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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.01 10:35:41

[00:00.38]Previously on "Grey's Anatomy"... 上集回顾

[00:02.64]We had sex -- once. 我们曾经发生过关系——就一次

[00:04.21]Go out with me. 和我约会吧

[00:05.17]You know you're my boss. 你要明白你是我老板

[00:06.38]You know it's against the rules. 你知道这是违反游戏规则的

[00:07.57]Do you like Izzie? Is that what this is about? 你喜欢Izzie?这就是你想说的?

[00:09.55]Izzie? No. She's not the one I'm attracted to. Izzie?不,她不是吸引我的对象

[00:11.75]Not the one. So there's a one. 不是这个,那就是说另有其人咯

[00:13.38]Haven't you ever been attracted to someone you couldn't have? 难道你从来没被你曾经得不到的人吸引?

[00:16.40]Meredith. Meredith

[00:18.14]Just coffee. 只是一杯咖啡

[00:19.55]Good. 很好

[00:20.31]Okay. 好的

[00:21.02]Okay. 好的

[00:21.65]But your mother's alzheimer's is advancing. 但是你妈妈的阿滋海默症越来越严重了

[00:23.64]So while she's still lucid enough to consent, 当她还够清醒,会同意的时候

[00:25.82]she needs to sign everything over to you. 她需要将所有东西都转到你的名下

[00:27.78]Me? 我

[00:29.96]Thanks for the coffee. 谢谢咖啡

[00:35.12]So, you blew me off for a bottle of tequila. 所以你就因为一瓶龙舌兰酒对我发脾气

[00:37.18]That's not nearly as much fun to wake up to. 酒醒的时候可没那么好受

[00:40.23]You mind moving this tail wagon? 你们介意挪一下车屁股吗?

[00:42.33]You're blocking me in. 挡到我的路了

[00:46.81]A couple hundred years ago, 几百年前

[00:48.49]Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success -- Benjamin Franklin同世人分享他成功的秘诀

[00:52.97]"never leave that till tomorrow," he said, "what you can do today." “明天到来之前不要放弃”,他说“(想想)你今天能做什么”

[01:04.33]This is the man who discovered electricity. 这就是那个发现电的人

[01:06.83]You'd think more of us would listen to what he had to say. 你可能觉得我们当中应该会有更多人听他的

[01:14.89]I don't know why we put things off, 我不明白为什么我们总把事情推迟了

[01:17.81]but if I had to guess, 但要我猜的话

[01:19.90]I'd say it has a lot to do with fear -- 我敢说这和恐惧有很大关系

[01:24.50]fear of failure, 害怕失败

[01:26.16]fear of pain, 害怕疼痛

[01:27.87]fear of rejection. 害怕拒绝

[01:34.45]Wouldn't it be easier to just ask her out? 只是约她出来,就不能放松点儿吗?

[01:51.22]- She's gonna be late. - Maybe not. 她要迟了 可能不会

[01:55.55]- We should wait for her. - Definitely not. 我们应该等她 决不

[01:58.15]I'm not her mother, and you are not her boyfriend -- not yet, anyway. 我不是她妈妈,你也不是她男朋友,至少现在还不是

[02:01.83]Stop, okay? I told you I'm not interested. 别说了,好吗? 我告诉你我不在乎

[02:04.72]Life is short, George. 人生很短暂的,George

[02:06.56]Do you really want to die before you ever ask her out? 难道你真的想死后再约她?

[02:09.00]I do not want to ask her out. 我不想约她

[02:11.94]Do you really want to die a liar? 难道你想成为一个说谎‘鬼’?

[02:13.51]I'm not -- 我没...

[02:15.02]I'm not dying. 我还没有到快死的时候

[02:18.39]Sometimes, the fear is just of making a decision... 有时,害怕的只是下个决心

[02:23.42]because what if you're wrong? 因为如果你错了?

[02:25.77]What if you're making a mistake you can't undo? 如果你犯了一个无法弥补的错误怎么办?

[02:29.47]Crap. 废话

[02:30.60]Crap? 废话?

[02:31.73]Hi. I'm late. 嗨。我迟到了

[02:33.56]You're avoiding me. 你在躲我

[02:34.85]Yes, but also late. 是的,但是我迟了

[02:36.55]Oh, are we gonna talk about this? 噢,我们能谈谈这事儿吗?

[02:38.49]No. 不行

[02:39.27]About us and Bailey and what she saw? 关于我们,关于Bailey和她所看见的

[02:41.33]I don't need to talk about it. I experienced it... naked. 我不想谈这个。我经历过...毫无防备

[02:44.84]This is getting complicated. 越来越复杂了

[02:46.64]Complicated for me. 对于我来说是的

[02:47.83]I'm the intern sleeping with the attending. 我是跟主治医生上床的实习医生

[02:49.71]Bailey isn't speaking to me anymore. Bailey不会再跟我说话了

[02:51.91]Not that that's a bad thing. 没那么糟的

[02:53.98]If I was a better guy, I'd walk away. 如果我是一个好人的话,我就离开了

[02:56.56]Yes, you would. 对,你会的

[02:59.68]Do you want me to be a better guy? 你希望我做个好人吗?

[03:01.23]Yes. 是的

[03:04.70]No. 不

[03:07.22]Crap. 废话

[03:08.84]I'm late. 我迟到了

[03:10.96]Take your time. 别急

[03:13.35]Think about it. 考虑一下

[03:24.10]Thanks. 谢谢

[03:28.55]Is this a -- should we talk about this? 这...我们应该谈谈这个吗?

[03:33.96]Yeah, definitely. 当然

[03:47.97]You're late. 你迟到了

[03:48.99]So are you. 你也是

[03:49.97]I know, and I can't afford to piss off Bailey any more. 你知道吗,我再也不敢给Bailey抹黑了

[03:52.38]Do you think she told anyone? 你觉得她告诉什么人了吗?

[03:54.00]About you and Mcdreamy? 关于你和Mcdreamy

[03:55.02]- Yeah. - No. 是的 没有

[03:56.32]He's her boss, too. 他也是她的上司

[03:57.55]If they find out, what can they -- can they kick me out, or... 如果他们发现了,他们会...会炒了我吗,或者...

[04:00.20]No... 不...

[04:01.97]Not officially. 非正式的

[04:03.40]You'll just get edged out, blacklisted, 你会被别人排挤,拉进黑名单

[04:07.75]banned from his surgeries, 禁止靠近他的手术室

[04:09.92]passed over for chief resident. 不能成为总住院医师

[04:12.53]It'll be humiliating, but you'll live. 这有点丢脸,不过你还能留下

[04:15.25]I have to end it. 我必须结束这一切

[04:17.13]I definitely have to end it. 我必须永远结束这一切。

[04:20.51]I have to end it, right? 我得结束这一切,对吧?

[04:22.03]Meredith, shut up. Meredith,闭嘴

[04:23.70]What? 什么?

[04:26.43]Did you seriously just tell me to shut up? 你刚才是叫我闭嘴吗?

[04:28.42]Oh, please. 噢,拜托

[04:29.51]You got a hot doctor who likes to make you open up and say "ahh." 你有一个很辣的医生 她喜欢让你加速,然后说“啊哈”

[04:32.67]It's the american dream. Stop whining about it. 这就是美国梦。不要发牢骚

[04:34.96]No. No good can come from sleeping with your boss. 不,和你的上司睡觉不会给你带来什么好事的

[04:37.43]Cristina, you're late. Christina,你迟到了

[04:38.68]So is Meredith. Meredith也迟到了

[04:40.20]Whatever it is we're afraid of, one thing holds true -- 无论如何,这就是我们所担心的,关于真相...

[04:43.61]if, by the time the pain of not doing a thing gets worse than the fear of doing it, 不做任何事的痛苦更甚于做这件事的恐惧的时候

[04:48.18]it can feel like we're carrying around a giant tumor. 感觉就像正携带一个巨大的肿瘤一样

[04:51.03]When we walk in this door, you will maintain decorum. 我们在走进这间房间后,你们要保持礼貌

[04:53.70]You will not laugh, vomit, or drop your jaw. 不要大笑,呕吐,或者(惊讶地)张着嘴

[04:56.78]Are we understood? 懂了吗?

[04:58.07]Why would we laugh? 我们为什么要笑?

[04:59.11]Oh, just you wait. 噢,拭目以待

[05:00.36]Good morning, Miss Connors. 早上好,Connors小姐

[05:02.39]Good morning. 早上好

[05:06.10]What is it? 这是什么?

[05:08.49]Tumor. 瘤

[05:10.46]And you thought I was speaking metaphorically. 你以为我在打比喻


[05:44.37]Good morning, Annie. 早上好,Annie

[05:46.01]How are you? This is Dr. Bailey, and these are my fellow interns. 你好吗?这位是Bailey医生,他们是跟我的实习医师

[05:48.95]Dr. Karev, we refer to patients as "mister" -- Karev医生,我们提到病人时,说“先生”

[05:51.30]I told him to call me "Annie." 我让他叫我“Annie”

[05:52.99]"Ms. Connors" makes me feel old and fat, “Connors女士”让我觉得自己又老又肥

[05:56.20]which I am, but why feel that way? 虽然是事实,但我不想有这种感觉

[05:59.73]Good morning. 早上好

[06:01.09]Oh, Annie, this is Dr. Burke -- 噢,Annie,这是Burke医生

[06:03.31]awesome surgeon. 威严的外科医生

[06:06.05]Dr. Karev. Karev医生

[06:07.46]Oh, Annie Connors is a 43-year-old woman who presented last night 噢,Annie Connors, 一个43岁的女人,昨晚入院

[06:11.38]with progressive shortness of breath for the past three months. 在过去三个月中,呼吸短缺的症状越来越严重

[06:14.57]Found to have a very large tumor of unknown origin pressed against her diaphragm. 结果发现有一个巨大的未知原因的瘤压迫她的横隔膜

[06:20.64]Stable vital signs. Scheduled for C.T. this morning, sir. 生命迹象稳定,今早安排准备作C.T.

[06:23.53]Thank you, Dr. Karev. 谢谢,Karev医生

[06:25.72]Are you at all claustrophobic? 你是不是患有幽闭恐惧症?

[06:27.45]I've been housebound for the last year. How claustrophobic could I be? 去年一整年我都待在家里 我怎么可能得幽闭恐惧症?

[06:31.20]All right, then. 好的,那么

[06:32.47]Dr. Stevens is going to take you up for a C.T. Stevens医生会带你去作C.T.

[06:35.03]It'll give us a better look at the tumor, and we'll know how to proceed from there. 这能让我们把肿瘤看得更清楚,然后我们就知道该怎么做了

[06:38.56]Could someone tell my mom? 能让人通知我妈妈吗?

[06:40.39]She'll worry if she gets back and I'm not here. 如果她回家发现我不见了会担心的

[06:42.88]Yeah, of course. Of course. 好的,当然

[06:44.33]And would it be possible for Alex to take me instead? 能让Alex带我去吗?

[06:48.40]I mean, he -- he's just so fun to look at. 我是说,他...他看上去很幽默

[06:54.05]Annie. Annie

[06:55.09]Sure. 当然

[06:56.12]Sure, Ms. Connors. 当然,Connors女士

[06:57.48]Excuse me. 失陪一下

[07:01.79]- How much do you think it weighs? - 60 pounds. 你觉得这有多重? 60磅

[07:03.87]More. She's carrying around a whole extra person. 还要重一些。她相当于还带着另外一个人的体重

[07:06.38]This one's going in the books. 这会创纪录的(被记载下来)

[07:07.72]- I've got to get in. - I almost did. 我应该参与(这个治疗) 我就差一点

[07:09.90]Have you ever seen Alex like that? He actually seemed sincere. 你以前见过Alex这样吗? 他看上去确实很真诚

[07:12.57]"Seemed" being the operative word. “看上去”是关键词

[07:14.02]He was on call when she came in. 她进来时,他正在打电话

[07:15.83]I am never leaving this place again. 我不会再离开这个地方了

[07:18.47]Let's move, people. 大家行动吧

[07:19.86]Ms. Connor's surgery, should we choose to proceed, 我们决定对Connor女士进行手术

[07:22.76]will take most, if not all, of the surgeons off the floor, 这会调用这层楼的大部分外科医生,甚至全部

[07:25.30]which means you people will have to work extra hard not to kill anyone, 这意味着你们要额外努力工作,不要捅任何篓子

[07:29.11]'cause we won't be there to fix your mistakes. 因为我们不会来这儿帮你们收拾烂摊子

[07:31.39]Dr. Burke. Burke医生

[07:36.22]I really want in on this. 我真的很想参与这个手术

[07:38.59]I thought we weren't talking. 我以为我们不会跟对方说话呢

[07:39.98]I'm not talking. I'm just saying. 我没有和你交谈,我只是在讲

[07:43.99]Find her mother, get a family history, and I'll tell Bailey. 去找她母亲,查一下家族史,我会跟Bailey说的

[07:50.00]Mr. Harper had a coronary bypass yesterday. Harper先生昨天换上了冠状替代管

[07:52.37]His blood pressure, currently 100/65. 他的血压现在是100/65

[07:54.97]It was running low overnight down to 70/30, but responded to medication. 由于药物的作用,整晚血压都很低,只有70/30

[07:59.95]Postoperative labs show a crit of 30 and normal coagulation. 手术后的观察显示30的上升和正常的血凝固

[08:03.21]Chest-tube output has halted over the last two hours. 最近两个小时胸腔导管的输出已经停止

[08:05.97]What's your plan? 你准备怎么做?

[08:07.01]Chest x-ray and check the tube for possible occlusion. 胸腔的X光片,检查导管防止阻塞

[08:09.93]Good. 很好

[08:10.83]He's doing fine. 他的情况很好

[08:13.35]Thank you. 谢谢

[08:23.69]I know you think I like Meredith, but I don't like Meredith. 我知道你觉得我喜欢Meredith,但是我不喜欢Meredith

[08:27.10]What? 什么?

[08:27.69]No. I like Meredith. Obviously, I like Meredith. 不,我喜欢Meredith。显然,我喜欢Meredith

[08:30.12]I just -- I just don't have a thing for her. 我只是....我只是对她没有那种感觉

[08:32.64]Okay. 好的

[08:33.34]It's just this morning -- I know you were probably just teasing, 只是今早上...我想你可能只是开玩笑

[08:36.51]but I don't want you to say anything like that to her, because we live together, 但是我不希望你像那样跟她说什么,因为我们住在一起

[08:39.42]and that would be really awkward. 那会非常尴尬

[08:40.58]- George, stop talking. - Okay. George,别说了 好的

[08:48.14]Morning. 早

[08:50.81]Mr. Levangie, this is Dr. Bailey and her fine staff of surgical interns. Levangie先生,这位是Bailey医生和他优秀的全体实习外科医生

[09:00.61]Welcome to hell, kids. 孩子们,欢迎来到地狱

[09:05.22]Who's presenting? 这是谁?

[09:06.33]Edward Levangie is a 63-year-old man admitted for pain management for dyskinesia. Edward Levangie,63岁 因为运动障碍需要痛觉管理治疗而住院

[09:11.12]He's been stable since last night and responding well to the bolus injections. 从昨晚开始就比较稳定,对药物注射的反应也良好

[09:14.93]Izzie, possible treatments? Izzie,可行的治疗?

[09:16.63]For parkinson's disease? 对帕金森症?

[09:17.92]- Deep brain stimulation has shown very -- - Not for parkinson's -- for spinal pain. 对深层脑的刺激显示... 不是对帕金森症,而是脊髓疼痛

[09:25.81]Intraspinal catheter -- that way, he can have constant pain medication. 脊髓间导管——那样的话,他可以持续针对疼痛的药物治疗

[09:30.96]Excellent. 很好

[09:32.08]This is Dr. Grey. 这是Grey医生

[09:33.35]She's gonna prep you for the procedure and assist. 她将帮助你准备手续以及协助你的治疗

[09:39.36]Excuse me. 失陪一下

[09:45.82]You make yourselves busy. I'll catch up with you. 你自己先忙吧。我以后会找你的

[10:05.37]Miranda. Miranda

[10:06.27]Excuse me? 对不起?

[10:07.84]Well, that's your name, right? 噢,那是你的名字,对吧?

[10:09.13]It's on your jacket. 在你的夹克上写着

[10:10.46]All right, fine, I'll just call you "Bailey" then. 好的,好,我以后就叫你“Bailey”了

[10:12.23]You think you're charming in that talented, neurotic, overly moussed hair sort of way. 你觉得你天才的,神经质的,头发抹了过多发胶的样子很迷人

[10:16.69]Good for you. 对你来说很好

[10:17.85]But if you think I'm gonna stand back and watch while you favor her -- 但是如果你想一下,我站在后面看见你偏向她...

[10:20.67]I don't favor her. She's good. 我没有偏向她,她确实很棒

[10:22.35]I'm sure she is. 对,她是

[10:23.80]Can I point out that, technically, I'm your boss. 我能提醒你这一点吗,理论上来说,我是你上司

[10:26.40]You don't scare me. 你不要吓唬我

[10:27.83]Look, I'm not gonna advertise your extracurricular activities with my intern. 瞧,我不会向实习医生宣传你的非专业行为

[10:32.22]However, the next time I see you favoring Meredith Grey in any way, 但是如果下次再让我看见你帮Meredith Grey,无论什么情况

[10:35.71]I'll make sure she doesn't see the inside of an O.R. for a month... 我都会保证她一个月不能接近O.R.(手术室)

[10:39.59]just for the sake of balance. 只是出于公平的考虑

[10:44.87]- We're all set, doc. - Okay. 我们准备就绪了 好的

[10:47.81]Annie... there's gonna be a microphone in there for you in case you get scared Annie...万一你感到恐惧,这里有一个麦克风

[10:51.55]or you want to get out, but try not to do that, 或者你想出去,但是尽量不要那样做

[10:54.44]because then we're gonna have to start all over again. 因为如果那样的话我们就必须重做一遍

[10:57.37]I'm fine. I'll be fine. 我很好,我会没事的

[10:59.24]I know you're gonna be fine, because I'm gonna be right over there, 我知道你会很好的,因为我就在那边

[11:02.27]behind that glass, waiting for you. 在那块玻璃后面等你

[11:05.41]All right? 好了吗?

[11:06.29]Okay. 好了

[11:06.96]You ready? 你准备好了吗?

[11:07.82]Are you really ready? 你真的准备好了吗?

[11:09.71]Let's do this. 开始吧

[11:11.13]See ya. 等会见

[11:20.42]Oh, hey, man, you got an extra battery? 嘿,伙计,你有备份电池吗?

[11:23.20]Unbelievable. 难以置信

[11:25.75]Oh, I know, right? 我知道

[11:27.43]I've never seen anything like this. 我从没见过像这样的

[11:29.11]God. 天呐

[11:30.34]Yeah, well, what I don't understand is how a person lets it get like that. 噢,我不明白的是一个人怎么会让这东西(瘤)长成这样

[11:33.94]I mean, man, that is a whole lot of nasty. 我是说,伙计,那可是一大堆令人恶心的东西呀

[11:37.67]Maybe she's afraid of doctors. 可能她害怕医生

[11:39.60]Poor thing. 可怜的人

[11:40.66]Poor thing? Please. 可怜的人?行了吧

[11:42.19]If you're afraid of doctors, you take a pill. 如果你害怕医生,那你就吃药

[11:44.31]She's just sick, like, warped, you know? 她只是病了,你知道吗,就变得反常?

[11:47.91]Seriously, I don't know how she lives with herself. 说真的,我不知道她是怎么活着的。

[11:54.03]Well, at first, we thought she was just putting on weight. 噢,我们认为她一开始只是体重增加

[11:58.12]When we realized what was happening, I tried to get her to go to the doctor, 当我们意识到发生了什么的时候 我试图带她看医生

[12:02.38]but she was scared. 但是她很害怕

[12:04.16]And the bigger it got, the less she wanted to go. (肿瘤)越长越大,她就越来越不想去看医生

[12:07.73]And she never really felt all that sick until last night. 昨晚以前,她从来没有像那样感觉不舒服

[12:12.02]She couldn't breathe. 她无法呼吸

[12:14.01]Because the tumor was crushing her lungs. 因为肿瘤把她的肺压变形了

[12:16.10]Yes, well, I called 911. 是的,然后我打了911

[12:18.73]It just seemed like the right thing to do. 这样做看来是对的

[12:24.45]The right thing to do would have been to call a year ago. 一年前就应该这样做了

[12:29.07]Thank you. 谢谢

[12:32.47]Okay, Mr. Levangie. 好的。Levangie先生

[12:35.88]We're gonna get you more comfortable, okay? 我们会让你更舒服些,好吗?

[12:38.50]I'm gonna go downstairs, and I'll be back up shortly. 我现在到楼下去,一会就回来

[12:41.70]- Okay. - Okay. 好的

[12:46.29]Excuse me. 对不起

[12:48.70]- I'm sorry, doctor... - Grey. 我很抱歉,医生... 我叫Grey

[12:51.43]My dad seems to like you. 我父亲好像很喜欢你

[12:52.79]He's always liked skinny blondes. 他总是喜欢苗条的金发女人 。

[12:55.12]Is that rude? I'm sorry. I'm so tired. 这样说很无礼对吧? 对不起,我太累了

[12:57.53]Is there something... 这儿有什么...

[12:59.48]I was wondering if you would talk to him. 我只想你跟他谈一谈。

[13:01.85]- About? - Brain surgery. 关于什么? 脑外科手术

[13:04.27]The doctor mentioned it, and I've read about it on-line. 医生提起过这个,我曾在网上读过关于这个的资料

[13:07.37]If it worked, it could help with most of his symptoms, not just pain. 如果有用的话,应该可以改善他现在的症状 而不仅仅是疼痛

[13:11.78]- Is he a candidate? - He is, but he's afraid of it. 他是候选人吗? 是的,但是他很担心

[13:15.03]Surgery on his back, he can understand, but his brain -- 他能够接受背部的外科手术,但是脑部的...

[13:18.01]and... there are risks. 还有...这会冒很大的风险

[13:20.69]- But his quality of life -- - There isn't any. 但是他的基本生活条件... 一点儿都没有

[13:24.02]And it keeps getting worse. 而且越来越糟了

[13:27.37]I'm getting married next month. 我下个月就要结婚了

[13:29.52]I already lost my mom. 我已经失去我母亲了

[13:31.45]And I want him to walk... 我希望他能支持住.

[13:35.75]I want him with me. Maybe that's selfish, but... 我想他和我在一起。可能这很自私,但是...

[13:39.06]you don't know what it's like having a parent -- 你不会了解有父母...会是什么样子

[13:41.70]watching him... 看看他...

[13:44.25]I do. 我知道

[13:46.05]I do know what it's like. 我知道这会是什么样子

[13:48.72]I'll see what I can do. 我会想想我还能做些什么

[13:50.80]Thanks. 谢谢

[13:52.27]You're welcome. 不用谢

[13:54.30]Thank you. 谢谢

[14:00.50]The right hemidiaphragm is so high that it's completely displacing her lung tissue. 右半边横隔膜很高以至于她的肺组织完全离开了原来的位置

[14:04.71]It's infiltrated her spinal canal in three places. 她的脊骨管有三处被瘤渗透了

[14:08.24]We should start there. 我们应该从这儿开始

[14:09.56]It's gonna take three or four hours just to get around those nerves. 靠近这些神经附近需要花3、4个小时

[14:12.11]I'd prefer to start in front and then flip her. 我想最好从前面开始,然后把她翻过来

[14:14.52]You never know what kind of vessels are involved. 你不知道这会和什么样的血管混在一起

[14:16.58]I'm gonna need a good head start. 我需要一个好的开端

[14:19.46]If I miss a step, she's paralyzed. 一旦我错了一步,她就会瘫痪

[14:22.85]If I don't relieve the pressure on her lungs, she'll be dead, so she won't mind if she can't walk. 如果不解除她肺部的压力,她就会死 所以相较而言她不会介意是否能走路

[14:27.23]Do you think she really wants to live? 你觉得她真的想活着么?

[14:29.74]Come on. She's been housebound. 拜托,她从来不离家的

[14:32.39]She's been living under this thing, just watching it grow for how long? 她一直在这种情况下生活,看着这瘤一天天长大。

[14:36.62]She doesn't seem stupid -- doesn't even seem all that scared. 她看起来并不蠢,也没有那么恐惧

[14:40.18]Why would anyone wait this long unless they wanted to die? 一个人除非想死,要不为什么(在这种情况下)还等那么久呢?

[14:42.98]People do things every day that they know could kill them -- 每天人们都在做一些明知会伤害他们自己的事...

[14:45.97]doesn't mean they want to die. 那不意味他们想死

[14:47.42]Well, what are her chances of surviving the surgery? 噢,她在这次外科手术中存活的机率有多大?

[14:49.51]Slightly better than if we do nothing. 比什么都不做的机率要稍微大一点

[14:51.75]So is it worth it? 那么还值得做吗?

[14:54.39]Hey, come on. You were already thinking it. I'm just saying. 嗨,打起精神来,你们还真这样想了,我只是说说而已

[14:58.90]She's 43. It's worth a try. 她只有43岁,值得一试

[15:06.85]Morning. 早

[15:13.53]Dr. Shepherd... Shepherd医生

[15:15.77]Mr. Levangie, the parkinson's patient -- Levangie先生,患帕金森症的病人...

[15:18.27]is he a good candidate for DBS? 他是DBS的有力候选人吗?

[15:20.37]Yes, but he's not interested. 是,但他不感兴趣

[15:22.55]Okay, but I think it's worth talking to him again, pushing him. 好的,但是我觉得有必要再跟他谈谈,劝劝他

[15:25.82]We're talking about a brain surgery 我们在谈脑外科手术

[15:27.38]that is performed while the patient is wide awake. 在病人完全清醒的时候就已经谈过了

[15:29.48]There is a risk of paralysis, a risk of death, and the patient doesn't want it. 这有瘫痪的危险,死亡的危险,而病人不希望有

[15:33.35]It is not my job to push him into anything, and it's definitely not yours. 我的职责不是劝他干嘛,这明显也不是你的工作

[15:37.99]Since you're uncomfortable with my decision in this, it's probably best you don't scrub in. 既然你不满意我在此事上的决定,那你最好就别掺和进来

[15:41.85]It's a minor procedure. You won't be missed. 这是一个次要的过程。你不会错过的

[15:53.57]You know, they call you the nazi. 你知道吗,他们叫你纳粹

[15:55.41]So I've heard. 我听说了

[16:02.79]I won't lie to you. 我不会对你说谎的

[16:04.16]The surgery is going to be long and difficult, 这个手术会很漫长且困难重重

[16:06.85]but we have an extremely capable surgical team, and I can -- 但我们有一个非常有能力的外科组,而且我能...

[16:09.80]Am I gonna die? 我会死吗?

[16:13.52]There's always that risk, 手术总是有风险的

[16:15.47]but if we don't do the surgery... 但是如果我们不做这个手术的话...

[16:18.33]I'll definitely die. 我肯定会死

[16:20.10]Yes. 对

[16:21.50]Soon? 很快?

[16:22.88]Yes. 是的

[16:26.93]- Mom, the room's clean. - Okay, honey, okay. 妈妈,这间房间很干净 好的,甜心,好的

[16:29.30]Mom! 妈妈!

[16:30.85]She'll have the surgery. 她会做这个手术

[16:32.38]Mom. 妈妈

[16:33.19]No. No, Annie. 不,不,Annie

[16:36.12]She will have the surgery. 她会做这个手术

[16:42.71]I guess I'll have the surgery... 我想我会做这个手术...

[16:44.52]I think that is a very wise decision. 我想那是一个明智的决定

[16:47.03]On one condition -- I don't want him there. 只有一个条件——我不希望他在这里

[16:51.72]I'm sorry, Annie. Did I upset you in some way? 对不起,Annie。我是不是哪儿让你难过了?

[16:54.77]If he's in the surgery, I'm not having it. 如果他参与做这手术,我就不干了

[17:00.56]That's how I live with myself. 那就是我怎么自重的

[17:03.89]Okay, Ms. Connors. 好的。Connors夫人

[17:06.61]Dr. Karev. Karev医生

[17:15.92]What the hell did you do? 你到底干了什么?

[17:17.04]Nothing. I don't know. 没干什么。我不知道

[17:19.14]Man. The mike must have been on. 噢,麦克风肯定开着的

[17:21.13]If anything goes wrong, anything, 如果有什么事搞砸了,任何一件事。

[17:23.49]you are 60% more likely to be sued if you've offended the patient -- 大于60%的机率你会被起诉因为你冒犯了病人...

[17:26.46]- 60%. - I never would have said that stuff. 60% 我真不应该说那回蠢事

[17:28.84]The mike shouldn't have been on. I didn't realize she could hear me. 麦克风不应该是开着的。我没意料到她能听到我说话

[17:32.03]Now you won't realize your chance to scrub in. 现在你不能实现参与(手术)的机会了

[17:34.34]You're banned from the O.R. -- mine or anyone else's -- all week. 你被禁止进入O.R.(手术室)了——我的或其他任何人的——整个星期

[17:37.45]I got the history on the tumor. It's been growing for a year and a half. 我拿到了这个肿瘤的历史纪录。长了一年半

[17:40.90]A year and a half, and it's the first time she's even had it looked at. 一年半,而且这是她第一次对此进行检查

[17:43.49]It's like she's fatally lazy. 看来她是不怕死的懒

[17:49.14]Why doesn't she get banned? 为什么她没有被禁止?

[17:52.43]Go prep Annie Connors for surgery. You're scrubbing in with Cristina. 为Annie Connors准备做手术。你和Cristina一起准备

[17:55.59]Really? I mean, thank you. 是吗?我的意思是,谢谢你

[17:57.88]Okay. 嗯

[17:59.32]We just need to recheck your labs and get an EKG, so I just need to take a little blood. 我们需要再核对一下你的手术室,做一个EKG, 所以我们需要取一点血样

[18:04.25]Dr. Burke is great Burke医生很棒

[18:05.74]and Dr. Bailey. 还有Bailey医生

[18:07.24]I know you're probably scared. 我知道你可能很害怕

[18:08.54]That's okay, kitten. 没什么大不了,亲爱的

[18:09.80]You can just do your job. 你只需要做你该做的就行

[18:11.40]You don't have to talk to the fat, nasty tumor lady. 你不需要跟我这个肥胖的 令人讨厌的长着肿瘤的女人说话

[18:14.27]I mean, I let it get this bad. How much sympathy do I deserve? 我是说,是我让这变得如此糟糕的 我应该得到多少同情呢?

[18:19.48]Why did you let it get this bad? 为什么你任由这个(瘤)变得这么糟?

[18:23.78]You're the first person since I got here to ask me that. 我来这儿之后,你是第一个问我这个问题的

[18:26.85]Well, I guess it's just like the elephant in the room. 啊,我觉得那(瘤)就像房间里的一头象

[18:29.36]Elephant? It's more like a giant sow, don't you think? 象?更像一只巨大的母猪,你不觉得吗?

[18:40.87]Every time I went to the hospital, someone died -- 每次我去医院,有人死去...

[18:44.46]all four of my grandparents, 我的祖父母和外祖父母

[18:46.47]then my dad, 然后是我爸爸

[18:48.31]my best friend's mom, 我好朋友的妈妈

[18:50.44]my baby sister. 我的小妹妹

[18:52.32]They all went in -- never came out. 他们进去之后都没能再出来

[18:56.35]So I put it off. 所以我就把这个给耽误了

[19:01.56]You know, you're not the only one... to put things off. 你知道吗,你不是唯一一个拖延事情的人

[19:04.20]I mean, I never do anything till the last possible minute. 我想说,我总是不到最后关头决不做任何事

[19:07.05]Like what? 比如?

[19:08.48]Well... 啊...

[19:11.82]I've had this thing for my roommate since, like, day one, and I just -- 从某天起,我开始喜欢我的室友,我只是...

[19:16.67]I... can't tell her. 我不能告诉她

[19:18.42]She probably wouldn't go out with me, anyway, but... 她很可能不愿意和我约会,无论如何,但是...

[19:21.12]how do I know that for sure if I... don't ever ask? 如果我从来没问过,我怎么确定呢?

[19:27.62]Seriously? You're equating your pathetic love life with my record-breaking tumor? 真的吗?你把你那可怜的爱情生活 同我这创纪录的肿瘤相提并论?

[19:34.06]Seriously? 真的?

[19:38.56]It's just that he blatantly favors me in front of her, 他在她面前不加掩饰地帮我

[19:41.86]and then blatantly dismisses me. 然后又很直接的打发我走

[19:43.80]How do you know he was favoring you? 你怎么知道他是在帮你?

[19:47.55]Look, you've got a brain. You got into this program. 瞧,你有大脑。你自己好好想想

[19:49.94]Just because shepherd munched your cookies 仅仅是因为shepherd吃了你的饼干

[19:51.84]doesn't mean that you didn't deserve what you worked for. 这不代表你不配你所得到的工作。

[19:53.79]But he's making me look bad. 但是他搞得我很狼狈

[19:56.59]I have to end it. 我必须停止这一切

[19:58.08]Right. 对呀

[19:59.15]It's over. 结束了

[20:01.00]Is it true you get to scrub in on that tumor? 你会参与那个肿瘤手术是真的吗?

[20:03.63]Don't sit here. 别坐在这儿

[20:04.59]You get to scrub in? 你参加了?

[20:06.01]How psyched are you? 你是怎么做到的?

[20:07.36]On a scale of one to ecstatic, ecstatic. 按照某个人的规模大小尽情狂欢

[20:09.80]That's unbelievable. You know what I think? 真是难以置信,你知道我怎么想的吗?

[20:12.06]I think Burke wants to get into your scrubs. 我觉得Burke想参与你这次的手术

[20:14.01]Why are you sitting here? 为什么你非得坐在这儿?

[20:15.30]He kicked me off that surgery for the same crap you pull every day. 就因为一些像你每天所说的废话,他把我踢出了手术室

[20:18.36]If I stuck this fork into his thigh, would I get in trouble? 如果我把这把叉子插到他的大腿里,我会有麻烦吗?

[20:21.71]Not if you make it look like an accident. 如果你把它弄得像意外的话就不会

[20:23.73]Hey. 嗨

[20:25.83]Thank god, man. 感谢上帝,伙计

[20:27.53]I'm drowning in estrogen here. 我在这儿快溺死在雌性激素里了

[20:29.25]Look, is everything okay? 一切都好吧?

[20:33.38]Shepherd's a jackass. Shepherd是头蠢驴

[20:35.14]Really? I think he's kind of great. 真的?我还以为他是个很棒的人呢

[20:38.04]He reamed her out in front of Bailey. 他在Bailey面前把她给训了一顿。

[20:39.47]Why? 为什么?

[20:40.37]'Cause he's a jackass. 因为他是头蠢驴

[20:43.46]Well, bad days are... bad. 啊,糟糕的一天...果然够糟糕

[20:46.64]Maybe tonight, uh, if, you know, if you drink alcohol, I mean, 也许今晚,嗯,如果,你知道 如果你喝酒,我是说

[20:51.51]we could -- all of us, I mean, go out and drink alcohol... 我们可以...我们所有人,我的意思是,出去喝酒...

[20:55.90]because of the bad day. 因为今天是糟糕的一天

[21:03.35]I got to go. 我得走了

[21:08.90]Dude. 好家伙

[21:10.50]Shut up. 闭嘴

[21:24.58]- How's your back? - Still good. 你的背怎么样? 还好

[21:27.95]Can you lean forward for me? I just want to check something. 你能往我这边靠近吗?我想检查一下

[21:30.84]Does that feel okay? 这样感觉还好吗?

[21:32.30]Right here? 这儿呢?

[21:33.69]Did you page? 你找我吗?

[21:36.42]Mr. Levangie, have you given any more thought Levangie先生,你还有其他想法吗

[21:38.88]about the other surgical options we discussed this morning? 关于今早上我们讨论的其他的外科手术的选择?

[21:41.77]What? 什么?

[21:43.53]Why would I? I already told you no. 我为什么要(考虑)? 我已经告诉你不要了

[21:47.42]I'm letting you cut into my back, 我同意你在我背上开刀

[21:50.53]but that's not enough for you. 但是对你来说还不够

[21:52.61]All you guys ever want to do is cut. 像你这种人所能想到的就只是开刀

[21:54.84]Dad, just listen to what he has to say. 爸爸,就听听他要说什么

[21:56.32]I already listened. 我已经听过了

[21:58.37]Sir, there's a very small window of opportunity here. 先生,这儿只有很小的(治愈)机会

[22:01.90]Once the parkinson's progresses to a point of dementia, 一旦帕金森症发展到痴呆的程度

[22:04.45]you're no longer a candidate for DBS. 你就不再是DBS的候选人了

[22:07.11]And when I'm no longer a candidate, 当我不再是DBS的候选人的时候

[22:09.96]is that when you people will leave me the hell alone?! 也就是你们把我一个人扔下的时候?

[22:15.48]What? Do I have to start drooling 什么?我是不是开始说胡话

[22:18.37]and forget my name to get a little peace and quiet? 还忘记自己的名字,因而得到一些宁静?

[22:22.12]All right. 好了

[22:23.88]I'll check back with you later. 我晚一点再回来给你检查

[22:25.33]Try to get some rest. 休息一下

[22:27.30]Dad, you're being unreasonable. 爸爸,你这是不讲道理

[22:30.51]The doctors are only trying to help you. 那个医生只是想帮助你

[22:32.48]It's my damn life, and it's my damn brain. 这就是我的见鬼的生活,见鬼的大脑

[22:35.33]You want me to let them cut up my brain while I'm lying here awake -- for what? 你希望我让他们把我的脑子切了 当我醒着躺在那儿的时候——为了什么?

[22:40.08]- Dad! - I'll be at your wedding. 爸爸! 我会出席你的婚礼的

[22:43.00]I will sit in the back. Your uncle will walk you down the aisle. 我会坐在后面 你叔叔会领你走过红地毯的

[22:47.66]I know it's not perfect, but it's life. 我知道这样不够完美,但这就是生活

[22:50.96]Life is messy sometimes. 有时生活很混乱

[22:54.35]I know that. 我了解

[23:00.41]If she knows... 如果她知道...

[23:02.81]then what the hell are we still talking for, huh? 那么,该死的我们还在这儿谈论什么,哈?

[23:06.52]Why in hell can't she drop it? 该死的,为什么她就不能放弃?

[23:12.56]It is your life. 这是你的人生

[23:14.65]But it's her life, too. 但也是她的人生

[23:16.73]And you have a chance to get better here. 同时你有机会在这里得到一个更好的

[23:19.16]And all she's asking you to do is try. 她所希望你做的只是尝试

[23:31.41]If they pull this off, I'm totally calling Oprah. 如果他们把这延后了 我就会打电话给 Oprah

[23:34.92]You two been working out? 你们俩在外面做兼职?

[23:37.79]Sometimes I jog, and I try to take the stairs whenever possible. 有时我慢跑,而且我尝试着如果可能就随时带着梯子

[23:42.08]Why? 为什么?

[23:43.20]See that large pile of tumor? 看见那一大堆肿瘤了吗?

[23:45.25]You're gonna be retracting it for the next 14 hours, 你们将在未来14个小时里把它移除

[23:48.43]so I'm just saying I hope you have strong backs. 所以我只是想说希望你们有强壮的后背(能挺得过来)

[23:54.39]Dr. Shepherd. Shepherd医生

[23:56.00]Yes? 什么?

[23:57.38]Mr. Levangie has agreed to DBS... Levangie先生已经同DBS达成协议...

[24:00.40]if we do it today. 如果我们今天做

[24:03.08]If he leaves, he won't come back. 如果他离开了,他就不会回来了

[24:09.09]Don't worry, Dr. Shepherd. 别担心,Shepherd医生

[24:11.29]It'll take hours before we get around to the spine. 在我们接近脊柱前得花好几个小时

[24:13.86]I'll page you. 我会叫你的

[24:16.63]All right, then. 好的

[24:20.90]Let's do it. 我们开始吧

[24:28.27]Dr. Bailey... Bailey医生...

[24:31.68]I didn't know... 我不知道...

[24:34.40]that he was my boss when I met him. 他是我上司,在我之前见到他时

[24:36.63]I didn't know. 我不知道

[24:37.42]I don't care. 我不在乎

[24:38.58]Really? 真的?

[24:39.89]Oh, well, you sort of seemed to not be talking to me, so I -- 噢,啊,你好像不会和我说话,所以我...

[24:43.16]You see this -- what's happening right here? 你看这个——发生什么事了?

[24:45.41]This is the problem with you sleeping with my boss -- 这是你和我的上司睡觉产生的问题

[24:48.75]not whether or not you knew him before, but how it affects my day. 无论你之前是不是认识他 但是这对我的生活影响很大

[24:53.53]And me standing here talking to you about your sex life affects my day. 我现在站在这里跟你说你的性生活对我的生活产生了影响

[24:58.35]And the longer this little fling goes on, 这件讽刺的事持续得越久

[25:01.24]the more favors you get over the others, 你就比别人得到更多的偏爱。

[25:04.14]who are fighting tooth and nail just to make it through this program without any assistance -- 而那些人在没有任何协助的情况下 正拼命争取通过这次考核

[25:07.96]when those people start finding out what's going on 当那些人发现这是怎么回事的时候

[25:10.99]and they don't want to work with you and talk to you 他们就不会不愿意和你一起工作,和你说话

[25:14.83]or look at you and they start bitching and moaning at me, 或者看见你,他们就会开始向我抱怨(没有早点说出来)

[25:19.00]the more it affects my day. 对我的生活也就影响越大

[25:22.09]So, no, Dr. Grey, 所以,不,Grey医生

[25:23.91]I don't care what you knew or when you knew it. 我不在乎你知道什么或你什么时候知道的

[25:27.27]Are we understood? 清楚了吗?

[25:29.61]- Yes. - Good. 是的 很好

[25:40.25]This sucks. 妈的

[25:41.45]Yeah, well, I'm not a real fan of yours, either. 是的,啊,我不是你们任何一个人的狂热者

[25:43.33]Not you -- this -- everyone else is scrubbed in somewhere. 不是你——这儿——每个人都在某个地方准备手术

[25:45.92]Bright side -- we have the run of the floor. 好的一面——我们能自由在这层楼奔来奔去

[25:47.69]Want to do it in the stairwell? 想在楼梯间跑吗?

[25:49.45]I'm just saying you never know what could happen. 我只是说你永远不知道会发生什么

[25:55.00]I'm changing. 我要换衣服

[25:56.51]I'll page you if I need you. 我需要你的时候会叫你的

[25:57.90]You do that. 一定

[26:01.37]You are so my favorite person today. 你是我今天最喜欢的人

[26:08.52]We need to hang another bag of O-neg. 我们需要再输一袋O型阴性血

[26:11.06]Cauterizing the small bleeders to keep my visual field clean. 烧一下这些细小的出血的血管好让我的视野清楚一些

[26:15.74]God, is your back killing you? 上帝,你觉得你的背疼得要死吗?

[26:17.39]George, shut up. We're in here. George,闭嘴 我们已经在这儿了

[26:19.33]More suction, please. 抽气机加大吸力

[26:26.00]Mrs. Harper, let me show you these chest films. Harper夫人,让我给你看一下这些胸腔的片子

[26:31.28]We were able to relieve the obstruction of his chest tube, 我们可以清除他胸腔管道里的障碍物

[26:33.53]so the buildup of fluid you see here should resolve itself soon. 所以你可以看到汇集在这里的液体一会儿就会融合在一起

[26:39.71]Which translates as he should be home in no time. 也就是说不一会儿他就可以回家了

[26:42.70]He was making waffles. 他当时正在做奶蛋格子饼干

[26:44.18]I'm sorry? 对不起?

[26:45.27]He was making waffles. 他当时正在做奶蛋格子饼干

[26:46.60]He was mixing the batter, and -- 他在搅奶油面糊,然后...

[26:48.88]and then, he was on the floor. 然后,他就倒在了地上

[26:50.30]Izzie, we need a central line run in 204. Izzie,204房需要一根管子

[26:52.43]- Page Dr. Karev, will you? - He's not answering. 通知Karev医生好吗? 他还没有答复

[26:55.16]I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉

[26:56.75]I'll be back. 我会回来的

[27:09.14]Like what you see, right? 喜欢你看到的,是吧?

[27:17.69]Neuro sponge. 网状神经

[27:20.73]How you doing, Mr. Levangie? Levangie先生,你怎么样?

[27:22.28]All right. 还好

[27:24.78]Where's blondie? 小美人儿在哪儿?

[27:26.41]I'm right here. 我就在这儿

[27:27.40]Can't you see me? 你看不见我吗?

[27:28.70]I'm shaky. I'm not blind. 我在颤抖,但我不是瞎的

[27:31.09]Anything goes wrong here, I'm blaming you. 这儿一切都不对,我在责备你

[27:34.23]Okay, in that case, I'll stay where you can see me. 好的,那样的话,我会呆在你看的见我的地方

[27:37.65]We just have to drill a hole and try to find the spot that controls the motor function. 我们得钻一个洞,然后找到控制运动功能的地方

[27:42.54]You can't see my brain from there. 你从那儿看不见我的大脑

[27:44.66]Aren't you supposed to be learning something? 你不想学点东西吗?

[27:46.96]I'm good right here. 我这样很好

[27:51.76]Okay, Mr. Levangie, just take a couple deep breaths. 好吧,Levangie先生,做几次深呼吸

[27:54.62]Focus on the pretty girl. 把注意里集中在这个漂亮女孩儿身上

[27:57.40]Okay, this is gonna sound really scary, but try and relax. 好的,这个听起来确实很吓人,但是试着放松

[28:00.62]You shouldn't feel a thing. 你应该什么也感觉不到

[28:03.33]- Any pain here? - No. 这儿疼吗? 不

[28:05.13]Here? 这儿呢?

[28:06.72]Okay. 好的

[28:07.83]Dr. Stevens, I need you to check the x-ray in 2103. Stevens医生,我需要你检查一下2103房的X光片

[28:10.55]2118 needs post-op notes, and jane's wondering if you want her to start feeding 2112. 2118房需要过去的治疗记录 jane想知道现在要开始给2112房的病人喂食吗?

[28:15.63]I'm going on break. 我要去休息了

[28:16.65]Okay, yeah, before you do that, could you page Dr. Karev again? 好的,在那之前你能再通知一下Karev吗?

[28:19.77]- I already paged him. - Yeah, again? 我已经通知他了 是的,再一次好吗?

[28:26.11]- How is it? - Long and slow. 怎么样? 漫长而缓慢

[28:28.45]I don't envy those two. 我不羡慕那两个人

[28:29.91]They've been holding that thing for eight hours. 他们已经抓着那东西(瘤)八小时了

[28:32.22]Their arms have to be ready to fall off. 他们的手臂已经块脱落了

[28:37.40]Look at the size of this artery. 看那动脉的大小

[28:39.33]My god. 我的天呐

[28:41.03]It's as thick as a thumb. 那跟拇指一般粗

[28:43.98]You ever seen a vessel this size? 你见过那样粗细的血管吗?

[28:46.46]No. 没有

[28:48.52]This thing's just feeding on all her blood. 这些血管供应她所有的血液

[28:52.02]We need more O-negative. 还需要更多O型阴性血

[28:54.27]I'll call the blood bank. 我会通知血库

[28:59.00]Damn it, O'Malley. 见鬼,O'Malley

[29:00.59]Do you want me to kill this patient?! 你想我杀了这个病人吗?

[29:02.01]No, I -- sorry. 不,对不起

[29:03.58]I mean, is the art of retracting just too much for you? 我是说,是不是缩核技术对你来说太难了?

[29:06.00]No, I was, uh -- um... 不,我,嗯...

[29:10.56]I had an itch. 我长了个疥疮(痒)

[29:14.29]Way to go, George. 少来了,George

[29:15.58]Nicely done. 干得漂亮

[29:18.37]Just keep trying, Mr. Levangie. 试一试,Levangie先生

[29:20.74]Mimic my motions. 模仿我的动作

[29:22.37]You can do it. 你能做到的

[29:24.62]You're doing great, Mr. Levangie. 你做得很好,Levangie先生

[29:26.89]Just a little longer. 只是在长一点

[29:28.44]Oh, damn it! 噢,见鬼!

[29:32.00]Take a breath and try again. 呼吸,再试一次

[29:34.08]One more time, Mr. Levangie. 再来一次,Levangie先生

[29:36.88]The probe is almost in. 探针几乎进去了

[29:38.55]You'll know it when we find the right spot. 当我们找到正确的地方你就会知道的

[29:52.51]Well, how about that? 噢,现在怎样?

[29:54.43]There it is. 就是这里

[29:56.61]I'll be a son of a bitch. 我这个狗娘养的

[30:07.97]I was trying to protect you. 我在努力保护你

[30:10.64]You trying to protect me is why she's on the warpath. 你越是保护我她越是作对

[30:13.35]You can't do me favors. 你帮不了我

[30:14.98]You can't ask me to scrub in when I haven't earned it. 我还没有争取到机会时 你不能就让我为手术做准备

[30:17.06]Okay. Oaky. 好的,好的

[30:18.17]And you can't treat me like crap when I haven't earned that. 你也不能把我当废物对待

[30:20.86]I can take care of myself. 我能自己照顾自己

[30:22.72]I got myself into this mess, and I... 我把自己扔进这趟浑水里,我...

[30:25.31]And you'll get yourself out? 你会自己出来吧?

[30:26.88]I don't... know that yet. 我还不知道

[30:34.62]Don't let me keep you. 不要让我老是提醒你

[30:35.97]You did great work here today. 你今天在这干得很棒

[30:40.41]Dr. Shepherd. Shepherd医生

[30:41.81]Yeah? 什么?

[30:43.61]Sorry I called you a jackass. 对不起,因为先前我叫你蠢驴

[30:45.92]You didn't. 你没有

[30:47.03]I did... twice. 我有...两次

[30:52.00]Tell you what, blondie, 告诉你,小美人儿

[30:53.83]if you don't marry him, I will. 如果你不嫁给他,我就嫁

[31:11.74]No, no, no, Jimmy! 不,不,不,Jimmy!

[31:14.26]No, no, Jimmy, no! 不,不,Jimmy,不!

[31:16.04]What we got? 怎么了?

[31:16.75]Pressure plummeted to 64/22, and he has runs of v-tach that aren't perfusing. 血压直线下降到64/22,他使用了几次未达到最大剂量的v-tach

[31:20.24]Cvp is sky-high. Cvp高到顶点了

[31:21.59]Give him dopamine -- 10 mikes. 给他注射多巴胺——10微克

[31:23.26]He's already maxed out. 他已经用了最大量了

[31:24.26]The resident was here an hour ago, but I can't reach him now. 一小时前驻院医生在这儿 但是现在我联系不上他

[31:26.28]- Of course. - What is the matter with you?! 当然 你怎么回事?

[31:29.58]Get her out of here! 把她带出去!

[31:30.57]Mrs. Harper, you have to get out of here. Harper夫人,你必须出去

[31:33.87]Does he have a myocardial ischemia? 他是不是得了心肌梗塞(myocardial ischemia)?

[31:36.34]No, it's a clot -- big one. 不,是一块血液凝块——很大一块

[31:37.93]Page someone. Page anyone. 通知某个医生,随便哪一个

[31:39.19]He'll be dead before they get here. 他们来之前他就会死的

[31:41.29]You have to do sOmething. Do anything, please! 你必须得做点什么,任何事,拜托!

[31:44.32]- You said he was okay! - Get out of here now! 你说他没事的 现在就出去

[31:47.30]You have to cut. 你必须给他开刀

[31:49.04]I can't. I've never even seen it done. I could kill him. 我不能,我甚至从来没见过这种手术 我会害死他的

[31:51.89]Do nothing, you'll kill him faster. 不做任何事,他会死得更快。

[31:53.14]- What's your glove size? - 6. 你手套的尺寸是多大? 6号

[31:54.98]Oh, god. Oh, god. 噢,天哪,天哪

[31:56.90]Take a breath, Dr. Stevens. 深呼吸,Stevens医生

[31:58.82]She has to move over there. 她必须从这里过去

[32:00.31]Walter, move out of the way. Walter,让开路

[32:05.50]Cut the stitches and then the staples. 剪开缝线,然后是固定钉

[32:08.24]Don't let them fall into the chest cavity. 不要让它们掉到胸腔里

[32:10.09]Wait. I've never cracked a chest before. 等一下,我从未开过胸腔

[32:12.83]Oh, god. Oh, god. 噢,天哪,天哪

[32:17.39]No pulse. Wide complex rhythm. 没有脉搏。全是杂乱的节律

[32:19.66]I can't get this clot out. I need more suction. I need more. 我取不出血块。需要更多的吸力,更多的

[32:21.81]He's bradying down. 他正在缓慢死去

[32:23.71]You have to get the clot out. 你必须得把血块取出来

[32:27.22]I can't get it. 我办不到

[32:29.04]Screw it. 把它拧出来

[32:29.85]I'm using my hand. 我用手的

[32:34.43]Oh, god, look at the size of that clot. 噢,天哪,看这血块的大小

[32:38.07]Anything? 有变化吗?

[32:38.95]No. 没有

[32:40.43]You have to massage the heart, doctor. 你得按摩一下心脏,医生

[32:46.98]Come on. 加油

[32:52.17]Come on, please. 加油呀

[32:55.02]Come on, Mr. Harper. 加油,Harper先生

[32:57.39]We have a pulse. 有脉搏了

[33:08.85]Okay, more suction. 好的,更多吸力

[33:10.33]How's it going? 进行得怎么样?

[33:12.05]It's more intertwined than the studies made it look. 比先前研究看起来更复杂

[33:14.99]I need another bag. 我还需要一袋血

[33:16.53]Call the blood bank. We need more O-negative. 通知血库。我们需要更多O型阴性血

[33:19.35]I'm down 10 units of blood, and I haven't even flipped her yet. 我还没有把她翻过来,就已经下降了10个单位的血量了

[33:22.59]Oh, wow. 噢,哇

[33:25.14]Hold it steady. 保持稳定

[33:26.97]Look at that. 看看那个

[33:28.32]Sponge. 纱布

[33:30.61]Now, how am I supposed to get around that artery? 现在,我怎么推断是否已经在动脉附近了?

[33:38.51]All right, then. 好了,然后

[33:40.27]Forceps. 镊子

[33:43.24]Here you go. 给你

[33:45.70]Excuse me. 借过

[33:47.73]God, it's unbelievable. 天呐,真不可思议

[33:49.60]Right. 对

[33:51.05]How did she live like that? 她怎么能像那样活着?

[33:53.57]Watch what you say. You never know who's listening. 小心你说的话,隔墙有耳。

[33:58.31]Look at George. 看看George

[33:59.39]He looks like he's about to fall in. 他看上去快垮了

[34:03.42]Are you really as shallow and callous as you seem? 你真的像你表面看上去那样浅薄无情吗?

[34:06.47]Oh, you want to go out for a drink later and hear about my secret pain? 噢,你愿意等会儿出去喝杯酒然后听听我不为人知的痛苦吗?

[34:11.54]Does that line ever work for you? 那条线对你有用吗?

[34:13.61]Sometimes. 有时

[34:16.55]Must be because you look like that. 肯定是因为你看上去像那样

[34:19.15]Like what? 像哪样?

[34:22.65]So, is that a yes? 那么,那算答应了吗?

[34:24.76]No. 不

[34:26.45]I can't. I'm seeing someone. 我不能,我在和别人约会

[34:28.86]Look, if you don't want to go out with me, just say so -- 瞧,如果你不愿意和我约会,只用直接说出来...

[34:32.09]no need to lie. 不需要借口

[34:34.21]Oh, okay. 噢,好的

[34:36.53]Well, I don't want to go out with you. 那么,我不想和你约会

[34:38.95]But I think I really might be seeing someone. 但是我想我真的可能和别人在约会

[34:43.40]No, it's up here. It's up here. 不,在这儿

[34:46.55]We're still in the middle of surgery. 我们还在手术中

[34:48.64]Mr. Harper, the post-op heart patient in 2114 -- Harper先生,2114房的心脏病人以前的纪录

[34:51.84]I had to open his sternotomy bedside. 我从旁边打开了他的sternotomy

[34:54.70]- You what? - What? 你什么? 什么?

[34:56.36]What? 什么?

[34:57.51]He had cardiac tamponade. 他的心脏阻塞了

[34:59.69]His chest films were clean this morning. It happened fast. 今天早上看他的胸腔的片子还没有任何异物 这发生得太快了

[35:02.78]He was in P.E.A. There was no time. 现在正在对他用硬膜外镇痛(P.E.A)方法 没有时间了

[35:06.61]Go ahead. I got it. 去吧,我来接手

[35:09.04]We're okay here. 我们这儿没问题

[35:10.86]Yeah, I need some retraction. 对,我需要把这收一点

[35:12.20]- Pull back on the retractor. - I got it. 用牵引器把这往后拉一下 搞定了

[35:14.85]You opened a heart bedside, and you couldn't even page me? 你从旁边把心脏打开了,你居然都没通知我?

[35:17.76]Needed all the glory for yourself, right? 想自己独得荣誉是吧?

[35:19.79]I paged you 50 times. Do you have any idea what I have been through? 我通知你50次了,你知道刚才我经历了什么吗?

[35:24.92]Oh, man. 噢,糟了

[35:26.59]The battery -- I forgot to change it. 电池——我忘换了

[35:28.19]You forgot? 你忘了?

[35:29.63]You forgot?! You are hateful! 你忘了?你太可恶了!

[35:31.77]You are a hateful, lazy, arrogant, hateful man! 你真是个可恨的,懒散的,傲慢的,可恶的人!

[35:37.24]Hateful! 可恶!

[35:38.51]Never a dull moment here at seattle grace. 永远不会有轻松的时候,在seattle grace医院。

[35:41.95]Oh, my god. 噢,我的天呐

[35:42.92]Get right in there. Get it. 就在那儿,快堵住

[35:44.53]She can't afford to lose this much blood. 她不能失太多血

[35:46.47]Get me some suction here. I can't see what I'm doing. 在这儿吸一下,我看不清

[35:49.30]Clamp, clamp, clamp, please. 夹子,夹子,夹子,快

[35:53.13]- Is there any blood in the rapid infuser? - We're waiting on two units. 这儿有能立即输入的血液吗? 我们需要两单位的血

[35:56.22]What do you mean you're waiting? 你说需要是什么意思?

[35:57.18]We didn't anticipate this much blood loss. 我们没有预料到会失这么多血

[35:59.30]We prepped a double supply. We've used it all. 我们准备了双倍的供应 但是已经用完了

[36:01.91]- What did you cut? - Nothing. 你切到什么了? 什么也没有

[36:03.23]It just blew. 只是滑了一下

[36:04.48]She came in with too much damage. 她现在面临太多的危险了

[36:06.60]- The artery walls are too weak. - Take care of it. 这动脉壁太脆弱了 小心一点儿

[36:09.24]- Annie, come on. - ...10 units of O-negative. Annie,快点儿 ...10单位的O型阴性血

[36:11.60]I cannot see -- what's this? George, give me your hand. 我看不见...这是什么? George,快帮我一下

[36:14.24]Push right down here. Pull. Suction, suction! 把这儿压住 拿开,吸,吸!

[36:17.16]The pressure's dropping. 血压下降了

[36:18.18]She needs blood. Where the hell is the blood?! 她需要输血,这见鬼的血到底在哪儿?

[36:24.83]Somebody grab that. Push it back, George. Come on. 谁抓住那个,George,把它塞回去,快点

[36:29.81]Oh, god. Just squeeze it off right there. 噢,天呐 把它挤掉

[36:33.47]Here we go. 快

[36:40.22]Is that O-negative for O.R. 1? 那是第1手术室的O型阴性血吗?

[36:41.86]- Uh-huh, O.R. 1. - O.R. 1, right? 对,第1手术室 第1手术室,对吧?

[36:43.69]- I got it! - I got it! 我拿到了!

[36:48.56]Some suction, please, in here, now. 吸,快,在这儿,吸

[36:52.02]We're losing her now. Look at this. 看看这个,我们正在失去她

[36:54.04]Come on. 加油

[37:10.75]Oh, come on! 噢,加油呀!

[37:12.30]Come on! 加油!

[37:42.97]Time of death is 11:42. 死亡时间11:42

[38:02.44]I got it! 我拿到了!

[38:26.50]The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟容易抓到虫子

[38:29.77]A stitch in time saves nine. 及时的缝合节省了九针

[38:34.07]Messy. 一团糟

[38:35.47]I'm sorry. 对不起

[38:36.79]Don't be. 不用

[38:37.92]You saved his life. 你救了他

[38:48.20]He who hesitates is lost. 如果犹豫不决,他就死定了

[39:03.61]We can't pretend we haven't been told. 我们不能假装我们不知道

[39:07.14]We've all heard the proverbs, 我们都听过(旧约圣经中的)箴言篇

[39:09.15]heard the philosophers, 听过这哲学家

[39:11.21]heard our grandparents warning us about wasted time, 受过祖父母关于不要浪费时间的警告

[39:15.78]heard the damn poets urging us to seize the day. 听过该死的诗人催促我们抓住每一天

[39:21.04]Still, sometimes, 但有时

[39:23.68]we have to see for ourselves. 我们还是必须亲身经历

[39:39.09]I'm not doing you any more favors. 我不会再帮你了

[39:41.67]This was it. 早就该这样

[39:43.31]I've been holding 50 pounds of tumor for the past 12 hours. 我抱着一个50磅的肿瘤12小时

[39:47.00]My back's gonna need traction, and the patient died anyways. 我的背需要伸展一下,不管怎样病人死了

[39:50.04]And you think you did me a favor? 你觉得你帮了我一个忙?

[39:53.54]Look, I'm just... 我只是...

[39:56.83]What is this... 这是...

[39:58.99]that we're doing here? 我们在这儿干嘛?

[40:02.47]What is it? 干什么?

[40:07.26]You need a definition? 你需要一个解释?

[40:09.18]You really want to be that guy? 你真的想成为那样的人吗?

[40:15.88]We have to make our own mistakes. 我们总有肯定会犯的错误

[40:20.05]Lock the door. 锁门

[40:24.44]We have to learn our own lessons. 我们必须自己学习摸索

[40:26.96]Have you seen Meredith? 你看见Meredith了吗?

[40:29.48]Save yourself the misery, man. She's off the market. 不要再苦恼了,伙计 她现在的行情已经不行了

[40:32.40]What? 什么?

[40:33.19]No, that's not -- we're just friends. 不,不是...我们只是朋友

[40:35.72]Whatever. 都一样

[40:36.72]But she's not. I mean, if she was seeing someone -- I live with her -- I would know it. 但她没有。我是说 如果她跟某人约会...我和她住在一起...我会知道的

[40:50.49]We have to sweep today's possibility under tomorrow's rug until we can't anymore, 我们必须抛开今天可能发生的事 为明天做好准备,直到我们不能再准备为止

[40:56.59]until we finally understand for ourselves what Benjamin Franklin meant... 直到我们最终自己明白了Benjamin Franklin的意思

[41:04.59]...that knowing is better than wondering... 也就是事先知道比惊讶好...

[41:12.41]...that waking is better than sleeping... ...醒着比睡着了好...

[41:19.74]I, um, know this place 我,嗯,知道一个地方

[41:23.32]where there's an amazing view of sunrise over the ferryboats. 在那儿可以坐渡船欣赏非常美的日出

[41:31.90]I have a thing for ferryboats. 我特别喜欢渡船

[41:34.80]I remember. 我记得

[41:48.04]...and that even the biggest failure, ...甚至是最大的失败

[41:50.44]even the worst, most intractable mistake 甚至是有史以来最糟,最难处理的错误

[41:54.11]beats the hell out of never trying. 也是打击那些从未努力尝试的人


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