
2019-07-22 09:06:31  每日学英语
in the zone

If you are in the zone, it means you are in a state of very focused attention, so that you perform well or you manage to be very productive easily. Someone who is in the zone doesn't like to be distracted because they are working or doing something well, and they don't want to stop. When you're in the zone, it feels like you have lots of energy and ideas flowing continuously, so that whatever you're doing seems easy and natural.

如果你in the zone,这意味着你处于非常集中注意力的状态,所以你表现得很好,或者你很容易就能高效率的做事。处于这种状态的人不喜欢分心,因为他们正在工作或状态很好,他们不想停下来。当你处于in the zone时,你会觉得你有很多能量和想法在不断地流动,所以无论你在做什么,都显得简单自然。

I'm not the best chess player in the world, but when I'm in the zone, I feel unstoppable.

