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BBC媒体英语:被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖 Kennel hit by meteorite gets auctioned





扫描二维码方便学习和分享 hit by meteorite gets auctioned 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖.mp3
一大块火星陨石、一些陆续坠落在某座宁静英格兰小镇的太空岩石,还有一间被 “天外来客” 刺穿的狗屋。这三件物品都会在伦敦拍卖行佳士得( Christie’s )举办的年度稀有和独特陨石拍卖会上拍卖。

Imagine Rocky the dog’s surprise! His neat little house with a big ‘R’ over the entrance and then ‘bam!’ – a golf ball-size meteorite slams through the tin roof, cutting a big hole.
想象一下这条叫洛基的狗当时得有多惊讶!它小屋洞口的正上方写着其名字的首字母 “R”——忽然 “砰” 的一声,一颗高尔夫球大小的陨石砸穿了铁皮屋顶,撞出了一个大洞。

Fortunately, Rocky was unhurt, but he’s lost his kennel – not because it was destroyed but because anything that has been struck by an object from space has huge value at auction. Some collector is likely to have bid at least a couple of hundred thousand pounds for Rocky’s abode by the time the hammer comes down in Christie’s sale.

Also, on offer is a big chunk of Mars that was blasted off the planet’s surface by an asteroid impact. And of keen UK interest, is a fragment of the Winchcombe meteorite that fell on Gloucestershire last year. It’ll likely fetch more than 70 times its weight in gold.
neat 小巧的
meteorite 陨石
kennel 狗屋,犬舍
huge value 巨大价值
bid 出价,喊价
abode 住所
asteroid impact 小行星撞击
fragment 碎片
fetch 卖得(某价格)
1. How big was the meteorite that hit the dog kennel?
2. How badly injured was Rocky the dog?
3. What’s special about an object from space that’s sold at auction?
4. True or false? Part of an asteroid from Mars is also being auctioned.
1. How big was the meteorite that hit the dog kennel?
It was the size of a golf ball.
2. How badly injured was Rocky the dog?
Rocky was unhurt, but he’s lost his kennel.
3. What’s special about an object from space that’s sold at auction?
Anything that has been struck by an object from space has huge value at auction.
4. True or false? Part of an asteroid from Mars is also being auctioned.
False. Also, on offer is a big chunk of Mars that was blasted off the planet’s surface by an asteroid impact.

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