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[26:42.23]How about we burn some of this turkey off and all go dancing later on. 我们把这只火鸡吃了 等会儿再去跳舞怎么样?
[26:45.87]You know l can't dance. 你知道我不会跳舞
[26:47.53]Oh, come on, take me to that place that l love that you never take me to! 哦 去吧
[26:48.97]带我去那个我喜欢的地方吧 你从没带我去过
[26:51.20]- l can dance. - What? 我会跳舞
[26:53.81]l'm good at dancing! 什么?
[26:55.81]l love dancing! l think the three of us should go dancing! 跳舞我很拿手
[27:00.31]l think that's a great idea! 我觉得是个好主意
[27:06.19]OK, well, l'm outta here. Happy turkey day. 好吧 那我走了
[27:09.12]Oh, Leah, thanks again for everything. 感恩节快乐
[27:09.73]Leah 谢谢你做的一切
[27:12.13]lf you need me, l'll be eating a turkey sandwich at my office 如果你找我 我就在办公室吃火鸡三明治 把你申请绿卡要用的文件准备好
[27:15.26]getting your papers ready to file for your green card.
[27:18.13]You really think if we go to court l'll be OK? 你真的认为我们上法庭会没事吗?
[27:22.14]l've never lost a single case yet. 我还没输过案子呢
[27:24.77]Oh, really? What about Donna Spadaro? 真的吗?
[27:27.17]- Betty! - Excuse me? 那Donna Spadaro呢?
[27:28.24]l'm sorry. l cannot sit here and watch her lie to us! - Betty - 抱歉?
[27:28.87]对不起 Hilda
[27:30.88]- Leah, l am so sorry... - No, it's OK, it's OK. 我不能坐在这儿看着她对我们说谎
[27:31.33]- Leah 真对不起 - 不 不 没事
[27:33.35]What exactly do you know about Donna Spadaro's case? Betty 关于Donna Spadaro的案子 你知道些什么?
[27:36.22]You couldn't have won her case because you took her money and disappeared. 知道你没赢她的案子 因为你拿了她的钱却消失了
[27:40.05]lt's true that l didn't win that case because l quit before it went to trial. 那件案子我的确没赢 因为审理前我就把它推掉了
[27:43.92]l wasn't interested in letting an alcoholic gain custody of her children. 我可不想让一个女酒鬼 得到她孩子的监护权
[27:48.86]An alcoholic? 女酒鬼?
[27:49.93]A week before her court date, Donna left her three kids locked in her car 上庭前一周 她把三个小孩锁在车里 当时气温90度 她却在酒吧喝得大醉
[27:53.67]in 90 degree heat while she got bombed in a bar.
[27:56.20]The money that l ''stole'' from her covered filing and court costs. 我从她那“偷”的钱 仅仅够建档费和诉讼费
[27:59.77]l bet you didn't hear that part. 但我想你肯定没听说过这些吧?
[28:02.74]No. l didn't. 没有
[28:05.95]l'm sorry. 没听过
[28:07.55]Listen, maybe you should find a new lawyer. 对不起
[28:08.21]听着 也许你们应该 找个Betty满意的新律师
[28:09.88]- One that Betty approves of. - No, no, you are the lawyer we want.
[28:11.44]不 不 你就是我们想要的律师
[28:13.75]Betty's on some power trip. This has nothing to do with you. Betty情绪有点不正常
[28:16.72]We need you. 这和你没关系
[28:17.79](sighing) 拜托了 Leah 我们需要你
[28:19.63]Yeah, and you know, you can't have Thanksgiving dinner at the office. 对 而且你不能 在办公室吃感恩节晚餐啊
[28:23.23]Why don't you come back and have dinner with us? 你干吗不晚上过来 和我们一起吃呢?
[28:25.70]- We would love to have you. - Well, it sure beats a sandwich. 我们很欢迎你来
[28:30.00]- You know what? l'd like that. - Good. 这样的确比三明治好
[28:35.28](dialing tones)
[28:41.15]Meet me at the cemetery tonight. 晚上到墓地见我
[28:44.68]l'm going to find out if she's alive one way or the other. 我要查清楚她是不是还活着 到底是人是鬼
[29:03.20]Here was me afraid that spending the holiday with my cat 我来是因为 害怕一个人跟猫过节会很沉闷
[29:06.07]was going to be depressing.
[29:08.07]- Hilda, it's almost seven. - Yeah, l know what time it is. Hilda 差不多7点了
[29:12.45]Leah said she'll be here. She'll be here. 是 我知道时间
[29:16.28]- Hello? lt's Daniel. - Of course it is. 喂?
[29:21.02]Why would you tell her you can dance if you can't dance? 怎么了?
[29:22.20]你不会跳舞的话 为什么要跟她说你会呢?
[29:24.06]- (salsa music) - l can dance! 不 我会跳
[29:25.76]l just didn't know we were coming to this kind of club. 我只是不知道来的是这种俱乐部
[29:28.53]Betty, you gotta teach me. 你得教我
[29:30.40]Daniel, l can't teach you how to salsa on the phone. Daniel 我在电话里怎么教你跳曼波舞啊?
[29:33.27]- What am l gonna do? - OK, OK, OK, don't panic. 那我该怎么办?
[29:36.14]Look, have you ever even tried to mambo? 好的 好的 你别慌
[29:36.60]听着 你跳没跳过曼波舞?
[29:38.44]Oh, yeah. Back at prep school we had a big mambo contest every year. 跳过
[29:39.61]上预科学校的时候 我们每年都有曼波舞比赛
[29:52.95]The basic idea of salsa is that the man is trying 萨尔萨舞的基本概念就是 一个男方要勾引女方 女方要推开他
[29:55.39]to seduce the woman, and the woman is pushing him away.
[29:58.16]So take your left foot and you tap on the first beat. 抬起你的左脚 第一拍时踏下去
[30:01.76]- Tap my left foot. - Step forward with the same foot. 我的左脚
[30:04.50]OK, forward... 同一只脚往前一步
[30:05.70]You rock back on your right, and bring your left to close. 往前
[30:06.22]右脚退后 左脚收回并拢
[30:08.64]- Back on my right foot, left to close. - And then you just reverse that. 右脚退后 左脚并拢

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