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[01:51.18]那么 答应我 你再也不会离开我那么久了
[01:54.74]Are you asking me to stick around? 你要我跟你形影不离?
[01:58.48]What's the surprise? 惊喜是什么?
[02:00.05]Papaya! lt was your favorite fruit growing up, right? 番木瓜果!
[02:01.14]这是你从小最喜欢的水果 对吧?
[02:02.95]l cut it into little heart-shaped pieces, you see? 看 我切成心型的
[02:07.86]No ring? 不是戒指?
[02:09.19]We haven't even gone through the ''Steps of Love'' yet. 我们还没有经历所有恋爱的过程
[02:12.13]- What steps of love? - Chapter one from your book. 什么恋爱的过程?
[02:14.90]Things a couple do before they get engaged, 你书里第一章说的
[02:17.30]meeting each other's parents, going on an exotic vacation... 见双方的家长 来场奇妙的的原始旅行
[02:20.94]l wrote that chapter in the book just to give it some pizzazz. 我在书里写这章只是为了加点情趣
[02:24.24]They're turning it into a movie next year. Penelope Cruz is dying to play me. 明年就要拍成电影了
[02:26.33]Penelope Cruz哭着要演我
[02:28.34]So the part about wearing each other's underwear for a day? 那么 穿对方内衣过一天的那段咧?
[02:32.18]- No. l was drunk when l wrote that. - Thank God. 不 我写那个的时候喝醉酒了
[02:34.68]This thing is kind of riding up. 谢天谢地
[02:38.09]Listen, Daniel, forget about the book. Daniel 忘了那本书吧
[02:41.16]This... is right. 这样才对
[02:44.23]Can't you feel it? 你感觉到了吗?
[02:47.03]l do. 是的
[02:50.37]l really do. 真的
[02:52.17]l just... l want to savor this time. 我真想好好品味这样的时刻
[03:01.61](indistinct chatter)
[03:09.98]You are not wearing that sweater vest! 你不能穿那件毛线背心!
[03:15.62]- You don't like it? - No, l don't like it. 你不喜欢吗?
[03:16.79]嗯 我不喜欢
[03:18.39]l love it. l almost bought the same one at Lady's for Less. 我爱死它了
[03:22.53]- Forty off? - Yeah. Oh, you must be Betty. 6折?
[03:24.40]哦 你一定是Betty了
[03:26.07]Sofia's told us all about you. l hear you were a star at Mode. Sofia跟大家都提过
[03:30.57]Oh, no, no. l don't know about that. 哦 不 不
[03:32.61]Well, honestly, l don't know how you did it. 我还真不知道呢
[03:32.87]坦白说 我不知道你怎么做到的
[03:35.01]My rosacea flairs up if the elevator even stops on that floor. 就算乘电梯经过那层 我都会生痤疮
[03:38.78]- Well, it wasn't easy. - Cute bunny. 哦 那边是不太轻松
[03:41.22]Well, MYW is a lot different. 可爱的兔子
[03:41.66]好吧 <M.Y.W.>很不同
[03:43.55]You couldn't ask for a better place to work, or a better boss than Sofia. 你找不到比这更好的工作环境 也找不到比sofia更好的上司了
[03:47.39]- Yeah, she's so kind and supportive. - The best. 嗯 她很好 很和蔼也很支持下属
[03:51.43]Listen, l'm right over here if you need me. 最好的
[03:51.42]如果你需要我 我就在这边
[03:53.83]Just promise me you'll lend me that sweater vest if l got a hot date. 只要答应我 如果我有重要约会 能把那件毛线背心借给我…
[03:58.30]- Or any date. - lt's done. 无论什么约会
[04:10.38]Aah... l'm home.
[04:20.69]l thought l'd never say this... 我以为我永远也不会这么说 但是我真想念德克萨斯州
[04:23.56]...but l miss Texas.
[04:25.73]- (both chuckle) - l was a little worried that first day
[04:28.15]是啊 那天你将你的Jimmy Choos(靴子) 踩进牛粪里的时候我还真有点担心呢
[04:29.66]when you plunked your Jimmy Choos in cow dung.
[04:32.20]Well, it wasn't as bad as you calling them ''Jimmy Poo's.'' 哦 最糟糕的是你称他们为 Jimmy Poos (poo意指大便)
[04:35.90]Well, you got to admit that was funny. 你得承认确实是很有趣嘛
[04:38.54](cell phone rings) 哦 又来了
[04:39.81]Oh, there it goes again. Lucky my Colt's not handy.
[04:42.94]What am l supposed to do? l have to get back to reality. 我该怎么办?
[04:45.78]Why don't you hold onto a little bit of that calm you had in Texas with me? 我得回归现实了
[04:45.97]哦 你干嘛不留下再跟我一起再享受 一小会儿德克萨斯时那样的平静呢?
[04:49.65]You know, be a little more armadillo, a little less roadrunner. 你知道的 多“犰狳”一点 少“走鹃”一点 (犰狳隐居 走鹃爱跑路)
[04:54.59]Uh... A little more English, a little less Texan, please. 呃 请多用英语 少用德克萨斯语
[04:57.83]The armadillo doesn't move fast, but gets done what he needs to, 你看 犰狳不会移动得很快 但它做好该做的事 然后躺在太阳底下
[05:01.30]then lies in the sun, the roadrunner never stops,
[05:03.90]feathers flying everywhere, running all over creation, doesn't have any fun. 而走鹃从来不会停下 飞来飞去 走遍所有地方 但是不会快乐
[05:08.34]Weren't armadillos those animals we saw dead in the middle of the highway? 犰狳不就是我们看到 死在公路中间的那种动物?
[05:12.81]Well, l never said they were smart. Just relaxed and happy. 我从来没说过它们聪明 放轻松 开心点

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