
2019-09-04 09:08:18  每日学英语
Now, where was I?/Now, where were we?

You can say this to get back on topic after a distraction or interruption. “Now, where was I?” is generally said when it is just one person talking (such as during a lecture or presentation). If it is two people who are talking or doing an activity together, you can say “Now, where were we?” After you say this, the other person can remind you about the topic of conversation before the interruption.

你可以在经历一段干扰或中断时使用这句话“Now, where was I?”,通常是有一个人在说话(像是在讲座或是演讲中)。如果有两个人在交谈,或在一起的情况,你可以说“Now, where were we?” 。在说完这句话之后,另一个人就会提醒你在中断或干扰前的话题是什么。

A: Now, where were we?


B: We just installed the software, but we haven’t registered yet.


A: Oh, right. OK, you can click here to start the registration process.

