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2018-11-17第29课:The Spring Festival 春节

经典句子:Time flies! The Spring Festival is around the corner! 时间飞快!马上就到春节了。Tomorrow will be the first... [查看全文]

2018-11-16第28课:Building Blocks 搭积木

经典句子:Get the blocks out.把积木拿出来吧。They are all different shapes and colors.他们有不同的形状和颜色。Think of ... [查看全文]

2018-11-16第27课:Making a Cake 做蛋糕

经典句子:Break four eggs and add in the bowl.打四个鸡蛋到碗里。Separate the yolk from the egg white.把蛋黄和蛋清分开... [查看全文]

2018-11-16第26课:I want this, Mom 妈妈,我想要这个

经典句子:You promised you won’t ask for anything.你答应过不会要任何东西。Don’t go back on your promise.不... [查看全文]

2018-11-15第25课:In the supermarket 在超市

经典句子:We'll have fish for dinner. 我们晚上要吃鱼。Let's go shopping.让我们去购物。First let's make a shopping list... [查看全文]

2018-11-15第24课:Tidy Up Your Toys 收拾下你的玩具

经典句子:What should you do with your toys when you finish playing with them?玩具玩儿完了应该怎样啊?Let's clean th... [查看全文]

2018-11-15第23课:Doing the laundry 洗衣服

经典句子:A sunnny day is a good laundry day.晴天是洗衣服的好日子Sort the colored clothes and the whites.把彩色的衣服... [查看全文]

2018-11-14第22课:Happy New Year 新年快乐

经典句子:January 1 is New Year's Day on the solar calendar.元旦是阳历新年。In our country, we have another New Ye... [查看全文]

2018-11-14第21课:Seasons 季节

经典句子:Which season do you like the most?你最喜欢哪个季节?I love spring most.我最喜欢春天。We have four seasons i... [查看全文]

2018-11-14第20课:Merry Christmas 圣诞节快乐

经典句子:It's almost Christmas.快到圣诞节了。Not yet. 还没有呢。There are still three days to wait.还要等三天。Let's p... [查看全文]