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2013-07-03CNN News:美国各地出台法令严禁松垮裤 违者将罚款

Time now for the "Ridiculist."又到了我们的最为荒谬者节目环节。And tonight, a town in Southern Georgia is taking a st... [查看全文]

2013-07-02CNN News:美最高法院裁定支持同性婚姻 讲究平等

I'm Anderson Cooper.我是安德森·库珀。Welcome to the podcast.欢迎收看播客节目。The Supreme Court makes history on s... [查看全文]

2013-07-02CNN News:塔拉万案件逐渐浮出水面 证人与被害人相识多年

The trial seems to have one witness who becomes something of a sensation.审判似乎有一位证人作证就有一种感觉。And in ... [查看全文]