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2018-07-29双语诗歌|叶芝:十九世纪及之后 The Nineteenth Century and After

The Nineteenth Century and After十九世纪及之后Though the great song return no more虽然伟大的歌声不再,There's keen... [查看全文]

2018-07-29双语诗歌|叶芝:溅出的牛奶 Spilt Milk

Spilt Milk溅出的牛奶We that have done and thought,我们都曾做过什么,想过什么,That have thought and done,我们的一切所做... [查看全文]

2018-07-28双语诗歌|叶芝:象征 Symbols

Symbols象征A storm-beaten old watch-tower,一座风雨中古老的瞭望塔。A blind hermit rings the hour.一位盲隐士敲响报时的钟。Al... [查看全文]

2018-07-28双语诗歌|叶芝:一个男人的青春与暮年 A Man Young and Old

A Man Young and Old一个男人的青春与暮年I一First Love初恋Though nurtured like the sailing moon是美色的孕育,In beauty... [查看全文]

2018-07-27双语诗歌|叶芝:路边的傻子 The Fool by the Roadside

The Fool by the Roadside路边的傻子When all works that have当所有从摇篮From cradle run to grave跑进坟墓的东西From grav... [查看全文]

2018-07-27双语诗歌|叶芝:在学童中间 Among School Children

Among School Children在学童中间Ⅰ一I walk through the long schoolroom questioning;我边走边问,从长长的教室走过,A kind o... [查看全文]

2018-07-26双语诗歌|叶芝:丽达与天鹅 Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan丽达与天鹅A sudden blow:the great wings beating still突然一击:在踉跄的少女身上Above the staggering ... [查看全文]

2018-07-26双语诗歌|叶芝:断章 Fragments

Fragments断章Ⅰ一Locke sank into a swoon;洛克晕倒;The Garden died;乐园荒去;God took the spinning-jenny上帝从他的肋骨Out... [查看全文]

2018-07-25双语诗歌|叶芝:新面孔 The New Faces

The New Faces新面孔If you, that have grown old, were the first dead,若你老了,先我而去,Neither catalpa tree nor sc... [查看全文]

2018-07-25双语诗歌|叶芝:青年与老年 Youth and Age

Youth and Age青年与老年Much did I rage when young,年轻时我曾那般愤怒Being by the world oppressed,因感受着这世界的压抑,... [查看全文]