
2016-07-23 09:29:09  每日学英语


A: Do animals talk to each other?

A: 动物之间唠嗑吗?

B: Of course they talk to each other.

B: 当然了,它们也得说说话啊。

A: What do they talk about?

A: 它们说什么呢?

B: They talk about other animals.

B: 八卦其他的动物。

A: What else do they talk about?

A: 它们还说什么?

B: They talk about food and the weather.

B: 它们也聊聊吃的和天气。

A: Do they talk about us?

A: 它们会谈论我们吗?

B: Of course they talk about us.

B: 会啊,它们聊聊我们。

A: What do they say about us?

A: 说什么呢?

B: They say that we are funny-looking.

B: 它们说,人类长得真滑稽。

A: Ha! We're not funny-looking; animals are funny-looking.

A: 哈?我们一点都不滑稽;动物才长的滑稽呢。

B: We're funny-looking because we wear clothes.

B: 它们觉得我们滑稽是因为我们穿着衣服。
