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2016-05-28跨性别人士的如厕问题 成为人权新议题

The people of Palatine, Ill., a middle-class suburb of Chicago marked by generic strip malls and tidy cul-de-sacs... [查看全文]

2016-05-27老顾客11天未订披萨 达美乐送餐员救其性命

Thanks to the concern of a long-time deliverydriver, a Domino's Pizza regular was rescued right inthe nick of... [查看全文]


  Eurozone finance ministers say they have reached a "major breakthrough" in negotiating the latest debt relief ... [查看全文]


  They may have lived some 1,700 years ago, but the ancient Maya had an incredible knowledge of celestial bodi... [查看全文]


Relatives of victims of the Malaysian airliner shotdown over Ukraine in July 2014 are suing Russia andPresident V... [查看全文]

2016-05-26英国财政部 脱欧将导致逾50万岗位流失

Britain faces the loss of more than half a million jobsif it votes to leave the EU, according to a bleakanalys... [查看全文]


Later this week, President Obama plans to visit amemorial in Hiroshima, Japan, that displays a largephotograph of... [查看全文]

2016-05-26长征七号安全运抵海南文昌 计划于6月下旬择机发射

China's fourth space launch center, the Wenchangsatellite launch center in southern Hainan Province, ispreparing... [查看全文]


President Barack Obama stopped for a meal with celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain on the first leg of the president... [查看全文]


For people living in some remote villages in Indonesia, heating houses and fuelling stoves can be a real challen... [查看全文]