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Paris, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Reporter Qiao Benxiao According to French "Parisien" reported on the 16th, French President Emmanuel Macron said that as the Ukraine crisis evolves, France does not rule out the possibility of future intervention in the scene of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Macron held talks with the leaders of Germany and Poland on the Ukraine crisis in Berlin, Germany on Monday. He made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Le Parisien after the meeting.

Macron said that perhaps at some point in the future, France will "have to take some kind of action against the Russian army." He also said, "I do not want, nor will I volunteer" to do so. "Our job is to be prepared for all eventualities."

Macron said in a TV interview with French journalists on the evening of the 14th that support for Ukraine "should not be set limits in advance." On February 26, under the initiative of Macron, the "International Conference in Support of Ukraine" was held in Paris, France, attended by Western countries. At the subsequent press conference, Macron said that Western countries will further increase funding and arms support for Ukraine, and there is "no consensus" on whether to send troops to Ukraine, but he believes that the possibility of sending troops to support in the future cannot be ruled out.


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