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At a press conference on February 1, International Olympic Committee President Bach said in response to reporters' questions that because the next Winter Youth Olympic Games venue has not yet been determined, there will be no flag handover ceremony at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Gangwon Winter Youth Olympic Games, which will be the first time in the history of the Youth Olympic Games not to hold a flag handover ceremony at the closing ceremony.


The 2024 Gangwon Winter Olympic Games closed on Monday with the customary ceremony of handing over the Olympic flag at the closing ceremony, which will be handed over by the president of the International Olympic Committee to the representatives of the next Winter Olympic Games.


However, Bach revealed that the closing ceremony of the Gangwon Winter Olympic Games will not have such a part. "There will be no flag handover ceremony tonight because we will decide on the venue of the next Winter Youth Olympic Games at a later date. You can expect us to announce the next venue later this year or early next year at the latest."


Bach said the IOC needed more time to evaluate the situation before making a decision.


Since the first Summer Youth Olympic Games were held in Singapore in 2010, the IOC has hosted three Summer Youth Olympic Games and four Winter Youth Olympic Games.



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