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2022年大学英语四级考试语法练习题 64





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/10000/10540/2022年大学英语四级考试语法练习题 64.mp3
1. It is ................that we all like to read it.
A. so good a book.
B. such good a book
C. so a good book
D. such good books
2. She often offers .................
A. us with some food
B. some food to us
C. us to some food
D. money me
3. Most sharks feed ................ fish and other animals.
A. With
B. for
C. on
D. By
4. Can you look after my daughter for me while I am away?
A.It’s a pleasure
B.With pleasure
C.Not at all
D. You’re welcome
5. Can you think of a way ................ it?
A. doing
B. Do
C. to do
D. of do
6. I’ll get her ................harder. You wait and see.
A. study
B. to study
C. Studied
D. studies
7. Hearing his mother’s voice, the child couldn’t wait ................out.
A. rushing
B. to rush
C. Rushed
D. for rushing
8. The king ................himself from a leaning tree.
A. hung
B. Hanged
C. Hunged
D. Hang
9. Jim got up early ................ he caught the early train.
A. Because
B. or
C. so that
D. Until
10. When ................the PRC................, do you know?
A. did, find
B. did, found
C. was, found
D. was, founded
1. A。我们可用“such+ a (an) + 形容词+单数可数名词”,也可用“so+形容词+a(an) +单数可数名词”,因此 so good a book =such a good book。
2. B。offer sth. to sb.是固定搭配,意为“向……提供……”。
3. C。feed on是固定短语,意为“以……为食”。
4. B。It’s a pleasure, Not at all和You’re welcome都是用来回答别人的感谢,意为“不用谢。” With pleasure用来回答别人的请求,意为“愿意效劳”。
5. C。动词不定式to do作way的定语,如果用 of 后面要接doing 。
6. B。这是“get sb. to do sth.”结构。要注意句中的her是宾格,而不是物主代词,故不能选D(studies 学业)。
7. B。can’t wait to do sth.是固定表达法,意为“迫不及待地做”,而wait for后面只能接名词或代词,不能接动词。
8. B。这是考查对hang一词的理解。hang有两种意思,一为“悬挂”,其过去式和过去分词都是不规则的(hung, hung),一为“吊死、绞死 ”,其过去式和过去分词是规则的(hanged, hanged)。
9. C。so that表示目的或结果,意为“以便于、结果”。
10. D。find (found, found)是“发现”,found (founded, founded)是“建立”。一个组织或国家的建立应用被动结构。

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