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《魔法师的外甥》 第十五章 大结局和新开始






Aslan.The children blinked and looked about them.They were once more in the Wood between the Worlds;Uncle Andrew lay on the grass,still asleep;Aslan stood beside them.
“Come,”said Aslan;“it is time that you went back.But there are two things to see to first;a warning,and a command.Look here,children.”
They looked and saw a little hollow in the grass,with a grassy bottom,warm and dry.
“When you were last here,”said Aslan,“that hollow was a pool,and when you jumped into it you came to the world where a dying sun shone over the ruins of Charn.There is no pool now. That world is ended,as if it had never been.Let the race of Adam and Eve take warning.”
“Yes,Aslan,”said both the children.But Polly added,“But we’re not quite as bad as that world,are we,Aslan ?”
“Not yet,Daughter of Eve,”he said.“Not yet.But you are growing more like it.It is not certain that some wicked one of your race will not find out a secret as evil as the Deplorable Word and use it to destroy all living things.And soon,very soon,before you are an old man and an old woman,great nations in your world will be ruled by tyrants who care no more for joy and justice and mercy than the Empress Jadis.Let your world beware.That is the warning.Now for the command.As soon as you can,take from this Uncle of yours his magic rings and bury them so that no one can use them again.”
Both the children were looking up into the Lion’s face as he spoke these words.And all at once(they never knew exactly how it happened)the face seemed to be a sea of tossing gold in which they were floating,and such a sweetness and power rolled about them and over them and entered them that they felt they had never really been happy or wise or good,or even alive and awake,before.And the memory of that moment stayed with them always,so that as long as they both lived,if ever they were sad or afraid or angry,the thought of all that golden goodness,and the feeling that it was still there, quite close,just round some corner or just behind some door,would come back and make them sure,deep down inside,that all was well .Next minute all three of them(Uncle Andrew now awake)came tumbling into the noise,heat,and hot smells of London.
They were on the pavement outside the Ketterleys’front door, and except that the Witch,the Horse,and the Cabby were gone, everything was exactly as they had left it.There was the lamp-post,with one arm missing;there was the wreck of the hansom cab;and there was the crowd.Everyone was still talking and people were kneeling beside the damaged policeman,saying things like,“He’s coming round”or“How do you feel now,old chap ?”or“The Ambulance will be here in a jiffy.”
“Great Scott !”thought Digory,“I believe the whole adventure’s taken no time at all.”
Most people were wildly looking round for Jadis and the horse. No one took any notice of the children for no one had seen them go or noticed them coming back.As for Uncle Andrew,what between the state of his clothes and the honey on his face,he could not have been recognized by anyone.Fortunately the front door of the house was open and the housemaid was standing in the doorway staring at the fun (what a day that girl was having !)so the children had no difficulty in bustling Uncle Andrew indoors before anyone asked any questions.
He raced up the stirs before them and at first they were very afraid he was heading for his attic and meant to hide his remaining magic rings.But they needn’t have bothered.What he was thinking about was the bottle in his wardrobe,and he disappeared at once into his bedroom and locked the door.When he came out again(which was not for a long time)he was in his dressinggown and made straight for the bathroom.
“Can you get the other rings,Poll ?”said Digory.“I want to go to Mother.”
“Right.See you later,”said Polly and clattered up the attic stairs.
Then Digory took a minute to get his breath,and then went softly into his Mother’s room.And there she lay,as he had seen her lie so many other times,propped up on the pillows,with a thin,pale face that would make you cry to look at.Digory took the Apple of Life out of his pocket.
And just as the Witch Jadis had looked different when you saw her in our world instead of in her own,so the fruit of that mountain garden looked different too.There were of course all sorts of coloured things in the bedroom;the coloured counterpane on the bed,the wallpaper,the sunlight from the window,and Mother’s pretty,pale blue dressing jacket.But the moment Digory took the Apple out of his pocket,all those things seemed to have scarcely any colour at all.Every one of them,even the sunlight,looked faded and dingy.The brightness of the Apple threw strange lights on the ceiling.Nothing else was worth looking at:you couldn’t look at anything else.And the smell of the Apple of Youth was as if there was a window in the room that opened on Heaven.
“Oh,darling,how lovely,”said Digory’s Mother.
“You will eat it,won’t you ? Please,”said Digory.
“I don’t know what the Doctor would say,”she answered.“But really-I almost feel as if I could.”
He peeled it and cut it up and gave it to her piece by piece. And no sooner had she finished it than she smiled and her head sank back on the pillow and she was asleep:a real,natural,gentle sleep,without any of those nasty drugs,which was,as Digory knew,the thing in the whole world that she wanted most.And he was sure now that her face looked a little different.He bent down and kissed her very softly and stole out of the room with a beating heart;taking the core of the apple with him.For the rest of that day,whenever he looked at the things about him,and saw how ordinary and unmagical they were,he hardly dared to hope;but when he remembered the face of Aslan he did hope.
That evening he buried the core of the Apple in the back garden.
Next morning when the Doctor made his usual visit,Digory leaned over the banisters to listen.He heard the Doctor come out with Aunt Letty and say:
“Miss Ketterley,this is the most extraordinary case I have known in my whole medical career.It is-it is like a miracle.I wouldn’t tell the little boy anything at present;we don’t want to raise any false hopes.But in my opinion-”then his voice became too low to hear.
That afternoon he went down the garden and whistled their agreed secret signal for Polly(she hadn’t been able to get back the day before).
“What luck ?”said Polly,looking over the wall.“I mean, about your Mother ?”
“I think-I think it is going to be all right,”said Digory.“But if you don’t mind I’d really rather not talk about it yet.What about the rings ?”
“I’ve got them all,”said Polly.“Look,it’s all right,I’m wearing gloves.Let’s bury them.”
“Yes,let’s.I’ve marked the place where I buried the core of the Apple yesterday.”
Then Polly came over the wall and they went together to the place.But,as it turned out,Digory need not have marked the place.Something was already coming up.It was not growing so that you could see it grow as the new trees had done in Narnia;but it was already well above ground.They got a trowel and buried all the magic rings,including their own ones,in a circle round it.
About a week after this it was quite certain that Digory’s Mother was getting better.About a fortnight later she was able to sit out in the garden.And a month later that whole house had become a different place.Aunt Letty did everything that Mother liked;windows were opened,frowsy curtains were drawn back to brighten up the rooms, there were new flowers everywhere,and nicer things to eat,and the old piano was tuned and Mother took up her singing again,and had such games with Digory and Polly that Aunt Letty would say“I declare,Mabel,you’re the biggest baby of the three.”
When things go wrong,you’ll find they usually go on getting worse for some time;but when things once start going right they often go on getting better and better.After about six weeks of this lovely life there came a long letter from Father in India,which had wonderful news in it.Old Great-Uncle Kirke had died and this meant,apparently,that Father was now very rich.He was going to retire and come home from India forever and ever.And the great big house in the country,which Digory had heard of all his life and never seen would now be their home;the big house with the suits of armour,the stables,the kennels,the river,the park,the hot-houses,the vineries,the woods,and the mountains behind it.So that Digory felt just as sure as you that they were all going to live happily ever after.But perhaps you would like to know just one or two things more.
Polly and Digory were always great friends and she came nearly every holidays to stay with them at their beautiful house in the country;and that was where she learned to ride and swim and milk and bake and climb.
In Narnia the Beasts lived in great peace and joy and neither the Witch nor any other enemy came to trouble that pleasant land for many hundred years.King Frank and Queen Helen and their children lived happily in Narnia and their second son became King of Archenland.The boys married nymphs and the girls married wood—gods and river-gods.The lamp-post which the Witch had planted(without knowing it)shone day and night in the Narnian forest,so that the place where it grew came to be called Lantern Waste;and when,many years later,another child from our world got into Narnia,on a snowy night,she found the light still burning.And that adventure was,in a way,connected with the ones I have just been telling you.
It was like this.The tree which sprang from the Apple that Digory planted in the back garden,lived and grew into a fine tree.Growing in the soil of our world,far out of the sound of Aslan’s voice and far from the young air of Narnia,it did not bear apples that would revive a dying woman as Digory’s Mother had been revived,though it did bear apples more beautiful than any others in England,and they were extremely good for you,though not fully magical.But inside itself,in the very sap of it,the tree(so to speak)never forgot that other tree in Narnia to which it belonged.Sometimes it would move mysteriously when there was no wind blowing:I think that when this happened there were high winds in Narnia and the English tree quivered because,at that moment,the Narnia tree was rocking and swaying in a strong south western gale.However that might be,it was proved later that there was still magic in its wood.For when Digory was quite middleaged(and he was a famous learned man,a Professor,and a great traveller by that time) and the Ketterleys’ old house belonged to him,there was a great storm all over the south of England which blew the tree down.He couldn’t bear to have it simply chopped up for firewood,so he had part of the timber made into a wardrobe,which he put in his big house in the country.And though he himself did not discover the magic properties of that wardrobe,someone else did.That was the beginning of all the comings and goings between Narnia and our world,which you can read of in other books.
When Digory and his people went to live in the big country house,they took Uncle Andrew to live with them;for Digory’s Father said,“We must try to keep the old fellow out of mischief,and it isn’t fair that poor Letty should have him always on her hands.”Uncle Andrew never tried any Magic again as long as he lived.He had learned his lesson,and in his old age he became a nicer and less selfish old man than he had ever been before.But he always liked to get visitors alone in the billiard-room and tell them stories about a mysterious lady,a foreign royalty,with whom he had driven about London.“A devilish temper she had,”he would say.“But she was a dem fine woman,sir,a dem fine woman.”

第十五章 大结局和新开始

“你们上次来的时候,”阿斯兰说,“这里还是个水潭。你们跳进去之后,就到了那个毫无生机的废墟之地恰恩。现在水潭没了, 那个世界也就没了,像从未存在过一样。让亚当和夏娃的后代作为前车之鉴吧。”
“还没呢,夏娃之女。”它说,“但是你们正在向它发展。说不定, 你们种族的那些心术不正的人,也会发现灭绝世界那样的邪恶咒语, 用它来摧毁生命。快了快了,在你们老去之前,你们的世界将被独裁者控制,会像简蒂丝女王一样,不在乎幸福、公正和仁慈。你们小心点吧。这就是我刚刚说的第一个警告。接下来就是命令,尽快找到你们舅舅的戒指,并将它长埋地下,别让任何人再次使用它。”
当狮子说这话的时候,孩子们抬头凝视着他的脸。不知道为什么, 转瞬间,那张脸变成了一片金色的海洋,而他们正漂浮其中,被甜蜜幸福和充满力量的感觉紧紧包围着,并渗入他们的身体里,使他们感觉到,自己其实从未真正的幸福、聪慧过,甚至从未活过、清醒过。这段在金色海洋中漂浮的记忆,在有生之年一直伴随着他们,当他们感到悲伤、恐惧或者愤怒,这段金色的记忆就会重现,仿佛他们仍然沉浸在内,那么近,在某个拐角处或者某扇门之后,马上就要扑面而来,让他们从内心深处由衷觉得,现世安稳,岁月美好。不一会, 三个人跌跌撞撞地回到了喧嚣、燥热、气味难闻的伦敦,安德鲁舅舅也醒了过来。
他抢在他们之前跑上了楼,开始,他们还担心他会回到阁楼, 立刻把剩下的魔法戒指藏起来。但是他们想多了,安德鲁舅舅想到的是酒柜里的酒。他进了卧室,立刻锁上了门。过了不久,很短的时间后他再出来时,已经穿上了浴衣,走进了浴室。
就像简蒂丝在我们的世界中,跟她自己的世界看上去不同一样, 山上花园里的果实看起来也有所变化,各种不同颜色的东西摆在卧室内,床罩啦,墙纸啦,从窗子进来的阳光啦,妈妈那件漂亮的淡蓝色睡裙啦。迪格雷拿出苹果,所有的东西,包括阳光都悄然失色了。发光的苹果在天花板上投射出奇异的光芒,你再也不想看别的东西。这颗生命之果的芬芳味道真的让你觉得,这个房间里有一扇窗户,是向天堂开启的。
“我觉得,应该正在好转吧。”迪格雷说,“如果可以的话, 我不想谈这件事情了。戒指的事情怎么样了?”
不顺心的时候,你会觉得糟糕的事情一件接连一件。但一旦事情有所好转,就会变得越来越好。六周以后,远在印度的爸爸寄来一封长信,也写了很多好消息。老叔祖父柯克去世之后留给了爸爸很多遗产,他要从印度辞职回家。迪格雷从小就听说过却从未见过的乡下的那幢大房子就要成他们的家了。房子里有几套盔甲、马厩、养狗场、河流、花园、暖房、葡萄园和树林,还有山。所以,正如大家所想, 迪格雷一家人将过上幸福美满的生活。但大家也许会对另外一些事情感兴趣。
事情是这样的。迪格雷在后花园种下的果核长成了一棵美丽的树。因为被种植在我们这个世界,这里没有阿斯兰的声音,没有纳尼亚充满活力的空气,所以它的果实虽然比其他的苹果都要漂亮,对人身体也有益,但却没有魔力,也无法治疗好病人的病痛。但是,就这棵树的本质而言,它依然没有忘记自己属于纳尼亚。有时候没有风, 它依然会神秘地摇晃,我想,这应该是纳尼亚正在刮风吧。它之所以摇晃,是因为生在纳尼亚的母树正在西南风中的吹拂下摇晃摆动吧。然后,日后被证实了,这棵树的木材仍旧存在着魔力。中年的迪格雷已经成为了著名的学者、教授和旅行家,凯特利的老房子也属于他, 那棵树被英国南部的一场风暴吹倒。迪格雷不忍心把它当柴火烧掉, 便把它做成了一个衣柜,放在了乡下的大房子里。发现衣柜魔力的并不是迪格雷,而是另一个人。这个发现,成为了我们的世界和纳尼亚的世界之间,一个新故事的开始,你可以在本系列书中其他的故事里读到。
后来,迪格雷一家人搬往乡下去住,要住进大房子时,他们带上了安德鲁舅舅。迪格雷的爸爸这样说道,“我们得防止这个老家伙别再出什么乱子。可怜的蕾迪还要照顾他,太不公平了。”安德鲁舅舅有生之年再没做过魔法实验。他吸取了教训,晚年变得没有之前那么自私,反而可爱多了。但是他喜欢在弹子房里单独会见客人, 给他们讲一个神秘的外国贵族女人的故事,说他们曾一同驾着马车游览伦敦。“她脾气不好,”他总是这样说,“但她是个漂亮的女人, 一个非常漂亮的女人。”


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