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2010-06-06迈克尔.杰克逊:Why you wanna trip on me

They say I'm different They don't understand But there's a bigger problem That's much more in demand You got world hunger Not enough to eat So... [查看全文]


Nation to nation all the world must get together face the problems that we see. 全世界所有的国家必须团结起来面对我们所看到的问题。 Then maybe ... [查看全文]

2010-06-06迈克尔.杰克逊:I just can't stop loving you

I Just Can't Stop Loving You 止不住的爱恋 Each time the wind blows 你的声音 I hear your voice so 每次伴随微风拂来 I call your name 我轻... [查看全文]

2010-06-06迈克尔.杰克逊:Another part of me

written & composed by michael jackson as he came into the window it was the sound of a crescendo he came into her apartment he left ... [查看全文]

2010-06-05Go west 世界杯每场结束时的音乐

PET SHOP BOYS - Go West Come on, come on, come on, come on (Together) We will go our way (Together) We will leave someday (Together) Your... [查看全文]

2010-06-05南非世界杯主题曲:Waving Flag(混音版)

2010年的世界杯赛将与今年6月在南非举办。南非世界杯组委会日前宣布,索马里裔加拿大歌手克南(K’naan)创作并演唱的《飘扬的旗帜》被选为本届世界杯的主题歌。... [查看全文]

2010-06-04迈克尔.杰克逊:Just good friends

Just good friend Michael Jackson Na na na-na na na na nah! Hoo hoo! Dancing- Hee! Doggone lover! C'mon boy I watched you on the floor Cheek... [查看全文]

2010-06-04迈克尔.杰克逊:Liberian girl

Liberian girl.. 利比里亚女郎 You came and you changed my world 你的到来改变了我的世界 A love so brand-new 带给我一场崭新的爱情 Liberian girl..... [查看全文]

2010-06-04迈克尔.杰克逊:Speed demon

I'm Headed For The Border 我驶向边境 It's On My Mind 这就是我的心境 And Nothin' Really Matters 没有什么大不了的事情 I've Got To Be On Time... [查看全文]

2010-06-04迈克尔.杰克逊:The lady in my life

the lady in my life michael jackson there'll be no darkness tonight lady our love will shine just put your trust in my heart and mee... [查看全文]