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[00:00.00]美剧MP3+LRC 12.09.02 13:53:23
[00:01.23](Daniel) Previously on Ugly Betty: “丑女贝蒂”前情提要
[00:03.03]- Killer poncho. - Thanks! 很酷的披肩
[00:06.03]- l'm Betty Suarez. - Hi, Betty. 我是Betty Suarez
[00:07.74]l'm your new assistant. 嗨 Betty
[00:09.77]l got the job 'cause Meade didn't want his son 我之所以能得到这份工作
[00:12.17]tempted to sleep with his assistant. 是因为Bradford Meade 不想他儿子再和他的助理上床了
[00:14.21]Nepotistic son of a bitch gives my job to his... 那该死的老头子 居然把我的位子给了…
[00:16.71]- His son. - (sighs) 他儿子
[00:18.61](woman) So the question is: How do we get to Bradford? 问题是 我们怎样才能搞定Bradford?
[00:21.88]- We use Daniel. - Who is this? 利用Daniel
[00:24.72](woman) he's a man of many, many secrets, Daniel. 是谁?
[00:24.83]你父亲是一个 有着许多秘密的人 Daniel
[00:27.96]Dig a little deeper, and you may find he's capable of practically anything. 深入调查一下 你会发现他几乎无所不能
[00:33.36]- (techno music plays) - Wait. Excuse me, sir? 等等 打扰一下 先生
[00:36.26]You know, l think l was here before them. 你瞧 我想是我先来的
[00:41.24]This is a party for my boss. 这是我老板的聚会
[00:43.37]Daniel Meade. l'm his assistant. Daniel Meade 我是他的助理
[00:45.64](indistinct chatter) 不 我是 我是
[00:47.04]No, l am. l am. Here, look, l have my Xerox card. 这儿 瞧 我有工作证
[00:50.11]- Somewhere, l know l have it. - You. 一定是放在哪儿了 我明明有的
[00:51.91]- (woman) Me? Thanks! - They don't give these to anybody. 他们不会将工作证 随便发给什么人的
[00:55.12]Oh, see, she knows me! 噢 她认识我的 Amanda!
[00:56.42]- Amanda! - (man) Right this way. Amanda!
[00:58.09](Amanda) Excuse us.
[00:59.99]Sweetheart, why don't you come back Monday? 甜心 你为什么不星期一晚上再来呢?
[01:02.49]That's when we let anybody in. Come on, come on... 那时我们将对任何人开放
[01:09.10]Here, look, l found it, my Xerox card. 噢! 在这儿呢 瞧 我找到它了
[01:11.90]l'm standing outside Vamp, Manhattan's hot spot du jour. 我正站在会场外面 今天这里是曼哈顿最热闹的地方
[01:16.10]lt's nothing but trendy and Fendi here for Daniel Meade's cover party 这绝对是为Daniel Meade举行的 新潮与流行的聚会
[01:19.97]as we celebrate his first issue of Mode hitting the stands. 来庆祝他的第一期“时尚”杂志 成功面世
[01:24.15]More than a few eyebrows were raised on the catwalk when Meade was chosen 当Meade而不是经验丰富的创作总监 Slater被选作该杂志的执行总编
[01:27.98]to replace the late Fay Sommers 取代已故的Fey Sommers时 许多人对此不以为然
[01:30.25]over seasoned creative director Wilhelmina Slater.
[01:33.29](man) Miss Slater! Please, to the right! Wilhelmina Wilhelmina! Wilhelmina 在这边!
[01:35.36]- You look gorgeous. - (man 2) Wilhelmina, hi!
[01:37.66]- What'd l miss? - The Times, Page Six, The News. 我错过些什么?
[01:40.16]They've been all over Daniel. Heidi Klum's a no-show, “时代” “第六版” “新闻”-- 他们都在采访Daniel
[01:43.06]lsaac's in the back getting sloppy. Heidi Klum还没到 Isaac在那边喝醉了 哦 还有…
[01:45.03]Wait till you see Veronica Jansen's face-lift. Lawsuit! 等一下看看Veronica Jensen 做完拉皮手术的样子
[01:49.20](* Pussycat Dolls: Buttons) 瞧瞧他们 追着围绕在他身边 努力采访到只言片语
[01:50.71]Look at them falling over themselves trying to get a quote.
[01:53.91]As if he actually knew anything about fashion. 就好像他真的对流行时尚很了解似的
[01:56.41]The man went to Vera Wang's spring line, gave her a high-five. Vera Wang的春天干线的记者 居然给了他五分
[02:10.49](* Dance Dance Revolution: Keep Ya Body Movin)
[02:25.47]Hi. 嗨
[02:26.54]- Walter, what are you doing here? - OK, my turn! Walter 你在这儿干嘛?
[02:28.39]好了 该我了
[02:30.31]Betty, check it out! Betty 你看我
[02:33.55]Actually, l think l'm the one that should be asking the questions here. 事实上 我想 应该是我问这个问题吧
[02:38.59]Like what were you doing out at some club with your boss 'til all... 比如说 你和你老板在俱乐部外干什么 直到…
[02:42.29]...nine forty-five. 9:45?
[02:44.56]Well, it was a party for his first issue, 嗯 是他第一期杂志的庆功晚会
[02:47.53]and why am l explaining this to you, Walter? 我为什么要向你解释这个 Walt?
[02:49.90]- We're not even dating anymore. - And whose fault is that? 我们又没在一起了
[02:51.07]好吧 是谁的错?
[02:52.87]Well, you're the one who dumped me for Gina. 是你为了Gina甩了我
[02:55.44]For just two days! And it takes longer than that to digest corn. 只有两天而已 还不够时间消化玉米呢
[02:59.17]As beautiful an apology as that is, Walter, l think we're over. 看在这么“有诚意”的道歉的面子上 Walter 我们结束了
[03:03.01]Come on. Betty, look what l brought you. 别这样
[03:06.08]This game's been on back-order for months. Betty 看看我给你买了什么
[03:08.45]Couldn't even use my discount. Full price! 甚至不能使用我的折扣
[03:11.09]l'm supposed to forgive you because you couldn't use your employee discount? 全价的
[03:11.12]所以我应该原谅你 就因为你没有使用你的雇员折扣?
[03:15.29]Walter, go home. Walter 回家去
[03:18.06]l would, but we're in the middle of a game here. 我会回去 但我们正玩着游戏
[03:20.53]- (beeping) - Yes! 太棒了!
[03:21.60]OK, now l'm gonna go home. 好吧
[03:36.71](Walter) Full price! 全价的哟
[03:41.55](dance music plays)
[03:47.66]July issue. Black lace push-up bra, red mesh thong. 六月号 黑色蕾丝塑形胸罩 红色网眼皮带
[03:51.36]See, l never forget a face. 瞧 我从不会忘记漂亮脸蛋
[03:52.89]Careful, Daniel, l think she's only 1 2. 小心点 Daniel 我想她才12岁
[03:56.33]- Hi, Dad. - l see that you've been mingling. 嗨 老爸
[04:01.17]Are you talking to anyone who actually matters? 你和真正重要的人谈过了吗?
[04:03.74]l've done 40 interviews already. Looks like my first issue's a home run. 我已经接受了40个采访了
[04:06.60]看起来我的第一期杂志 是个本垒打 唔?
[04:08.58]Yeah. You pulled it off. 是啊 你表现不错
[04:10.65]Christy Benson from New York Minute “纽约时刻”的Christy Benson似乎认为 我表现得比“不错”还要好一点
[04:12.71]seems to think l did more than pull it off.
[04:15.12]You're the editor of Mode, Daniel. Mode sells Mode. 你是“时尚”的总编 Daniel
[04:17.89](man) Mr. Meade? Might we get a two-shot with Daniel? “时尚”卖的就是时尚
[04:17.78]Meade先生 我们能为您和Daniel 照几张合影吗?
[04:20.62](man 2) Couple more, sir? 再来几张 很好 谢谢
[04:22.42]To the right. Thank you.
[04:24.06]Real nice.
[04:27.90]Well, if that wasn't a cover shot. 可以上封面了--媒体巨头Bradford Meade 和他的儿子 耀眼的明星
[04:29.96]Media mogul Bradford Meade and his son, the shining star.
[04:33.84]The issue's a big hit, Daniel. Your brother really would've been proud. 这一期杂志很成功 Daniel 你哥哥也会为你感到自豪的
[04:37.67]Oh, l'm not so sure about that. l mean, what did l do anyway? 总之 我也没做什么
[04:40.88]Mode sells Mode. Right, Dad? 是“时尚” 自我推销了 “时尚”
[04:43.85]Do you remember the yacht? 对吗 爸爸?
[04:45.61]Your dad throws this party to introduce Alex 你父亲借由那次聚会 向整个时尚界介绍了Alex
[04:48.02]to the fashion community as the new editor of hudson. 作为“Hudson”的新总编
[04:50.85]He walks in with a black pinstripe Armani jacket, 他穿着黑条纹的Armani夹克 白色的晚礼服衬衫走进来
[04:53.45]white tuxedo front shirt, and polka-dot boxers. 还有波尔卡点纹的拳击短裤
[04:58.96]That picture ended up in every newspaper in the country. 那张照片 几乎覆盖了这个国家的每一种报纸
[05:01.96]Circulation went up 38 percent. That is an editor. 发行量上涨了38%
[05:05.67]l wish you'd told me. l would've dropped my pants for you. 那才是一个总编应有的表现
[05:05.47]你应该早告诉我的 爸爸
[05:12.17]l'm sorry. Maybe it was insensitive of me to have mentioned him tonight. 抱歉
[05:16.14]This is Daniel's party, but Alex is such a tough act to follow. 这是Daniel的聚会 但是 唔 Alex是如此的…
[05:23.22]So was the club amazing? 聚会很棒吧?
[05:25.72]They say people wait in line for three hours just to get inside. 听说人们为了能进去 排队等了三个小时
[05:29.12]- Some even more. - You're home early. 还有人等了更久
[05:31.76]l checked your homework. 你回来得挺早
[05:33.16]Was there any famous people? Did you bring me a matchbook? 我检查了你的家庭作业
[05:33.35]有什么名人出席了? 你给我拿火柴了吗?
[05:36.23]- Justin, l forgot. - What about the bathroom doors? Justin 我忘记了
[05:37.55]唔 那洗手间的门是怎样的?
[05:39.10]They really fog over when you push a button? - 你按下按钮时 它真的会喷出雾来吗? - Justin 我…
[05:41.44]- l didn't have to use the bathroom. - OK, Justin, go get ready for bed. 没有上洗手间
[05:42.63]好了 Justin 去准备睡觉吧
[05:46.37]And, by the way, l read your boss's first issue. 顺便说一声 我看了你老板的第一期杂志

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