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2021-11-16日常英语 糟糕

There are times when saying sorry is not enough to spare you from embarrassment. A few weeks ago I baked a c... [查看全文]

2021-11-16日常英语 肥胖之地

I'm glad I'm not alone. The number of people in the world who are obese or overweight has topped 2.1 billion,... [查看全文]

2021-11-16日常英语 城市摩天大楼直冲云端

When you're walking around a city, how often do you look up and admire the view? Many of us are in too much... [查看全文]

2021-11-16日常英语 崇拜名人之风

Lady Gaga! Paris Hilton! Kim Kardashian! Err… Kim Kardashian's hairdresser! These days we have so many celebriti... [查看全文]

2021-11-16日常英语 是真还是假?

What would you do if you were told that the masterpiece you bought for £100,000 was actually a fake? That's ... [查看全文]

2021-11-15日常英语 未来的电视

I've worked in the media for over ten years. I love films, documentaries and all kinds of TV programmes. So, ... [查看全文]

2021-11-15日常英语 给公司或产品起名字的艺术

When the weather's hot, do you enjoy a glass of Brad's Drink while watching your TV made by Tokyo Telecommunic... [查看全文]

2021-11-15日常英语 超市各种促销手段导致食品浪费严重

Are you guilty of throwing away food? Many of us end up binning unwanted, uneaten or out- of-date food while ... [查看全文]

2021-11-15日常英语 照片中的你是真的吗?

I have a confession to make: I don't look very much like the picture I uploaded to my social media profile. ... [查看全文]

2021-11-15日常英语 你是工作狂吗?

Do you check your work emails when you're on holiday? Do you call your colleagues to ask what's happening in ... [查看全文]