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BBC媒体英语:亚马逊雨林原住民五千年来对生态环境损害极小 Amazon-dwellers lived sustainably for 5,000 years





扫描二维码方便学习和分享 lived sustainably for 5,000 years 亚马逊雨林原住民五千年来对生态环境损害极小.mp3
一项深入研究亚马逊雨林历史的研究发现,原住民在此居住了数千年,却 “没有造成明显的物种损失或干扰”。

This was an exercise in botanical archaeology, with the researchers examining layers of rainforest soil excavated in a remote corner of northeastern Peru. They dated each layer and studied the microscopic plant fossils locked inside. This revealed that there had been little change in the composition of plants growing in this part of the rainforest for 5,000 years before Europeans arrived in the Amazon.
Previous research has suggested that the rainforest was intensively managed and modified by indigenous peoples. But this evidence suggests that people lived for millennia among the Amazon’s biodiversity without disturbing it.
That indigenous knowledge, for example, about which species thrive best in which locations, could be vital in helping modern conservationists to protect what’s now a landscape under threat.
botanical archaeology 植物考古学
excavated 被挖掘
dated 确定年代
composition 成分,构成
intensively 深入地,密集地
indigenous 原住民的,本土的
millennia 数千年(单数为 “millennium”)
vital 至关重要的
1. How did researchers use the layers of soil they excavated in their research?
2. What did this research show about the Amazon’s indigenous peoples’ past relationship with the area’s biodiversity?
3. Who might this research help in protecting the Amazon in the future?
4. True or false? There has been little change in the composition of plants since the Europeans arrived in the area.
1. How did researchers use the layers of soil they excavated in their research?
Researchers dated each layer and studied the microscopic plant fossils locked inside.
2. What did this research show about the Amazon’s indigenous peoples’ past relationship with the area’s biodiversity?
This research has suggested that people lived for millennia among the Amazon’s biodiversity without disturbing it.
3. Who might this research help in protecting the Amazon in the future?
This research could be vital in helping modern conservationists to protect the Amazon in the future.
4. True or false? There has been little change in the composition of plants since the Europeans arrived in the area.
False. Research has shown there had been little change in the composition of plants growing in this part of the rainforest for 5,000 years before Europeans arrived in the Amazon.

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