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European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on November 30 that 480,000 artillery shells "have been delivered (to Ukraine) or are in the process of being prepared" as part of the EU's ammunition procurement program.

冯德莱恩:48万枚欧盟制造的炮弹已交付或正在运往乌克兰欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩 11 月 30 日表示,作为欧盟弹药采购计划的一部分,48 万枚炮弹“已经交付(到乌克兰)或正在准备中” 。

Von der Leyen told the European Defense Agency's annual conference that the EU would be able to produce 1 million rounds of ammunition a year starting in 2024. "This would have been unthinkable two years ago. This already marks a major step forward in our defense cooperation."

冯德莱恩在欧洲防务局年度会议上表示,从 2024 年开始,欧盟每年将能够生产 100 万发弹药。“这在两年前是不可想象的。这已经标志着我们的防务合作向前迈出了一大步。”

Von der Leyen said Russia's war on Ukraine showed that the EU defense industry had to produce more to meet not only Ukraine's needs, but also its own deterrence and defense systems. "The war in Ukraine has consumed more hardware than any other war in recent history.


Russia fires 10 million shells a year. Ukraine consumes 10,000 drones a month. This means that the European defence industry must also mobilise, "she told European defence officials, lawmakers and industry representatives. "The reality is that we don't have enough ammunition and weapons. There is no large inventory, a lack of spare capacity. Because in peacetime, we don't think we need them.

俄罗斯一年发射了1000万发炮弹。乌克兰每月消耗 10,000 架无人机。这意味着欧洲国防工业也必须动员起来,”她告诉欧洲国防官员、立法者和工业代表。“现实是我们没有足够的弹药和武器。没有大量库存,缺乏闲置产能。因为在和平时期,我们认为我们不需要它们。

That needs to change." Von der Leyen said the European Commission would present a new "European Defence Industrial strategy" early next year. European and Ukrainian officials admitted earlier this month that the EU had failed to deliver 1 million artillery shells to Ukraine as planned. Under the plan approved in March, the EU aims to accomplish this within a year. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Demitro Kuleba blamed the delay on the "poor state of the European defense industry."

这需要改变。”冯德莱恩表示,欧盟委员会将于明年初提出新的“欧洲国防工业战略”。欧洲和乌克兰官员本月早些时候承认,欧盟未能按计划向乌克兰交付 100 万枚炮弹。根据三月份批准的计划,欧盟的目标是在一年内完成这一任务。乌克兰外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴将延误归咎于“欧洲国防工业状况不佳”。

An investigation by the Kyiv Independent and its partners revealed that the group's plans to increase shell production to enhance Ukraine's artillery capabilities are plagued by bureaucracy and protectionism in individual countries.


With Russia increasing its defense budget for 2024 and reportedly able to obtain more than 1 million artillery shells from North Korea, and political infighting in Washington leading to a reduction in U.S. military support for Kiev, Ukraine's need for ammunition supplies has become increasingly urgent.



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