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According to The Guardian on April 13th, the UK government has decided to implement a new import inspection policy starting from April 30th. Some importers have warned that this will lead to shortages of some food, flowers, and herbal supplies in the UK.

According to new regulations from the UK government, starting from April 30th, EU products, including most meat, dairy, and plant-based products, will be subject to a maximum import fee of £ 145 per batch when entering the UK via the Port of Dover and the Foxton European Tunnel. The UK government refers to this import fee as "ordinary usage fee", and the funds will be used for the construction of border facilities. According to Allianz Trade, after the new border inspection policy takes effect at the end of this month, British consumers will be forced to spend an additional £ 2 billion a year on French cheese, Italian olive oil, and other food products from the European Union.

This policy was announced earlier this month, and due to the short response time left for merchants, some small retailers in the UK were unable to ensure inventory of sellable goods and even had to announce a suspension of sales. In addition, some EU exporting country suppliers have stated that the UK's trade policy is too complex and may cancel exports of goods to the UK. Meanwhile, recent heavy rainfall and floods have led to poor harvests, and the UK may become more reliant on imports of some agricultural products.


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