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The results appear to confirm previous research that found working memory allows humans to juggle multiple thought... [查看全文]

2012-03-19双语:韩国高学历“剩女”难嫁 只能求助婚介所

Korean, educated and female? Find a matchmaker韩国高学历剩女难嫁 只能求助婚介所If you are thirty-plus and a woman wi... [查看全文]

2012-03-19双语:全球高校名气榜出炉 亚洲大学声誉上升

World 'reputation' rankings: US universities in lead全球高校名气榜出炉 亚洲大学声誉上升Harvard and the Massachus... [查看全文]


Valentine's Day is considered a sweet holiday as gifts typically revolve around unhealthy candy and snacks. Ho... [查看全文]


论正确的求婚方式我们常说,说话的方式比说话的内容更重要,这篇文章就很能体现这一点。作者以调侃的口吻谈求婚一事,句式、用词简单,但作... [查看全文]

2012-02-07[双语] 二十个习惯改变自己

1. Stay positive.You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can kn... [查看全文]

2012-01-20[双语] 雅虎创始人杨致远辞职 酋长的辞职信

杨致远的辞职信To: all yahoos致雅虎全体员工:I wanted to address all of you on the news we've just announced. Th... [查看全文]

2011-08-26[双语] 揭秘苹果前CEO 乔布斯堪比大活宝

Steve Jobs is a force of nature, a truly iconic man whose quirks are nearly as famous as the products he sell... [查看全文]

2011-08-22[双语] 猫真的有九条命吗?

Some people believe in the superstition that cats have nine lives, because cats can survive falls from high plac... [查看全文]

2011-08-11[双语新闻] 美"信用评级下调"致全球股市暴跌

美国主权信用评级下调后的影响仍在全世界范围继续,全球股市周一暴跌。奥巴马发表电视讲话为股市打气,称美国永远是3A级。  The first-e... [查看全文]