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2011-06-11民事法律 (t)

他物权 jus in re aliena 探视权 visitation right 探视权 visitation right 特别法 special law 特别合伙 special partnership 特别留置权 special lien 特定之债 certain obligation 特许权使用费 royalties 提存 debtors submission of the subject matter of obligation to competent authority 天然孳息 natur [查看全文]

2011-06-10民事法律 ( s )

善意占有 possession in good faith 商标代理 trademark agency 商标公告 trademark gazette 商标国际注册 international registration of trademark 商标评审委员会 trade review and appraisal board 商标侵权 trademark infringement 商标权 trademark right 商标审查 trademark examination 商标使用许可协议 trademar [查看全文]

2011-06-09民事法律 ( r )

让与担保 alienation guarantee 人格权 right of personality 人权 human right 人身权利 personal right 人身损害 damage to person 人役权 servitus personarum; personal servitude 任意之债 voluntary obligation 日尔曼法 Germantic la [查看全文]

2011-06-08民事法律 ( q )

企业法人 legal body of enterprise 企业集团 group of enterprise 亲权 parental power; parental right 亲属权 right of relative 侵权行为 tort 侵权行为之债 tort obligation 清偿 discharge; satisfaction 情事变更原则 doctrine of change of circumstances 请求权 right of claim 全权代理 general agency 全权 [查看全文]

2011-06-07民事法律 ( n p )

拟制血亲 blood relations in fiction of law 农村承包经营户 leaseholding rural household 诺成性民事法律行为 consental civil legal act 判例法 case law; precedent 旁系血亲 collateral relation blood relation 配偶 spouse 配偶权 right of spouse 剽窃 plagiary; plagiarism 漂流物 drifting object 平等原则 [查看全文]

2011-06-03民事法律 (l m)

离婚 divorce 利用权 right to make use of 例外法 exception law 连带之债 joint obligation 联营 joint venture 林权 forest ownership 留置权 lien 录制权 right of fixation 律师代理 agency by lawyer 罗马法 Roman Law 罗马法系 Roman law system 埋藏物 fortuna; hidden property 买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage [查看全文]

2011-06-02民事法律 (j k)

机械复制权 right of mechanograph; right of mechanical reproduction 计划生育 birth control 技术诀窍 know-how 既得权 tested right 继承参与人 succession participant 继承法 inheritance law; law of succession 继承人 heir; successor 继受法 adopted law 间接继承 indirect succession 监护 guardianshi [查看全文]

2011-06-01民事法律 ( h )

合法行为 lawful act 合伙 partnership 合伙财产 property of partnership 合伙企业 partnership business establishment 合伙人 partner 合伙协议 partnership agreement 合伙型联营 coordinated management in partnership 合伙债务 debt of partnership 合同之债 contractual obligation 合作社 cooperative 衡平法 [查看全文]

2011-05-31民事法律 (e f)

( e f ) 恶意占有 malicious possession 发表权 right of publication 发明创造 invention and creation 发明权 right of invention 发现权 right of discovery 法定代理人 statutory agent; legal agent 法定继承 legal seccession 法定违约金 liquidated damages by law 法定之债 legal obligation 法定孳息 legal [查看全文]

2011-05-30民事法律 ( d )

( d ) 大陆法 continental law 大陆法系 civil law system 代理 agency 代理权 right of agency 代理人 agent 代理行为 act of agency 代位继承 representation; succession by subrogation 代位权 subrogated right 单独继承 single succession 单方民事法律行为 unilateral civil legal act 单一之债 single obligatio [查看全文]