]Afterwards,more ideas about weather,aeroplanes,railways,campfires,wildlife,

[11:31.25]dexerts and even pollution came to our ears.We began to learn carefully.

[11:38.80]When I was about ten years old,I knew quite a lot o fthings.

[11:44.57]I began to read newspapewrs,keep a diary,

[11:49.33]visit museums and most of all,make many friends.

[11:55.57]Every day was something new.Every day was interesting and exciting.

[12:02.23]Now I am in the middle school.Each day is new to me.

[12:08.11]Happily I am still learning which is like a journey to me.

[12:13.26]I have finished the first part,and there is still a long way for me to go.

[12:19.32]Hopefully I will become a learned person someday.

[12:24.88]10.Listen,read and act.

[12:29.95]Mrs,Davis is preparing dinner in the kitchen

[12:34.49]when Li Meng and Xiaohong come back home.

[12:39.07]Mrs.Davis:Hello,kids.You're back early today.

[12:44.03]Li Meng:Yeah.I want to relax a bit.

[12:48.18]Mrs.Davis:I noticed you'd been busy these past few days.

[12:53.43]Why are you relaxing now?

[12:56.96]Xiaohong:He got a good grade for the portfolio

[13:00.93]he put together for his English class

[13:04.98]and he thinks relaxing one afternoon is the best way to reward himself.

[13:10.91]Mrs.Davis:Good for you,Li Meng.What's your portfolio like?

[13:15.98]Have you got it with you?

[13:19.14]Li Meng:Yeah.Here you are.

[13:22.38]I chose a green folder and put my best writing assignments in order.

[13:28.86]Mrs.Davis:Isn't this beautiful!I'm really proud of you.

[13:33.82]Xiaohong:I think I'll get a few folders and get my things organized too.

[13:39.28]12.Listen and fill in the blanks.

[13:44.56]1.Ken:That's___!You did a really good______with this,Michael!

[13:51.32]Michael:_____a lot!

[13:54.27]2.Alice:This was a_____meal,Jane!I loved every bit of it!

[14:00.93]Janet:Oh,I'm____you liked it.I found the recipe in the Straits Times last week.

[14:07.28]3.Ken:That's a ______idea,Neville!

[14:12.56]Neville:I'm_____,Ken,to get______from an expert like you!

[14:18.02]4.Jenny:What a_____house you have!

[14:23.37]Jeff:I'm really_____with it!

[14:27.32]5.Mary:You look_____in this dress,Ann!

[14:33.06]Ann:It's nice,isn't it?I bought it in a little boutique in________.

[14:38.94]14.Let's sing.

[14:43.07]Smelling the flowers

[14:47.90]It's Sunday morning,and the sun is shining.

[15:12.14]The sky is blue and the birds are singing.

[15:22.31]Many people are in the park and they are strolling.

[15:30.56]Some boys are kicking the ball and some girls are watching.

[15:38.40]Some old men are playing chess and some women are dancing.

[15:46.34]Some young people are smelling the flowers.

[15:54.28]Some children are sliding and some mothers are chatting.


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