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2017-10-16CNN News: 特朗普拒确认伊朗遵守核协议 欲解决“漏洞”?

特朗普拒确认伊朗遵守核协议 欲解决漏洞?We hope you had a great weekend and we thank you for tak... [查看全文]

2017-10-13CNN News: 特朗普签署行政令向奥巴马医改动刀

Hi. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN 10, delivering your down-the-middle explanation of current events.我... [查看全文]

2017-10-12CNN News: 加州大火 伤势惨重

This is CNN 10, your objective explanation of news and features from around the world. And ... [查看全文]

2017-10-11CNN News: 美国药物滥用问题再次引发深思

Hi. I`m Carl Azuz and this is CNN 10.大家好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹,欢迎您收看CNN学生新闻。Today`s show... [查看全文]

2017-10-10CNN News: 加泰罗尼亚问题再度升温 独立与否何去何从

That`s our first story today on CNN 10. I`m Carl Azuz and we`re glad to have you watching.... [查看全文]

2017-10-08CNN News: 沙特将允许女性驾驶车辆

Our last show of the week begins with a significant cultural change in Saudi Arabia. The ki... [查看全文]