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2011-08-06[双语] 希特勒罕见画作亮相 尽显艺术天赋

This touching sketch of a cherub sitting on a cushion covered in love hearts was amazingly drawn by Adolf Hitle... [查看全文]


可爱乖巧的海豚和海狮充当高效反恐先锋(pioneer),成为美国反恐大军中的佼佼者。它们不仅可为美国海军减少巨额损失,同时还能帮助救赎生命... [查看全文]


Facebook and Twitter have created a generation obsessedwith themselves, who have short attention spans and a child... [查看全文]

2011-08-04[双语新闻] 普京:美国是全球经济的“寄生虫”

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused the United States Monday of living beyond its means "like a parasit... [查看全文]

2011-08-03[双语]哈里王子新女友 甜美可人受肯定

Prince Harry's relationship with Florence Brudenell-Bruce is getting serious, with thelingerie model keen for hi... [查看全文]

2011-08-03[双语新闻] 奥巴马迎来50岁生日 债务危机泼冷水

It was supposed to be a big party, now it may not happen at all.奥巴马总统原本准备举办一场50岁盛大庆生派对,而现在很... [查看全文]


China's Sun Yang broke Grant Hackett's 1,500 metres freestyle world record on Sunday to take world champio... [查看全文]

2011-08-01[双语]伦敦奥运会倒计时一周年 奖牌首曝光

The London 2012 Olympic medals have been unveiled in a special ceremony at Trafalgar Square as Britain starts th... [查看全文]

2011-08-01[双语新闻]小贝新添性感纹身 竟刻爱女大名

He's famously already got body art dedicated to his wife Victoria and sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - so it... [查看全文]

2011-07-30[双语]苏格兰小猪恋家心切 漂洋过海游回家

两只被放养到苏格兰岛屿上的小猪崽( piglet)思乡心切,便横跨海洋,奔波近1.5公里后成功回家。猪儿们对家的眷恋以及漂洋过海的壮举,着实... [查看全文]