
2020-05-19 08:46:46  每日学英语


"This is too much stress on my team and on the pandas. Can you imagine not having bamboo for a few days?" zoo president and CEO Clément Lanthier told CBC News Tuesday.“这对我的团队和熊猫来说压力太大了。”动物园园长兼首席执行官克莱门特·兰希尔周二在接受加拿大广播公司采访时表示:“你能想象大熊猫好几天不吃竹子的情景吗?”

"The pandas are eating almost exclusively bamboo. I need fresh bamboo being delivered twice a week."“熊猫几乎只吃竹子。我需要新鲜的竹子,一周送两次。”

The zoo said it expects the supply of the panda s main food could be further disrupted by transportation struggles on very short notice, including if there is a second wave of COVID-19.该动物园表示,预计大熊猫的食物供应可能会在极短的时间内因运输困难而进一步中断,其中包括出现第二波新冠疫情的可能。

The challenges have resulted in substandard bamboo and smaller quantities already, Lanthier said. At times, the pandas refused to eat bamboo from new sources or bamboo that s aged in transit.兰希尔称,这些挑战已经导致竹子不再符合标准,数量也在减少。有时,熊猫不乐意吃来其他来源的竹子,也不乐意吃在运输途中变得不新鲜的竹子。

"They don t like the bamboo they get. They get fewer bamboo. The bamboo s too dry," Lanthier said.“它们不喜欢提供给他们的竹子。竹子越来越少而且太干了,”兰希尔说。

Fresh bamboo makes up nearly the entire diet of a panda. An adult panda can eat roughly 40 kilograms a day.新鲜的竹子几乎构成了熊猫的全部食物。一只成年熊猫每天大约可以吃40公斤的竹子。

The zoo started the permit process to move the pandas a few weeks ago, Lanthier said, in hopes of having those approved this week.兰希尔说,动物园几周前就开始了转移大熊猫的许可程序,希望能在本周获得批准。

But he said he would like to work with both governments to expedite the process.但他表示,他愿意与两国政府合作,加快这一进程。

"We have exhausted all of our capacity, and it s too much of a risk for the welfare of the panda," Lanthier said.兰希尔说:“我们已经竭尽全力,这对大熊猫的健康来说风险太大了。”

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Calgary Zoo was ordering loads of bamboo to be flown directly from China to Calgary.在COVID-19大流行之前,卡尔加里动物园订购了大量竹子,直接从中国空运到卡尔加里。

The pandemic, however, forced the cancellations of direct flights.


WestJet then moved to ship the bamboo through Toronto, the statement from the zoo said, but flights from China to Toronto were cut back as well.动物园的声明称,西捷航空随后将竹子运往多伦多,但从中国飞往多伦多的航班也减少了。

In China, the pandas will have access to fresh and local bamboo, eliminating the supply concern.在中国,大熊猫可以获得新鲜的本地竹子,无需顾虑食物供应问题。

Lanthier said his team tried to find alternate bamboo suppliers. They encountered missed flights, bamboo sent to the wrong cities, bamboo left sitting in warehouses or at an airport, and trucking issues.兰希尔说,他的团队也曾试图寻找其他的竹子供应商。但他们遇到了航班延误、竹子被送错城市、滞留在仓库或机场以及运输等问题。

"Since the beginning of the pandemic, we saw the supply change," Lanthier said. "It s been extremely difficult."兰希尔表示:“自新冠大流行开始以来,我们看到供应发生了变化。”“太难了。”

Members of the public will be able to send in virtual farewells to the pandas using the PandaCam.公众可以通过直播向大熊猫们进行虚拟告别。

The giant pandas were expected to stay in Canada for 10 years through an agreement with China. They arrived in 2014 to spend five years in Toronto. They had two cubs, Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue, and moved to Calgary in 2018.根据与中国签署的协议,这对大熊猫本将在加拿大生活10年。他们于2014年来到多伦多,在那里待了五年。他们有两个孩子,加盼盼和加悦悦,2018年搬到了卡尔加里。

The cubs were later moved to China.这两只幼崽之后也被送回中国。

Lanthier said he and the staff are sad about the decision, but stressed what s important is the animals welfare.兰希尔说,做出这一决定他和工作人员都很难过,但动物们的健康幸福才是最重要的。
