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2018-07-24双语诗歌|叶芝:轮 The Wheel

The Wheel轮Through winter-time we call on spring,在冬天里我们呼唤春天,And through the spring on summer call,在春天里... [查看全文]

2018-07-24双语诗歌|叶芝:驶向拜占庭 Sailing to Byzantium

Sailing to Byzantium驶向拜占庭Ⅰ一That is no country for old men. The young那并非老年人适宜的居所。In one another'... [查看全文]

2018-07-23双语诗歌|叶芝:拟镌于巴利里塔畔石上的铭文 To be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee

To be Carved on a Stone at Thoor Ballylee拟镌于巴利里塔畔石上的铭文I, the poet William Yeats,我,诗人威廉·巴特勒·叶... [查看全文]

2018-07-23双语诗歌|叶芝:战时冥想 A Meditation in Time of War

A Meditation in Time of War战时冥想For one throb of the artery,在被风摧折的老树荫里,While on that old grey stone ... [查看全文]

2018-07-22双语诗歌|叶芝:1916年复活节 Easter,1916

Easter,19161916年复活节I have met them at close of day黄昏时候我还见过他们,Coming with vivid faces一张张鲜活的脸,从Fro... [查看全文]

2018-07-22双语诗歌|叶芝:猫与月 The Cat and the Moon

The Cat and the Moon猫与月The cat went here and there那猫儿走来走去的,And the moon spun round like a top,月亮则如... [查看全文]

2018-07-21双语诗歌|叶芝:致凯尔奈诺的一只松鼠 To a Squirrel at Kyle-Na-No

To a Squirrel at Kyle-Na-No致凯尔奈诺的一只松鼠Come play with me;来和我玩吧!Why should you run可你为什么要跑,Through ... [查看全文]

2018-07-21双语诗歌|叶芝:心念的气球 The Balloon of the Mind

The Balloon of the Mind心念的气球Hands, do what you're bid:双手啊,听从我的指令,Bring the balloon of the mind快... [查看全文]

2018-07-20双语诗歌|叶芝:深沉的誓言 A Deep-Sworn Vow

A Deep-Sworn Vow深沉的誓言Others because you did not keep因你未守那深沉的誓言,That deep-sworn vow have been friends ... [查看全文]

2018-07-20双语诗歌|叶芝:记忆 Memory

Memory记忆One had a lovely face,这一位有着可爱的容貌,And two or three had charm,那几位有着迷人的气质,But charm and f... [查看全文]