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2010-06-01雅思分类词汇 职衔职称

立法机关 LEGISLATURE 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Cha... [查看全文]

2010-05-272010年5月雅思考题变化大 新题比例将会增加

每年5月,雅思考试会出现一次更新性的变革。据有关方面记载,雅思口语考试变化的趋势比较明显。新题比例逐步提高,旧题比例减少,并将在未来3-5年内完全使用新题。现在新题比... [查看全文]


例: 解析:call forth no response in sb's breast 在某人心中不起反应 in response to 响应, 反应 make no response 不回答(常指... [查看全文]


今年起 申请英国计点积分制有变化 语言要求更严格 有关人士提醒   从今年起,申请英国的计点积分制有了新的变化,语言要求比原来更加严格,2010年申请的学生将被要求达... [查看全文]


1. ______________ is known as one of the most serious problems in today’s society. We can see it almost everywhere. As the graph depic... [查看全文]


You are writing your first letter to a pen pal. Introduce yourself and tell her that you will be visiting her country during the summer va... [查看全文]


Task 1:The two bar charts below show the percentages of male and female students in secondary education and higher education for four differ... [查看全文]


一、句型的重要性   中国雅思考生写作平均分是听说读写当中最低的一门。写作得高分难,但是低于5.5分也是值得我们广大的考生和教师深思的问题。大家都知道木桶原理,即一个... [查看全文]


  Dear Manager:   I am a reporter from the News Weekend. Because of the demand of my work, I often come to Beijing to do interviews. Yo... [查看全文]

2010-05-11雅思考试作文:Children learn best by observing the behavior of adul

  The Process of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless factors that influence children's growth, the behavior of adults p... [查看全文]