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BBC News:基督教朝拜者涌往罗马参加圣者追封仪式



BBC News with Jerry Smit

The US Secretary of State John Kerry has urgedMoscow to do all it can to bring about the release ofEuropean military observers abducted in easternUkraine.In a telephone conversation with hisRussian counterpart Mr.Kerry also expressed concern about what he called provocativeRussian troop movements closed to the border.Other western diplomats have also urgedMoscow to do more to free the 13 men who have been held in the city of Slavyansk.Natalia Antelava has been in contact with the pro-Russian leader in the city.

The latest that we are hearing from him is that he has not received any communication fromRussia and asking him to release them.This is the same mayor who told me a couple of daysago that he will continue taking hostages because this is war he said to me and that's whatshould do during war but what's not clear is how much control this mayor has over gunmenwho were operating in the city and Slavyansk has become the flash point for this conflict aslong as and pretty dangerous place.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change in Zimbabwe says it has suspended itsleader Morgan Tsvangirai accusing him of what it called a ramarkable failure ofleadership.Mr.Tsvangirai served as Zimbabwe's Prime Minister in a unity government afterdisputed elections in 2008.From the Zimbabwean capital Harare Brian Hungwe reports.

The news is come as a shock to many. The suspension was announced at the time the partyleader Morgan Tsvangirai was addressing at a party rally in dissolving machine powders. He isexpected to defend the suspension. The party is for another split that will weaken the mainparty and strengthen President Robert Mugabe's group in power.

Catholic pilgrims from across the world have flooded into Rome in preparation for the uniquedouble canonization on Sunday of two former Popes,the city has begun a huge securityoperation to manage the crowds.More than 20 heads of stating governments are alsopresent.From Rome David Willy.

Two living Popes will declare two of their predecessors to be saints during an unprecedentedopen ceremony witnessed by a million pilgrims and worldwide international TV and radioaudience of hundreds of millions.The Vatican confirmed that the former Pope Benedict who'sbeen living quietly in retirement inside the Vatican will join Pope Francis in officiating of thecanonization ceremony of Popes John 23rd and John Paul 2nd.

A new law expanding the powers of the Turkey's secret service comes into effect today.Itextends its ability to tap phone conversations,access data held by private and public institutionsand gives agents greater immunity from prosecution.That all also provides for presenters andjournalist who publish leaked information.

World News from the BBC.

Election officials in Afghanistan say a run off election for a new president is likely to be held inearly June after no candidate secure more than 50% of the vote.Preliminary results show theleading candidate the former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah won 44.9% of the vote.Theformer finance minister Ashraf Ghani secured 31.5%.The final result is due in mid-May.

The first museum on Chinese soil dedicated to the protest and massacre in and aroundBeijing's Tiananmen Square has opened in Hongkong shortly before the 25th anniversary ofkillings.The activists who set up the museum hope visiters will include some from MainlandChina.Discussion on the event is heavily sensitive in Mainland China but Hongkong operatesunder a more liberal legal system.

What it may be the last letter written in the Titanic has been sold for 200000 dollars in theauction in Britain. The letter was written by passenger Esther Hart to her mother in London,hours before the ship sank. It ended up in the coat pocket of Ms. Hart's husband, who died inthe disaster. The letter survived because he gave his wife the coat to keep warm. HenryAldridge was the auctioneer in charge of the sale.

The most significant reason of course is the date, but also is written on aboard of the Titanic, itgives us a valuable insight into what was happening on Sunday April 14th 1912, there aresome incredible some points within it but one of the best is the sailors had said they arehaving a wonderful journey out of all.

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Health has announced five new death from the Mers coronavirustaking the country's death toll to 92.A statement published on the Saudi Ministry's website added that 14 new cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome were detected in the kingdombringing the total to 313 since the virus first emerged there 18 months ago.

BBC News.


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