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英语作文范文·生命诚可贵 Life is precious





https://online2.tingclass.net/lesson/shi0529/10000/10547/生命诚可贵 Life is precious.mp3
Life is precious
We’re all too busy, spending our days in back-to-back meetings and our nights feverishly responding to emails.
 (Adam Grant, a famously responsive Wharton professor,
 told me that on an “average day” he’ll spend 3-4 hours answering messages.)
That’s why people who waste our time have become the scourge of modern business life, hampering our productivity and annoying us in the process.
Sometimes it’s hard to escape,
especially when the time-waster is your boss (one friend recalls a supervisor who “called meetings just to tell long,
rambling stories about her college years” and would “chastise anyone who tried to leave and actually perform work”).
But in many other situations, you can take steps to regain control of your time and your schedule. Here’s how.
State your preferred method of communication.
For years, millennials have famously eschewed phone calls
but almost everyone has a communication preference of some sort.
Regina Walton, a social media and community manager,
told me that she, too, hates talking on the phone,
a habit she developed after years of living abroad;
email is almost always better for her,
as “I can respond when I have time and usually am very fast to reply.”
You can often limit aggravation (and harassment via multiple channels) by proactively informing colleagues about the best way to reach you,
whether it’s via phone calls, texts, emails, or even tweets.
白天要开一个接一个的会议,晚上则是狂热地回邮件,我们都太忙了。(Adam Grant是一位能够及时回复的沃顿商学院教授,他告诉我,他“平均每天”要花上3到4个小时回应信息。)这就是为何浪费我们时间的人,如今已经成为现代商业生活的害群之马,既妨碍了我们的生产力,也让我们在此过程中备受其扰。
明确你更喜欢的沟通方式。多年来,千禧一代是公认的不爱接打电话,但几乎所有人都有某一种更偏好的沟通渠道。Regina Walton(一位社交媒体与社区经理)告诉我,她也同样讨厌在电话里交谈,这一习惯源于她多年的海外生活经历。对她来说,电子邮件无疑总是更好,因为“我能够在有时间的时候回复它们,而且我的回复速度通常很快。”你能够通过主动地告诉同事联系你的最佳方式,来减少伤脑筋的情况(以及多种渠道所导致的烦扰),无论这一方式是电话、信息、电子邮件还是推特。

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