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After two fishermen were killed in Taiwan's pursuit of a mainland fishing boat on February 14, according to Taiwan's United News Network reported on the 20th, the Quanzhou Red Cross sent people to accompany the fishermen's families on the morning of the 20th, and set off through the Quanjin passenger Terminal and arrived in Kinmen at about 10:30. They will retrieve the two survivors and deal with the aftermath.

According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" reported on February 20, the Taiwan authorities "coast Guard Administration" and other units will be accompanied by special personnel to assist in dealing with relevant matters, and it is expected that the family will stay for 2 days.

According to reports, the six family members were accompanied by three Quanzhou Red Cross personnel and a lawyer, and a group of 10 people rushed to Kinmen. After arriving on the morning of the 20th, they will go to the Kinmen Funeral Management Center and cremate the body in the afternoon. On the morning of the 21st, the remains were placed in the coffin and left Kinmen.

According to the report, the Taiwan authorities "coast Guard Administration" and the SEF have sent specialists to assist in the whole process of immigration, accommodation, transportation and comfort.

A mainland spokesperson has said since ancient times, fishermen from both sides of the Taiwan Strait have been operating in the traditional fishery zones of the Strait and there have never been "restricted" waters in these zones.


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