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2013-06-14CNN News:美国家安全局称监听电话只为反恐

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.大家好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹。And this is CNN STUDENT NEWS where Fridays areawesome .星期五的CNN学生... [查看全文]

2013-06-14CNN News:美海豹突击队员变性成女人后希望过普通生活

Hi, I'm Anderson cooper ,welcome to the the podcast,大家好,我是安德森•库珀,欢迎来到播客节目,the remarkable stor... [查看全文]

2013-06-08CNN News:意大利新增加新型冠状病毒病例

Discussing donations ,fighting fires and parking without people-all that's coming up.讨论捐献,应对火情,无人停车—所... [查看全文]

2013-06-07CNN News:土耳其抗议公园事件演变成暴力事件

I'm Carl Azuz, and this is CNN STUDENT NEWS.我是卡尔·阿祖兹,这里是CNN学生新闻。And this is our last week of th... [查看全文]

2013-06-07CNN News:Facebook称将改进网站中的仇恨言论处理工作

People should always be concerned whenever there is an emerging infectious disease,每当有新兴传染病的时候人们应该总是担... [查看全文]

2013-06-05CNN News:白宫截获寄送给奥巴马的"毒信"

It's the end of the month, the end of the week and the start of the new day of CNN STUDENT NEWS.又到了本... [查看全文]

2013-06-04CNN News:多国抗议孟山都公司的转基因食品

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.大家好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹。I'm 6-2, I have dark hair and brown eyes.现年62岁的我却有着黑黑的头... [查看全文]

2013-06-03CNN News:最高法院将聆审讨论平权法案及同性婚姻问题

A rising rate, a tagging tourist and a rollicking roll-all coming up in today's show.一个上升的比率,一位执着的游... [查看全文]

2013-06-01CNN News:巴黎士兵闹市惨遭割喉 缉凶调查正在展开

We begin though with the first batch of terrorrelated developments this holiday.我们首先从一连串恐怖相关的事件开始今天... [查看全文]